Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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I'm looking at your avvie Ann, and Jorja is tall isn't she? What's her height? She did model for a while... I'd love to see the theatre shows she's producing, but I'm still waiting for the CSI eppie she once said she'd like to produce. I imagine it to be almost like a musical, but nothing fluffy. I hate fluff. :p So before everything ends, lets all hope that she'll write and direct an eppie so we'd get to see her talent.
ooh i would like to see that, she writing and directing an eppie for csi i that would be great. she is really be good at it.
SidLer said:
I'm looking at your avvie Ann, and Jorja is tall isn't she?
:lol: I was just thinking that the other day! Jorja is tall, I've always noticed that. She's about 5'8", I think. I feel so small :p But also, in the Committed commentary, Jorja did say that Sarah Goldfinger's short :lol: But I suppose a lot of people are short to her ;)

She did model for a while... I'd love to see the theatre shows she's producing, but I'm still waiting for the CSI eppie she once said she'd like to produce.

I really hope she decides to do that. I was ecstatic when I heard that she had been able to persuade the writers to let her write an episode. I wonder what she would have in the episode- would it be central around Sara or would it be, like you mentioned, the musical episode of CSI: she had mentioned? I really want to see how she would portray the other characters as well as Sara herself.

And now that you mentioned her modeling, I have to quote something she said in an interview :p

Venice: So one day you found yourself having a cappuccino in Italy, being a teen model. That must have been culture shock.

Jorja Fox: I thought, 'What the hell am I doing in Italy?' Culture shock was moving to New York! I was a terrible model; I just wasn't that person. It was better in Europe than New York. I would get out of bed and not brush my hair.

:lol: :lol: Now that would be AWESOME! :lol: :p
:) Jorja.. a model.. *swoon*

I drew a lovely picture of her last night. It's not amazing, as I did it on plain computer paper, not sketch paper, and I couldn't get the lips right. But I think it's pretty good, and I'm proud of it as I suck at drawing people. When I scan that on, I'll post it in the pic thread.

Anywhoo, Jorja's writing an eppisode? That'll be great. Did she really say "muscial"? I think I'd probably pee my pants. But she'd be excellent. <3 Can't wait to see that.
She's 5'8"? Man, I'm only about 5'5". Puny. I'll look like a dwarf standing next to her. But that doesnt mean I don't want to stand next to her. You put her next to me now and I'll cement us both to the ground. :p

I think if Jorja were to write an eppie it won't be Sara-centered. I don't think she's the type who'd write an episode all about her character. She'd want everyone to be in it. :) If I recall correctly she mentioned something about a CSI musical in one of her interviews. Won't that be great?

Young Jorja the model. I wonder if we've seen pics from her modelling career before? I'd love to see the pic you drew of her Alyssa!

Oh, I saw episodes of West Wing with Jorja in it. Robert David Hall and Emily Procter were in some of the episodes too. If you've not seen West Wing, I recommend that you see it. Jorja played Gina. A secret service agent. Hot stuff.
If it does happen I just hope they won't make it like the Buffy or 7th Heaven musical episodes. Tacky! But musicals are supposed to be tacky arent they? :p If Jorja produces it, it'd be great no matter what. I trust her taste.
What was wrong with the 7th heaven musical ep? :p

No seriously, I can't see that happen of CSI, not even if they make one of them high and dream it up... can't see it.

But I'd be all for Jorja writing an ep, as long as she doesn't write GSR into it, because lately I'm getting the impression she seems to really be into it when she's asked about it in interviews...
^ I'm all for some GSR, and I'm really happy Jorja likes it, too.

I've been plotting a musical eppisode of CSI in my head for a long time, except it involves top hats, tuxes and tap shoes.. And Ecklie in a tutu. Oh, and did I mention Jorja's wearing a thong? :devil:
The 7th Heaven musical, they sang off-key 99% of the time. And they danced on the street. I was cringing the entire time. Uhh, I cringed during Buffy too for that matter. :p

Ecklie in a tutu I'm looking forward to that! And oooh the last bit you wrote too. But yeah, I'm gonna shut myself up before D or Tally tape my mouth. ;)

I feel that Jorja likes the direction her character's headed. I'd rather she go the OTHER direction, but if Jorja's happy, then good for her. :)
Ecklie in tutu? Lyssa, get your mind out of the gutter, now :p

I'm like 6", not sure. I'm 1,83 metres, so.. I think I'm pretty tall. But Jorja's too!
I think that Sara's character should go down another angsty path when Griss leaves. Let somebody ELSE go for the comfort zone...
Holy crap! Youre 6" Roos?! Damn Im short. :lol: I refuse to stand next to you when we take a group pic with Jorja. I wont mind if you provide me with a ladder tho. :p

She's less angsty now as compared to then isnt she? I like angsty Sara, happy Sara is nice too. But if Sara turns girly and starts to dress in pink, Im gonna chase after the writers and wardrobe people. No way theyre gonna make my Sara girly!
Unfortunately “less angsty” translates to less screen time, I hope to god she gets something good when Grissom leaves, what’s with him assigning her to EVERY case he’s on (way to keep work separate from personal Grissom)

And Sara in a pink dress? actually I’ve seen that picture and she looks rather lovely, but on CSI, no way, I like my Sara in those dark jeans and t-shirts.
UrielFalcon said:
I think that Sara's character should go down another angsty path when Griss leaves. Let somebody ELSE go for the comfort zone...


*looks around cautiously and pokes head out from behind hiding place*

...I do, too... *slowly raises hand*

Yes, it's true :p I do hope that, too. But I'm an angst whore as you all well know. But it wouldn't exactly make sense for Sara to be all smiles when Grissom leaves, either, though. Think about it- the reason she has been smiling and happy throughout season six and thus far in season seven is because of Grissom. He was her light at the end of the tunnel. He was the one she opened up to, and with him gone, she may feel lost.

But it would definitely give the rest of the team good opportunity to confront her and try and help her through everything. Who knows? She may even open up to someone else, you never know ;)

But I do think Sara will get more emotional and dark after Grissom leaves, because he's someone she cares about and someone who cares about her. Her father was killed by her mother when she was younger; your parents are supposed to love and nurture you. She lost that person, and someone who was one of those people took that person away. What if she feels as though Grissom's being taken away from her?
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