Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Hmm, what kind of shirts do you think Sara likes to wear (other than those she wears to work)? Is she a dressy type, a sports jersey type, or a tshirt type? I think she's a tshirt type. Nothing pink or frilly (Gawd, NO! :eek:) or anything frou-frou like that. Just a simple shirt with a graphic or saying at the front. She's my girl next door. ;)

I like this song and I just heard it on my mp3 and I think it fits Sara perfectly back when she was a child. The song is Wonderful by Everclear.

I hope my Mom
And I hope my Dad
Would figure out why they get so mad
I hear them scream
I hear them fight
They say bad words that make me wanna cry

Promises mean everything
When you’re little and the world so big
I just don’t understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
and tell me everything is wonderful now

Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now


It screamed "SARA" when I was listening to it. So now Ive made it one of my Sara songs. :)
oh no sara is definitely not the frou-frou pink lady type :p
she is the tshirt type simple but good ... can't even imagine sara in a dress ... just saw jorja in one a few times ... but sara i don't think it would suit her character she is not the dress type ... that's more catherine's thing ...

wow that song is totally sara ... i like it it's beautiful *runs to get it*
Sara is definately a 'comfortable' type dresser. Either t-shirts or tank tops, light sweaters and jeans. Surprisingly, a lot like me. I can picture her in a batman logo shirt, some jeans eating pizza and jumping around to music.

Sara: *leaping around with pizza in mouth, completely oblivious to the fact that the nightshift has just walked into her unlocked apartment*
Team: 0_0
Greg: WOO!! *leaps around too*
Sara:AH WTF!??!*falls*
UrielFalcon said:
I can picture her in a batman logo shirt
You're really obsessed, aren't you? :lol:
I could imagine that same pizza scene too, but in my version she doesn't exactly wear much... :devil:
Lol, insanely so, yes. I'm wearing my batman shirt now... ^_^

Well, there's a few other things where she's not wearing much, but I think I'll just keep those to myself... ^_^^_^
MiaCharlize said:
in my version she doesn't exactly wear much... :devil:
You're really obsessed with her not wearing much arent you? Eh, what am I doing?...Im talking about myself. :lol:

She'd look good in anything and in nothing. If she can pull of the paper bag look, she can pull of anything. :D

Do any of you think Sara can cook? Or does she have all the restaurant numbers on speed dial and nothing in her fridge?
Well, it was mentioned that she oders on speed dial alot. My theory is she does it because it's quick and doesn't mess up the kitchen. After a double shift cooking and cleaning isn't really what you look forward to. It's much more comfortable to just oder a pizza and open a bottle of beer.
However, I do believe that Sara can cook. Just the image of her chopping up vegetables is so cute. And cooking isn't that hard. I think she'd enjoy it more (and therefore do it more often) if she were cooking for guests instead of just herself (at least that's my experience).
I think she orders on speed dial because she cant be bothered to cook anything most of the time. And takeaways are easy and fuss-free. I think she's the type who brings work home (case files and such) and she'd have her meal while going through the files. Anything and everything she does is related to work. Also, I think she seldom eats out because she doesnt have that many friends. In You've Got Male, when she got into her house the first thing she did was remove all the take-out menus from her fridge and throw it in the can. Then she called a friend and asked him/her for a night out if I recall it correctly.

She's lonely. After the case was solved in that eppie she realized just how similar she is to the victim...cooped up at home/work with not much of a thing she can call life. I hope she's changed that about herself now. Eating out more with her friends and colleagues and spending less time at home. Or even making dinners for her guests. Chopping up veggies...How cute is that! :D
I think she'd be a very good souffle maker. I mean, she's got patience and a perfectionist streak, so I think she'd be exact in making it...

And then of course, Greg would stop buy for a football game on Television and totally mess it up.^_^
UrielFalcon said:
And then of course, Greg would stop buy for a football game on Television and totally mess it up.^_^


I can totally see that happening.

three hours and ten minutes, encounting until..

dancingqueen said:
did anyone else think it was really cute when Grissom called her "dear"? i did...

cute? It made me shudder and gag!

Whoa guys, I had to fish this topic all the way from the bottom of the page. What's happening? Is anyone else in here unsatisfied about the amount of screentime Jorja is getting?
I didn't get to see the new ep yet, but by the sounds of it, little screentime, and all scenes involving bugman...I don't really want to see that.
Aww nooo! Don't not watch it just because G said that to her. Our babe needs our attention, so whether or not G or whoever else that we don't fancy appears in her scenes, show her some love. She's gonna get some from me. :D I think it's cute when people call her "dear" or "honey" or other sweet things. I mean, Warr can call her "Yo" and it'd still be cute. :)
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