Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Well, Warr can call her "Hey, YOU!" and she'd respond, soo... You know.


I flipped out, in a good way, when G called her "Dear."It made with squee with glee. Woah, I'm a poet, and I.. know it.

I also enjoyed her outfit. The black leaning-toward offtheshoulder shirt with the chunky bling.. I love it.
For the first twelve minutes, there was no Jorja. I nearly went into shock.

Did anyone else notice that she's been the only one so far to use a mask when spraying luminol? Why now?
SidLer said:
Aww nooo! Don't not watch it just because G said that to her. Our babe needs our attention, so whether or not G or whoever else that we don't fancy appears in her scenes, show her some love. She's gonna get some from me. :D I think it's cute when people call her "dear" or "honey" or other sweet things. I mean, Warr can call her "Yo" and it'd still be cute. :)

Anyone else calling her dear, honey, baby, cutie or whatever is totally fine with me, Warrick calling her things is def cute, but Grissom? That's just so out of character... and apart from that I do not need to be reminded of that so-called relationship that I'm trying my best to ignore and deny.
And don't worry, I'd still be addicted to CSI even if they made Sara marry that guy. I just can't turn away from a show that has 3 hot ladies in the lead, no matter what crap they make them play...
If Sara gets married, I, I will...nooooo! I don't want Sara to get married. I like her unmarried. Dating someone is okay. Look at what those mean writers did to Warrick. Get him married and make it rocky all within a season. Actually, I'd like to see her with a girl. :) (In my head, she's Bi. ;)) So if Sara starts seeing a lady me will be happy. And if the writers ever make her PREGNANT, I'm gonna come after them with a pitch fork. Don't get me wrong, she'd make a wonderful mom...when the show ends. Anyone of you would like Sara to get married/pregnant?

Mini_Catherine said:
I also enjoyed her outfit. The black leaning-toward offtheshoulder shirt with the chunky bling.. I love it.
Oooh sounds nice! I havent seen it yet. *goes a-hunting for caps*
Sara married is...wrong. Sara pregnant? Out of character but I'm sure she'd look cute *remembers food for the heart* Yep, Jorja+belly is sexy ;)
Anyways...I'd die to see Sara dating a girl. I think that'd be far more believable than her dating Grissom.
SidLer said:
If Sara gets married, I, I will...nooooo! I don't want Sara to get married. I like her unmarried. Dating someone is okay. Look at what those mean writers did to Warrick. Get him married and make it rocky all within a season. Actually, I'd like to see her with a girl. :) (In my head, she's Bi. ;)) So if Sara starts seeing a lady me will be happy. And if the writers ever make her PREGNANT, I'm gonna come after them with a pitch fork. Don't get me wrong, she'd make a wonderful mom...when the show ends. Anyone of you would like Sara to get married/pregnant?

ermmm no :eek:
Sara is not the type to get married nor pregnant :p
Sara's not anti-weddings, she's just anti stupid :p rightie, Maaike? :p

Preggers Sara? Cute, but I don't think she'll ever be pregnant.
She's not anti-marriage, doesn't mean it's the right thing for her though.
I can't see her getting married...just doesn't seem to fit. I believe that she's a romantic at heart and I can see her in a long term relationship, but marriage & Sara just won't connect in my head...
no i want sara to be single and mingling and dating is nice. as for being preggy ohh no big oh no. i think she'll be a great mom but no her being preggy and getting married.
Well I'm a GSR shipper and.. *takes cover from being pelted by fruit and mellows*

well, I like her dating Grissom and stuff like that. I think it would be.. different.. to see her pregneant, and I don't think that would happen. As far as marriage goes, I can see her getting married, but not making a big deal about it, so just a quiet little ceremony in a very small church, and barely anyone would be there.
I honestly don't know where they would go with marriage and pregnancy... I can't see it working at all. I can barely see GSR working... and that's a tiny, tiny barely... I think she's probably bi, cause of San Fransico/California free-spirited love...

Plus, It'd make me happy. ^_^
i think sara pregnant would be very cute and i think she would be a wonderful mum ... but i really don't think she is the marrying kind :S
YAY. There're a few of you who think that Sara is Bi too. :) I agree with those of you who said that Sara is not the type who'd get married. I think she's comfortable with a long-term relationship, cohabitation and things like that. But I don't think there ever will be a time where a guy (or girl) pops her THE question and they'll run off together hand in hand to get married as the sun sets. She knows what love is and she does fall in love, but I don't think she's a romantic. Nick is a romantic, but Sara...she loves. I don't know if there's a word for that.
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