Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Do you think that as a kid she wanted the whole picket fence dream for when she grows up? 2.5 kids, successful husband and a dog? I think having grown up in a dysfunctional environment Sara didn't want any of that. I don't think she believes in "happily ever after" either. She lives for the moment. If it works out, cool. If it doesn't, she'd shed a single tear, shrug her shoulders and move on. I agree with you Uriel, she doesn't like labels. She does not and will not conform.
I totally agree, SidLer. I don't believe she ever had the 'picket fence' dream. She probably connected marriage with abuse when she was little. Even though she told Grisson in ND that she thought the abuse was 'normal'.
I don't think she wanted that. Her childhood dreams were probably about freedom, independence, running away...
Especially later, in foster care.
But maybe all the bad experiences made her hope for and believe in finding love somewhere. Not in a picture-perfect little family though.
2.5 kids?

*is lost*

Yeah, she'd probably want freedom and independance, which explains her getting angry when she feels her abilities are in question.
i totally agree with you MiaCharlize i think when you had a childhood like that you don't wish for a perfect life ... just for a normal life ... i think she just wants someone to hold her and love her and care for her ... and i don't know maybe a child she could give the love that she was never given
I don't believe Sara wants a child. All that talk about "murder-genes", her saying she isn't good with kids... Even though she's proven differently I think she feels a little insecure around children. She's probably afraid to do something wrong.
And with her "me-problems" I don't think she wants to take reaponsibility for a child either. Still, I believe she'd be a great mom.
Hmm, Sara as a mommy's a nice view, but I don't think she'll ever get a child. Like Mia said, she says she isn't good with kids. About the murder-gene, Sara doesn't carry it.
I don't think she wants kids either, but wait until she gets to hold a cute baby Sara into her arms... *melts picturing the scene*
I think the 'murder-gene' idea has been fueled by people around her, too. That one scene in 'Snuff' probably set the ball rolling if it wasn't already.
My attempt to quote it...

Sara: When does a person cross the line to where killing a woman is a turn on?
Catherine: I don't think they cross the line, I think they were born on the other side of it.
Sara: *wry face* Genetics predisposing violent behavior...
Warrick: Yeah, some people are just born bad.

Posted in another thread
miral_paris said:
Ok this may sound really wierd, and I don't check out other females, but I've noticed a change in Sara over the past couple episodes. The last two, except to see Greg, Sara has been working in the lab. She's had a lab coat on and wearing black. I know Sara wears a lot of black, but not this much. Also if she does not have a lab coat on she is sitting down or has her arms acros her from. The wierd one is I think her breasts are bigger. I'm not meanig to notice this. It just doesnt seem normal. I wonder if there is a posiblity the actress is pregnant. I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed this or if I'm halucinating.
^Pregnant? i dont think so but who knows? She doesnt look pregnant to me as a matter of fact this season Jorja looks sooooo gorgeous! And her boobs uuuumm they look the same to me. :rolleyes:
highly doubt that she is pregnant but then it shouldnt be any of our business if she is or isnt. i mean you guys dont know a lot about me.
Déjà vu...

The only time her breasts looked bigger was on that freaky TV-guide cover.

BTW, agree that she looks very good this season, if only I could enjoy the view more (read: If only Grissom wasn't standing right next to her in almost every scene!)
She looks cool, in the new season, but I think she isn't pregnant. Breasts look bigger? Nah, haven't noticed it.
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