Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Thanks for doing the translation [/b]miko[/b]! It'll save us from having to flip through an English-French dictionary when we read the article. ;) We can't wait to read it!
Sara is quickly becoming my favorite character. I've only recently got into LV.

Whenever Sara laughs, I laugh along with her. Whenever she gets pissed off, I get pissed off right along with her. And whenever she cries, I cry along with her.
Me too. I can actually feel the pain Sara is going through and I laugh when she's laughing. Sara's character relates to alot of people, I think and I feel like I know her so well and as if I'm actually friends with her when I watch her on screen. I feel as if I actually know her. Jorja is such a good actress.
here is the Jorja interview

First of all, a BIG BIG thanks to Miss Sabrina SIDLER for her help about the photobucket links. Even if it was the first time we meet, she has done for me a wonderful job !! thanks for your kindness :D

So here is the link for the french interview made in october =
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here is the translation. Forgive me if i made some grammar mistakes, but even with loads of mistakes, i keep the real meaning of her says.

JORJA FOX « You’re finally going to see me smiling »
(* In France, we don’t call the serie CSI but “Les Experts”. It’s the same word in fact in French/English “the experts”..)

Sara Sidle from CSI has accepted to reveal the first news about the season 7, currently in shooting. Zoom behind the scenes of CSI.

1/ The broadcasting of season 6 is finished in France. What is going to happen in season 7 ?
Jorja = the producers keep it secret. Impossible to foresee 3 months in advance the evolution of our characters. I’m wondering if the writers had not yet thought about putting Sara to death. She has known almost everything : arrest, humiliation, separation from her date… She has been a long time the scapegoat of the team. Although I can tell you that, in season 7, Gil Grissom is going to make it up with Sara, which gives me a rest. At last, I can finally smile on screen.

2/ After 7 years, are you making a habit of seeing corpses ?
Jorja = I’m stronger now, but I sometimes want to vomit when I see all the special effects made by our magicians of the shooting ! Outbiding on the other series has becoming a game for them. They never lack of ideas to show astonishing deaths.

3/ All this doesn’t seem to cheer up the atmosphere on the shooting ?
Jorja = On the contrary ! We laugh and we play music. We made a band – actors and technicians together. Marg Helgenberger plays piano, Gary Dourdan plays bass and Robert David Hall plays guitar. I even propose to shoot one of our impromptu gigs for our fans!

4/ When you meet fans, what are you talking about ?
Jorja = All of them want to see Sara and Gil live a love story, which is going to happen in the new season. But CSI isn’t concentrated about the private lives of its heroes. Inquiries are the heart of every episode.

5/ Are you surprised by the infatuation of viewers about CSI ?
Jorja = What really surprised me, it’s the interest about crimes that our fans have. Some of them tell me about some complicated scenarios about the best way to kill someone. At first, I was terrified about it and I had the feeling of having serial killers in front of me ! From now on, I’m more relax and I joke with them.

6/ We know a few thing about your private life. Why are you so secret ?
Jorja = I think it’s very important to keep the mystery secret. And also it’s good for the audience that people confuse me with my character in CSI

7/ You never play in movies during your summer holiday. Is it a personal choice ?
Jorja = I work 14 hours by day during 9 ½ months and I don’t want to run everywhere during my holidays. 7 years ago, I created my own theatre company. This is my leisure.

8/ Do you have a theatre project ?
Jorja = I’m the producer of “Dear Bernard”, a musical comedy telling about the arrival in Hollywood of an English girl who wants to be successful. I also propose to the CSI producers to write them a musical episode for the season 7. It would be funny to see Grissom and all his team singing during the autopsies, no ? We could even pretend it was Sara dreaming of it !

• Next to the little pic, it’s written “ Surrounded by CSI, Sara Sidle is finally going to find happiness with one of her team mates.
You're welcome miko. And thanks so much for the translation. You did a great job. :)

I was looking for any mention of "beer" in the article and I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't find one. :( :lol:

I’m wondering if the writers had not yet thought about putting Sara to death.
You've GOT to be kidding me. :eek: Sara d-die? Nooo! They CANNOT kill Sara off. I won't let them. If they do i'll...i'll poke them with a pencil! Don't even think about writing Sara's death scene TPTB! Save it for some other show. Alrighty?

