Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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yeah i agree. hank a sweetie? he was a jerk. he acted sweet in the first few scenes with her, because he was interested in her, in the latter scenes you could see the guilt on his face, especially the ep she found out.
and he treated sara badly. she would never have dated him if she had knew he had a girlfriend. he had a girlfriend and sara was his bit on the side. i dont think sara was in love, or anything, or that she thought him 'the one'. far from it, i dont think she had deep feelings for him, but i think she liked him, they had fun, and though it was probably casual dating, from the way she acted (always smiling around him and stuff, bandaging him up, telling him he did an awesome job, calling him 'baby' when she was at a crime scene, in front of her co-workers.) i think she was probably happy for it to progress possibly. when she found up, she looked upset, she remained composed, but you could tell.

but anyways, he lost her, good, and now she has grissom, good, but this is saras thread, so back to sara.

that scene where she called him baby.

lol. it was so cute, her reaction, like right after she said it-she realised and 'damn' expression hit her face and she quickly turned, it was so adorable. its the little details, the little things about how jorja plays sara that make me love Sara even more, like how she said the 'dull' comment in the last ep. she's so cute!
I think when she made the 'baby' comment it sounded really unnatural. But, yeah, certain lines she delivers, like perfectly. The 'dull' comment was a perfect example. It was adorable. Nobody could have done it better.
When I saw that scene in which she called Hank "baby" I was like "wtf...did she really just say that?"
It felt totally out of context, I never saw it coming and it just didn't feel like Sara. (Sounds weird but I wouldn't know how else to describe it)
Sidle71 said:
I wish i was smart like sara damnit! I have no maths or science ability!!
Yeah, tell me about it. :lol: I have no smart-cells whatsoever. I need to find a way to get my hands on Sara's brain...

My thoughts about Hank? He's a Skank. That mean *ss, how dare he hurt my girl! :mad: I didn't think Sara was in love with him too, but she was happy for a while that she's finally found a companion. And of course Skankness had to take her happiness away by cheating on her. What is Sara to him, a side dish? When she called him "baby" I actually laughed. :lol: It didnt at all sound like Sara. About Hank being uncomfortable around her because she smells, that's very ungentlemanly of him. I remember Greg telling her that "a real man wouldnt mind". Hank's not a real man I guess. :p Anyway, Im glad he's out of the picture.
It seemed out of character for her to say it out loud that way. Anyway, it made me smile a little :) Hank didn't deserve it, she should've kept this word for Greg.

I'm kidding! GSR fans don't look at me that way T T
i agree it seemed out of character. i totally didnt see it coming, it came out of nowhere, and when she said it, i was like, 'eh wtf'. which is probably why it felt unatural-we wernt expecting it. and she couldnt believe it either, she way she turned away and went looking with her searchlight as if it never happened, but she said it, so it was there for a reason, and that was to signify, she was close to him, and she really liked him-though, i agree, it didnt seem a very 'sara' thing to do. she seems a lot more guarded and thoughtful before she speaks, so it was a suprise. but the scene did make me laugh, it was pretty cute.

as was one i watched last night where she was with nick and she was in the bath trying to get the handrail off the wall, and when she fell, i couldnt stop laughing, and when he kept smirking and laughing when she was trying to get it off the wall. it was a totally adorable scene, the face she pulled when she fell was priceless. so cute.
I agree! It came out really strange... as if she forgot she had to say it and quickly mumbled it behind her last setence. :lol: It doesn't fit her character at all. I guess she would never call somebody 'baby' in public. :p
It doesn't fit her character at all. I guess she would never call somebody 'baby' in public.
I think she would, just not someone she's seeing on the side. If she was in a 'real' relationship I think she would say it, even in public. Without the shocked expression or cheeks turning red.
LOL Did Sara call Hank baby? I totally missed that, I really can't remember. Maybe I just erased it from my memory on purpose LOL

yeah she did, they were at a crime scene, the one where it was the girls dad who had slit her wrists and accidently killed her, well anyways, yeah Warrick was asking if he'd moved anything (to hank) and hank was like no, i didnt, blah blah, and sara says 'its ok baby', then she realises, and quickly turns, and goes off into the closet. then after hanks finished talking to warrick, as hes leaving he stops by the closet, and hes like, im going, and she kinda purses her lips, wrinkles her nose and is like whispers sorry. well anyways, it was weird cause it was so unprofessional, you know if grissom had been there instead of warrick, she wouldnt have uttered anything. i think she spoke before she thought of what she was saying. it was cute (her reaction after), but weird, but obviously she liked him.
How about we stop talking about the 'H word'? :p

I said this on the GSR board, but I'm going to put it here too, I think it would be funny, and maybe a little weird to hear Sara call Grissom baby. I don't think it would happen, what do you guys think?

Can you really picture Sara saying to Grissom 'Bye, baby'.

I don't know, I just don't see it.
Could we please not discuss GSR in here? I'm still in denial and there's a thread over in Shipper Central for that sort of discussion.
But, should she ever call him "baby" I don't think I'll take the show serious anymore.
Sorry Mia..

I was just asking if you guys.. well I guess most of us are girls.. thought that it sounded out of character for Sara to say 'baby', and it would also be.. odd.. if she said it to Grissom.

Sorry I brought it up..

I'll go cry in the corner then!

*runs off to the corner*
No need to run away. Just voiced my opinion like everybody else can do here.
Seems we're on the same page though about it being odd if she called Grissom baby...
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