Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Mini_Catherine said:
ETA Just so you all know, I'm beginning to doubt my sexualtity. Am I Bi, Homosexual or Hetrosexual? Oy. Who knows. -screams- JORJA, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! DAMN YOU, YOU SEXY HOT FIERY PIECE OF LOVIN'!



I found that on someone's livejournal :lol: I at least know that she's the kind of woman that makes you question if you're as straight as you say you are (any objections?) :lol: :p
That icon is so cute. If I had had any doubts before Jorja, I sure would say she'd have erased them. But I guess she came a few years too late for me ;)
The first time I'd seen her I think I was 14 already... don't really remember...think I'm getting old :rolleyes:
Mini_Catherine said:
ETA Just so you all know, I'm beginning to doubt my sexualtity. Am I Bi, Homosexual or Hetrosexual? Oy. Who knows. -screams- JORJA, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! DAMN YOU, YOU SEXY HOT FIERY PIECE OF LOVIN'!
:lol: Jorja's just amazing isnt she? Don't worry about it. You can be whoever you're comfortable being. I don't know what I am either. Straight, Bi, I even human? :eek: Jorja, youve got power babe! See what youve done to us? :lol:

Ann, I absolutely love that icon. :D

^There's another reason for us to doubt our straightness. Jorja as a cowgirl. Holy mother of hotness!
sienna said:
don't blame me i'm crazy :p crazy in love with jorja ... well so far to straight :rolleyes:

Lucky you. :lol: I really can't say the same... :p Are you reading this, Jorja? You can come and shoot me any moment, I'd be proud to die for you. :lol:
Adorable icon. It's my msn display picture. So, Sabrina. It's okay. We can be unsure of our sexuality twins. :D I wonder if anyone else feels this way. UUHH. I'M SO CONFUSED.

That's a name for the next thread! Jorja/Sara #5: HotSexyFieryPieceOfLovin'. :( Too long. How about a slogan for the thread? "For Doubting our Sexuality. Here's to you, Jorja Fox. To you, we salute." *chorus of 'Amen.'*
Mini_Catherine said:
How about a slogan for the thread? "For Doubting our Sexuality. Here's to you, Jorja Fox. To you, we salute." *chorus of 'Amen.'*
AMEN. :D :lol:

saras_girlfriend said:
I knew about my sexuality before I fell in love with Jorja. Only now I'm sure about who I'm going to marry ;) :lol:
Marry who? Sara? Get in line. :p
*watches Mini_Catherine smack into a wall* hehe. hehe. *grabs Sara* mwa hahaha. *runs to a closet* *realizes there are no closets in the room* oh..
*leaps from behind a lamppost, snags Sara over her shoulder and runs yelling into the outside bushes*
Sara: MEEP!!!
Me: Bwhaha* runs into tree* oww.... *sara escapes*
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