I even propose to shoot one of our impromptu gigs for our fans!
I'd love to be one of those lucky fans! The band sounds awesome. Jorja, Marg, Gary and Robert jamming together. I wonder who's the singer? Jorja? ;)

No. 5 got me laughing. I'm more infatuated with Sara than the gory crimes they feature. :lol: And how on earth were those fans able to talk to Jorja? *jealous* She even jokes around with them! *MORE JEALOUS* Those lucky mittens!

Great interview! Thanks again miko. :D

PS: Jorja, why didn't you mention beer? :p
Nice interview (as long as I can mentally block out that Grissom stuff)
Anyway, my pic for best seasons would be 1 and 5. Season one hade some really good Sara episodes, The Strip Strangler, Too Tough To Die and Sex, Lies and Larvae (plus I’m a real sucker for that curly hair she had at the start of the season, especially in cool change) Season five had three more great episodes, Nesting Dolls, No Humans Involved and Committed plus we finally got back story and Sara looked good all season.

And if were talking about episodes that she looked really good in, I’d say season 4’s The Turn of the Screw, that roller coaster one. That for me is the classic Sara look, She was wearing black jeans a grey t-shirt and CSI vest, she always looks the most gorgeous when she’s dressed like that. So I’d pick that and Committed and Rashomama

And about Rashomama, we finally got to see that episode in Australia this week, I think it originally aired in America in April, that’s about 6 or 7 months of waiting (I’m no good at math) you Americans think its agonising waiting a week for a new episode, try waiting that long. It’s Murder!!! Unfortunately they decided to put on Hidalgo with Louise Lombard at the exact same time so I spent the entire hour flipping back and forth, trying to tape all the Sara and Louise scenes. Jesus that was annoying.
sidler no,no, sorry, it's what she said.... i guess she doesn't mean in reality - well i hope they don't have such an idea to end up the season !!!
but it's true that in some episodes, the writers did not spare her anything ! a bit like about Nick's character !
miko thanks for sharing that interview in english and pic in the magazine.
sidler i also envy those luck fans she talk and joke with do you think we can be that lucky.
and i'm with you to with poking pencils TPTB if they kill sara off csi. i want jorja/sara to evolve more.
88Blackbirds i agree waiting for a new season is murderous and making you pray harder that'll come soon. i love sara smile and her hair rashomama to. :) ;)
At first, I was terrified about it and I had the feeling of having serial killers in front of me ! From now on, I’m more relax and I joke with them.
:lol: that's so hilarious :p i want to be one of those kids speak to jorja oh my .. *faints*

hm which season look? i actually liked her look in season 6
lol, yeah you guys are going to hurt me, but I love it when Sara cries, it's so real and you cry too. And Jorja plays it so well,

I forget which board was talking about Sara being pregneant, but I hope it was this one. And one point was that because she was wearing a mask when she was using luminol a few episodes ago, and in last night's episode, Greg also had the mask on, so I don't think she's pregneant.

I'm going to feel so stupid if I find out that we've never talked about Sara being pregneant, it might have been in the GSR thread.
I liked season one. Not just for her looks (although I loved the curly hair & pink top with green sweater! Love.) But I liked how care-free she was, so light, happy, upbeat. They all were :(

And Sara being pregnant.. She plays pregnant so well, and looks so damn adorable. But .. No. She can't be. BABY JORJA. OOHLAALAA! I LIKEY!
miko said:
sidler no,no, sorry, it's what she said.... i guess she doesn't mean in reality - well i hope they don't have such an idea to end up the season !!!
Oh it's ok, I know it was Jorja who said that. ;) If TPTB dare to even THINK to write her character off, I'm taking out my pencil.

My cousin just sent me a new pic of my baby cousin. Ive not seen her in person cause she lives in Finland. :( And she's such a doll! I want to chew her cute nose off. :D If Jorja/Sara has a baby, I'd probably chew his/her nose off too! Her babe will be gorgeous! Just look at her. Ooh I love babies! When it's not mine. ;)
Yesterday I watched one of the 'curly-hair' episodes of season 1 and I want them back ^^ Not just the hair, but somehow I really like the first season... There is still the right mixture between cases and personal and now... Now I think it's kinda out of balance...
And I like the Sara of season 1 better than when she's got so many problems with Hank or alcohol or Grissom.
^ Amen. Isn't she supposed to be leaving for 2 or so eppisodes this season? I thought I heard her and William are going to take a little 2 or 3 eppi break.
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