Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Regarding Jorja & Georges firing there have been many discussions on it that could be found doing a search, but I am in a good mood and did one for you all. :)

This like will take you to a thread called "Whats the real story?", in which you find several links to several threads, in which explains more about the situation.
When Jorja and George (I just love how similar their names are!) got fired a few years back, I wasnt really into CSI. *shame :(* But now that I am, Im really glad theyre still on the would be so different if Nick and Sara are played by different actors don't you agree? Jorja especially. What'll I do without Jorja? Btw, thanks for the link D. :)
SidLer said:
When Jorja and George (I just love how similar their names are!) got fired a few years back, I wasnt really into CSI. *shame :(* But now that I am, Im really glad theyre still on the would be so different if Nick and Sara are played by different actors don't you agree? Jorja especially. What'll I do without Jorja? Btw, thanks for the link D. :)

yup ... that would be very strange ... i mean jorja is my favourite csi actor i think i would stop watching the show ...
ok ... no i wouldn't ^^ , i would sit in my room the whole day watching old episodes and thinking about a plan to bring them back ^^
i mean what is csi without jorja and george ?!
If Jorja wasn't on the show I'd still watch (There's still a lot of others I like). Though I would run around cursing and saying I wasn't gonna watch it anymore. Just like I said I was going to quit watching if they ever pulled GSR. I'm still here... CSI is addictive. But Jorja is the main pull for me. Without her it just wouldn't be CSI anymore... I already hate the eps that have little to no Sara in them.
I agree completely! The whole cast work so well together that i can't imagine what would happen if one had to leave! Especially if it was Jorja!! Its nuts but i find myself watching episodes and going.. "hey where the hell is Sara? Why haven't we seen her yet??!!" She's an awesome character!
I totally agree.


My math equasion for the day :). I'm doing no more math until tomorrow, because my GAYASS math teacher gave us an assignment AND homework on a day we had a feildtrip + a fourday weekend. (professional development day and Thanksgiving!) But anywhoo, I digress. The point is, Sara/Jorja not being on CSI would totally suck, and I'd end up reverting back to Cath as my favorite character. Sara just makes CSI .. click. Plus, she's just so cute!

Damn, three equasions. Oh well :D
Good luck with your homework! i am glad i don't have to worry about that anymore! I wish i was smart like sara damnit! I have no maths or science ability!!
And yes she is super cute!! I think Jorja has the sexiest voice ever!!!
Oh and regarding the earlier posts about Jorja and Marg singing on What a Pair... i was checking out the website (it looks like and awesome charity!) and they have a video section which isn't up and running yet so hopefully we'll be able to see the performances soon! Until then if anyone does know of another place where i can see it, pls let me know... thanks
Haha, thanks, Sidle71. I agree, math sucks. And also, I agree Jorja has such a nice voice! *faints*

Oh, and regarding double-posting. You're not allowed to do that, because it's called spamming. It's not allowed :D So, if you want to add something to a post, there's this cute little grey button on the top of your post that says "Edit." Click that and add whatever.
thanks for those links Destiny :)
i didnt even think to search ha. there was some very interesting stuff mentioned though. i think from what ive read, id say they were treated badly by the studio, and that it is shockinly unfair that she and george are supposedly on the lowest income of the mains, 100,000. while WP supposedly 500,000 and Marg Helgenberger, probably between 230,000-250,000. Jorja is an asset to that show and if she comes back after the 7th, deserves a big payrise. and the stuff about 1 million complaints to the studio from fans following the sackings, and WP and MH, sticking up for them, that really makes me happy. thankgod they got rehired. csi without Jorja would be awful.

I already hate the eps that have little to no Sara in them.

they seriously under-use her at times, i feel. that one in season 3, where she'd maxed out on her overtime and couldnt get into the field (haha, that was so cute), there was 1(!) god damn scene (which was like 1 min long), and before that, like 20 mins in, i was getting annoyed thinking why isnt she on scene yet, god *stamps feet*...and after that, i just lost interest in the ep and fast fowarded to see if there was more sara, but noooooo. i really like it when shes in a lot of scenes, theres something about her on screen, and i agree with whoever said she has a sexy voice, she totally does :D

edit: i just watched that ep where she finds out Hanks got a girlfriend and she was the 'other woman', and i felt so sad and heart-broken for her. although im glad they finished (i am a GSR shipper afterall!), but the poor thing, she was so into him, it was clear she was more keen than him (in the ep where she calls him 'baby', and then this one) shes the one whos more open and forthright and stuff. i can apprecitate why he wasnt, afterall the moron had a girlfriend, and was keeping secrets from her and stringing her along, but you could see how crushed she was, i felt like she needed a big hug.
Hey Mini Catherine! Thanks for the double posting info. I am new to this whole forums thing! Usually just read, but recently decided that i should get involved. So i guess i will learn as i go!!

I thought Hank was such a sweety! I loved the episode when they first met, Bully For You! and Sara had to deal with that super decomposed body and she 'smelled like death' according to Greg! (hahahaha so funny!!) Now don't get me wrong, cause i am all for GSR but i was kinda bummed out at the way they got rid of Hank. He really didn't seem like the kinda guy who would do that. I suppose they had to end it somehow? But i felt so sorry for Sara. She really doesn't let anyone in that easily and then to have her heart broken like that! Cruel!
But i suppose anyone of us would have jumped at the chance to hug her, right? ;)
^Strongly disagree on Hank being sweet, but different people have different opinions...
I'm not sure about him not being the type for cheating, I mean we've hardly ever seen him. Doubt that Sara knew much more about that guy than the viewers did... But the end to it was really abrupt. I didn't even acknowledge they were together for real. Ok, there was that "baby" slip, but other than that she kept saying he wasn't her boyfriend and rarely mentioned him. I honestly wasn't aware of him until I re-watched the eps of season 3.
By the way, when they met Hank was all like "You smell", not the nicest thing to tell a beautiful lady, even if it's true...
What exactly is the type for cheating, they had sara and hanks relationship pretty much 'just as good friends'and all through the years the writers have never really given her role any type of romance, other than 'will they, will wont they' with the GSR storyline.
I just thought he seemed like a sweet guy (flirting over a corpse and all) heehee, but you're right, can't really judge as he wasn't around much. I would have found that 'you smell' comment very amusing if i was in that situation, just having puked my guts out while sifting through man-soup and now trying to get a date using only a breath mint! I admire her determination to give it a shot!
Uhm, type for cheating, as in like, pure skum that thinks no more of a girl than he does lint on a teeshirt. :)

And I agree with Mia on the sweet thing. I thought he was a total.. uhmm.. Poohead. You get my point. He was mean to Sar-bear, and she was totally diggin' him, don't we agree? She thought he was "the one," but Sara, honey, c'mon. You gots Gris, 'Rick and Nick, oh, and Greggo. Don't choose scum, baby girl! We love you too much!
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