Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Asking a simple question regarding if Sara would referre to someone else as "baby" is fine, all we ask is that any ship discussions go into those threads in ship central. :)
oh well. in that case, id love Sara to call grissom baby. id love it even more if it was the other way around! i dont think she will however, since its been done already though
Sara_Grissom_Fan said:

yeah she did, they were at a crime scene, the one where it was the girls dad who had slit her wrists and accidently killed her, well anyways, yeah Warrick was asking if he'd moved anything (to hank) and hank was like no, i didnt, blah blah, and sara says 'its ok baby', then she realises, and quickly turns, and goes off into the closet. then after hanks finished talking to warrick, as hes leaving he stops by the closet, and hes like, im going, and she kinda purses her lips, wrinkles her nose and is like whispers sorry. well anyways, it was weird cause it was so unprofessional, you know if grissom had been there instead of warrick, she wouldnt have uttered anything. i think she spoke before she thought of what she was saying. it was cute (her reaction after), but weird, but obviously she liked him.

*faints* ok, yes, I did block that out on purpose ;)
Hmm okay. *runs away* Grissom? Sara? Baby? No. *runs away to shipper central*

I'm cold. Is Jorja going to appear in a TV show or something, soon?
*joins the circle of crazy people talking about Jorja*


Okay, so what exactly is the discussion topic now?? Meh.. I'll start one..

What would you do if Jorja dyed her hair bleach blonde!

Well first, I'd laugh.. then cry.. :-]
:lol: good question. I'd laugh too. And then I'd post in the "I can't believe it" thread. Then I'd make an icon of blond Jorja and once that's done I'd start praying she'll change it back. Unless it looks hot...which I can't imagine even though she's basically always hot...
There will be too many blondes in this series, I guess.
If I were you, I would imagine her in red hair like a rose.
Hah, what am I thinking? - -"
Have you guys seen those magazine pics of Jorja where she is in a sort-of leather cat suit and platinum blonde wig? Its quite cool to see her like that, different from Sara, daring and outrageous. Also one with in a blue bikini and short black wig....mmmmm!
The wigs were too obviously wigs. You can't really compare that to how she'd look if her own hair was dyed blond. Those pics are hot, yes. But I don't really like the wigs. The pictures would be sexier with her own hair.
^ I agree. lol. She can.. just stick with the brown hair.. I'm kind of scared of any other colour that she might put in her hair.. :lol:
*looks at leather picture, is about to comment but is glared at by dog who knows what she's going to say*

Umm... Phew... is it kinda hot in here, or...? I'd love that picture SOO much more if she was brunette...

Actually, from Velocity trap, she looked good with the purple flair and the very cold looking silvery makeup...

All though I think they went a little overboard with the giant shiny cans for boobies, but meh... I can actually picture Jorja with black, shiny blueish hair...

Dark REALLY works for her. ^_^^_^^_^
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