Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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I think its just William that leaving for a few episodes, but I'm not totally sure. And neither Jorja or William are signed for Season 8, yet. :(

*Edited: Due to over lettering, and please turn off the cap lock.*
I actually think Jorja's just as antsy to learn more about Sara's past as we are, so I don't think she'd leave the series until all that was sorted out :lol: But hopefully she won't ever leave, because she's one of the key elements of the show. If she leaves, then the show will slowly crumble... because no one can else can play Sara Sidle like she can, and no one can replace Jorja Fox.

ETA: I posted a topic in the CSI section about Sara's gold-painted fingernail in Committed. I'm not sure all of you guys saw it, so I'll post it here, too :p

Sara's single gold-painted fingernail is an inside nod to writer/co-executive producer Sarah Goldfinger.

Clever :p And I just figured out the other day when I looked it up online. I had been wondering the meaning of that forever! It's so obvious yet so subtle...! And Richard J Lewis and Jorja made sure not to reveal what it was in the commentary. Sneaky, guys. Really sneaky :p
ooh she what!!! why?! maybe she would sign up latter this year she should be back for season 8 i like much..
and i must agree with quoth the raven i know jorja wants to know sara's past to and she is real a great actress and portray her character well.
wh .. wh... WHAT ?????? jorja hasn't signed yet ?? but ...b ut... she MUST sign ... she's my everything on this show =(
but i'm sure she will sign *tries to think positive*

i like that goldfinger thing :p
I don't think anyone's signing renewals. Marg said at this time she isn't interested in renewing. I believe it's the same with Billy too. I can't imagine Jorja re-signing right now if she thinks the show 1) won't be around anymore or 2)would be an extremely different show without two of the main characters anymore.
I really hope that they continue the show... But even if they don't, I still need to see Jorja on TV or in movies. Can't live without our girl!
UrielFalcon said:
I really hope that they continue the show...

me too, it is really to good of a show to watch.

But even if they don't, I still need to see Jorja on TV or in movies. Can't live without our girl!

and i agree with you to that she so gorgeous to pass up. :D :lol:
Hmm. I don't know. Last year everyone signed for season 7 in February, I think. Maybe even later. :) So maybe everything will be allright. Don't worry roo much, guys!

But yes, we need Jorja. :D
I'm not too worried about all this yet. Why get all upset if we don't even know anything for sure? I guess we can only wait and see what happens, and of course hope ;)
I'm very glad that they gave Jorja more screen time than they usually do last night. She was in a lot of scenes, and I'm very happy about that because her time has been limited so far.

quoth_the_raven said:
Sara's single gold-painted fingernail is an inside nod to writer/co-executive producer Sarah Goldfinger.
Hey Ann, I thought we've discussed that before. :p But thanks for the info hun.

If Jorja decides not to renew her contract and end her role at Season 7, I'd support her decision. Of course I'd be extremely bummed seeing that she's my fav character, but she's an actress and she's got her career to think of. But I do hope she'll renew it, the rest too. The one thing that will bug me to no end is that if Jorja chooses to leave and the producers decide to replace Jorja with ANOTHER actress to play Sara. NO-ONE can replace Jorja. She's an excellent actress and she plays Sara wonderfully. So seeing someone else play Sara will be ****. But then again, Jorja hasn't said anything about leaving, so don't worry about it too much. ;)
Oh, we have already? :lol: Oops :p

SidLer said:
If Jorja decides not to renew her contract and end her role at Season 7, I'd support her decision.

Exactly. It's her decision, she has her own life so it's completely up to her what she wants to do. She's been in television for 10 years now, and she might have a lot of other things she wants to do. She's been talking about becoming a producer for a while, so if that's what she decides then I'm all for it. If she decides to stay on the show, more power to her :p
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