Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Those interviews are hilarious... *huggles interviews* Sofia with a gun is scary... but Sara with a gun nearly caused me to pee. 0_o
Desty! Don't give 'that' look like that! Like priorly stated, if you're going to flirt, you haev to do better than that! And please, no cyber-huggles 'til my hair hurts for that witty comment.

Ann, I love you. :D
Did Destiny give us that look or did she give it to Jorja? We know you love Jorja too, D. We can feel the love. :D

Why'd we have to make dirty thoughts out of almost everything that Sara or Jorja says? Oh yeah, we're dirty peeps. :lol: *un-dirties mind. For now.* There ya go. :)
SidLer said:
quoth_the_raven said:
Fox: Oh yeah. I could be half naked right now.
Top-half or bottom-half? :devil:

Don't even get me started, Sabrina :lol: :p :devil:

Love ya too Lysa :D

So in the picture thread there was a lot of discussion about Maggie Doyle. Care to continue it here? I think what I loved about Maggie was that she was so down-to-earth and honest and had that tomboyish kind of personality. She was familiar with guns (it was so cute to watch her going on about guns and bullets :lol:) and who doesn't like a kick-ass woman who's not afraid to use a gun? ;) :p

There was one exchange between Maggie and Mark in ER that I actually really liked because it just really showed her strength and the fact that she could protect herself... and kick ass :lol:

Mark: What are you doing?
Maggie: *takes bag out of locker* Well, I know you're gonna be a little resistant to this at first, but I think you'll feel a lot safer if you carry something on you for a while.
Mark: *notices bag and walks over to her* What is this stuff?
Maggie: I've got cops in my family so I can get anything. *holds up something* Electronic stun-gun? *holds up another* Personal taser?
Mark: *shakes head* I don't think so.
Maggie: *offers* Well at least take a pepper spray.
Mark: *sighs* Look, I appreciate the sentiment but really, it's not for me.
Maggie: Well I'm not suggesting that you start carrying a gun, although... that's what I do.
Mark: You carry a gun?
Maggie: *nods* Got one under the front seat of my car. I was... at the drive-in one time waiting for some friends and this punk walks up, sticks a knife in my face and wants my wallet. So I reach under the seat, pull out the 357, shove it up his nose and whoa, did that kid run.

:lol: :p
quoth_the_raven said:
Maggie: *offers* Well at least take a pepper spray.
That's hilarious! :lol: I can't believe she's got all that in her bag. Some people got candy, she's got weapons. :p I love Maggie! Tough women are the best. ;)
Maggie: *nods* Got one under the front seat of my car. I was... at the drive-in one time waiting for some friends and this punk walks up, sticks a knife in my face and wants my wallet. So I reach under the seat, pull out the 357, shove it up his nose and whoa, did that kid run.
He could run? Tough kid, had it been me I'd have died a pleasant death of heartattack. But that's just my weakness for girls with guns...
MiaCharlize said:
But that's just my weakness for girls with guns...

Ditto. :p

My fav ep where Sara is holding a gun is definitely Play With Fire...

SARA: *kicks in the bathroom* I got him!

BRASS: Get back!

OFFICER: Okay? You got him?

BRASS: Yeah, I got him.

BRASS: Okay. Holster your weapon. What were you doing? What were you thinking? You know that we clear the room, not you.

SARA: I got him.

:lol: Priceless!:lol:
I loved that scene. But my fave was when she pulled out her gun in 'Bloodlines', that was soo hot!

quoth_the_raven said:
[..]and who doesn't like a kick-ass woman who's not afraid to use a gun? ;) :p

Correction, Dear. A HOT kick-ass women who's not afraid to use a gun. :D

ETA Just so you all know, I'm beginning to doubt my sexualtity. Am I Bi, Homosexual or Hetrosexual? Oy. Who knows. -screams- JORJA, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! DAMN YOU, YOU SEXY HOT FIERY PIECE OF LOVIN'!
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