Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Oh yes. Dark suits her perfectly. And this is not my addiction to darkness speaking. She can really pull it off.
I don't think I've ever seen her with really black hair, just a very dark shade of brown. Unless you count that freaky short haired wig from the stuff pictures.
I'm still curious however to see her blond. Just to confirm the theory that she looks hot with any haircolor but hottest in dark brown.
I'm all for dark red, too. Just don't think it would suit her very well...
MiaCharlize said:
:lol: good question. I'd laugh too. And then I'd post in the "I can't believe it" thread.
I'd post in the "Post Something You Can't Say Out Loud" thread! And the Rant thread for that matter. :lol: Nonono, I love Sara as a brunette. Dark hair suits her perfectly, I agree. If she became a blond, then she and Cath would look quite alike. And Sofia is also a blond. Can you imagine 3 blonds in a show? There needs to be a balance. 2 blonds and a brunette goes well. :)
Her hair is much better darker. I hated it when it was like a reddish color near the end of season three. That's an awesome picture, though.

As far as her calling anyone "baby," I'm gonna go ahead and say that it isn't something, and she has proved this, she can pull off. Nope. Sara just can't do it. There's a lot of things she can do. She's awesome with tape lifting. Great with blood evidence. I think she's one of the best photographers in the lab, but she cannot pull off pet names.
oh noo ... sara? blond? definitly not ... she's more the dark type blond wouldn't suit her ...
when do you like her hair cut most ?? i think it's very cute in season 6
UrielFalcon said:
I like her hair long with the little wave in the middle... All layered and stuff. Looks great.
yeah me to i like it long and wavey. as for her hair color i just love her hair just perfect brunet. ;)
and for sara i think she can give a pet name to the one she loves. it so cute beside there's a playful side of her don't you all agree. :eek:
I totally agree on the playful side. It came out more in the early seasons, then she had all that darkness in S4. But in 5 she lightened up again.
I loved the playfulness she showed working with Greg, that was so cute.
As for hair: Season 1 curls and S5/6 wavey. And daaaark brown.
I absolutely love waves on her. This is my favorite Sara hair, well, my fav next to her curly hair in Season 1: Wavylicious. I think it looks absolutely fab on her. :) I think she looks younger and more vibrant/playful when her hair is wavy. When its straight she looks more serious.
love the hair sidler and that pic so awesome. and yes i agree with you that she looks serious with the straight hair.
mia she still is playful as i've seen in s6 shes flirty and smiles alot to.
Hola! I've just come back from Puerto Vallarta so I apologize for being MIA :p I see you've all been talking about me ;)

MacsGirlMel said:
I watched DTD last night and couldn't help noticing Sara's expression at the end. Think she was thinking about her own past even though her family and the kid's were pretty different? They still kinda have common threads. And maybe wonder what effect it had/will have on her and things she does/might do?

I do think she was thinking of her own past, too. It was obvious in the footage they showed you of the videos she was watching that the kid grew up in a violent environment, and Sara was also shooting the screen one of her signature 'if looks could kill' glares. I think she was disgusted by the father's behavior, for one.

And fic idea? Ooh! That does sound cool! Hehe, I'll have to see!

I'm back from my audition, I said Sara's past from Nesting Dolls, and I auditioned for a play at my school.

I think I pulled it off, but I could never say it as great as Jorja did in Nesting Dolls.

And I tried crying at the end, but my tears wouldn't go out of my eyes.. GRRNESS!

Yay! quoth is contemplating the fic idea! lol.


I wrote a song about Sara's childhood. I guess I'll post it, cause I don't have anything else to do..


she never did anything,
to aggrivate him.
she never deserved,
the punishment she had to go through.

you could only stand there and watch,
for fear of what he might do to you.
you heard her screams and let out your cries,
and watched her bruises set in.

everything was perfect,
but then he picked up that addiction.
and everything changed,
and listening to her cries, became normal.

[repeat chorus]

one day, everything changed again.
she got fed up with his abuse,
and ended it for good,
but she left you,
and took him away from you.
she left you with strangers.
she left you by yourself.
with the bruises he gave you, and the memories.

[repeat chorus]

she left you with strangers.
she left you by yourself,
with the bruises he gave you
and the memories.

[repeat chorus]

left you with the bruises he gave you..
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