Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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*grabs halo, sets it on ground and watches it roll to find Sara*

Anyway, back to the topic of the lady herself...

I loved her laugh when she and Greg blew up a toilet. Did anyone else love that? I loved that.
I loved that too. Not just there, I always love her laugh. And when she smiles. And those cute little smirks.
It's great to see her happy. I'm glad they show her light side too, not just darkness.
Although it's so very touching and real when she cries, I love that too...
Whenever Sara laughs, I laugh along with her. Whenever she gets pissed off, I get pissed off right along with her. And whenever she cries, I cry along with her. I found a bit in an old article on JFO actually where Jorja said that the hardest thing a director can ask her to do is cry, that that's when she has to go in the corner and psyche herself up for it.

But the result...

Click Pic 1 .. Click Pic 2 .. Click Pick 3

nd3.jpg amazing.

*Edited: To Many pics exceeding posting size.*
I love her laugh soo much ... and i noticed that i start smirking like her (y'know like when she puts her lips on one side and smiles and there are this tiny sweet wrinkles )... i think it's because i watch her doing this so often ... someone said to me i see sara more often then my family ..NOT TRUE :rolleyes:
Whenever Sara laughs, I laugh along with her. Whenever she gets pissed off, I get pissed off right along with her. And whenever she cries, I cry along with her.
amen. thx for the pics she is so beautiful
Don't worry about Sara guys, she's safe at home with me now. ;) Poor girl's so tired after being chased around by crazed fans. I'm not a crazed fan. I'm a complete whackjob. And I have her now. Whee!

Ann, I love those pics. Thanks for putting them up. That scene, it makes me :(... her acting's incredible. And that moment is heartbreaking. I wonder what Jorja thought of to make herself tear up? Her tears look real. Not like she's put eyedrops into her eyes. She's a great actress. After looking at those, I'd love to see her smile again.
Guys please keep in mind that this is the "Discussion" thread, when it comes to posting pictures there is the picture thread, and please keep in mind the amount and size for posting them. Thank you.
Sorry Destiny.
but you have to admit, the pics were cute. : P

SidLer, have you looked at the Sara you brought to your house, if so, I think you may have missed that its a stuffed life version, the real one is with me. :p

It doesn't look life we're having any real conversation here, so maybe I'll start one.

Which season look do you guys like the best?

I like her look now, and parts of season 5. I like her hair layered, and she looks cute when she's wearing black. : )
Sorry, Destiny! I apologize.

And which look do I like the best? Hmm.. it's hard to say. Though I loved her in season five... season three is a close second. But I love her hair now in season six, so... *sigh* Decisions, decisions :p I love her anyways.
saraXsullivan said:
SidLer, have you looked at the Sara you brought to your house, if so, I think you may have missed that its a stuffed life version, the real one is with me. :p
Oh shoot! No wonder she's all cottony and light. I thought she's not eating well. Been feeding her lotsa choccies. Ah well, I'm keeping my stuffed life-sized Sara. ;)

Which season I like best...tough question. I started watching Season 3, 2 then 1. And continued with 4, 5 and 6. Yeah, I'm backwards. So Seasons 2 and 3 are especially special to me. I watched them, really liked it, (got obsessed with it actually :p), and I noticed Sara and I've always liked Jorja, so I went to find all the info I can about her on the web and somehow I ended up here. :D So I guess my fav Sara seasons are 2 and 3. But I absolutely love Seasons 1, 4, 5 and 6 too. I'm very indecisive. What can I say, I love all things Jorja. ;)

Oopsies. I just realized that the question is which season look we like the best. Heh. Studying does strange things to my eyesight. :p The best Sara look that I love EVER is Season 1, Episode 2 - her first appearance. Her hair's all curly and pretty and she was wearing a green sweater. I love green! And she looks so darn lovely. :)
in reading the Jorja/Sara thread, i was wondering if you will be interested by a french interview of Jorja made in october ? :confused:

Not big news to learn it's true.
she peaks about the season 7, about Marg playing piano in the band they made with Gary & Robert David, that she is surprised about the interest in crime that some fans have and that she needs to keep her private life private...

the only problem is that i don't have a link like Photobucket for example as it's not my computer i'm using so..

would someone let me send him/her my scans by email to put them on the thread, please ???? :confused:

(if translation from french to english needed, let me know :D)
Hey miko. :) We'd absolutely love to read that french interview with Jorja. Someone posted a french article in August, is this it or is it a different article? If it's different we'd definitely like to read it. :) You can PM me for my email address, I can uploade it onto my photobucket account for you. And an English translation would be great. My french is rusty x10000. ;)
Are you sure Jorja doesn't speak french? ;) Maybe she speaks french to her dog, Ali. "Les pattes du divan, Ali!" That's french for "Paws off the couch, Ali!" Umm, I think. :lol: Everything sounds good in french. And Jorja speaking it is just oohlala.
Sabrina, i PM you :D

i'm doing the translation, just be patient some minutes please ha ha :lol:
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