I don't know if you noticed, but that article is from April. Here's one posted on June 17th: Letterman Ties Leno, As Jay Falls Well Below Conan’s "Tonight Show" Ratings Trend

a follow-up to the previous one (posted yesterday, June 24th): Leno’s "Tonight Show" Ratings Stay Below Conan’s; Will They Ever Top Them?

Jay Leno's ratings may have skyrocketed at first, but they do seem to be leveling out. While it is true that "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno almost always beats "The Late Show with David Letterman", viewing trends are what matter more to networks (in terms of business and ad revenue potential), and fewer people are watching Leno this year than Conan O'Brien last year.
thanks! I couldn't find those articles anywhere. There was something else I read online that Conan's new TBS show is looking at a 10pm time slot which means he would be up against Leno is the ratings which I find kind of funny.

since this thread bears the ambiguous title of "Jay Leno", I'm gonna go ahead and voice my true opinion by saying that I hate Leno with a passion. I think he's quite the opposite of funny, I've never once laughed at his monologues (not even exaggerating). And I think the way he handled that 'late night war' with conan was just atrocious. Leading to that poll that Oprah(?) generated where, out of however many hundreds of thousands of votes, 97% agreed Leno was in the wrong. Then his actual interview with oprah took away any little respect I may have had for him.

Even if you're a die hard Leno fan, you've got to be able to see the humour if Conan's new show goes head to head with Leno's. NBC is already in the danger zone because of their judgement calls.
I don't like to use the word "hate" very harsh. I feel although the same about Conan, he's sarcastic, cynical, & boring to ther max. I've never laughed at his "humor":rolleyes: once. I don't care if Jay has 20 million fans or 2 million, I think he's hysterical and have for all the time he's been on. To each ones own on what people find funny and what they don't. Conan will never last 20 years, like Jay has, and that's just a fact:thumbsup:And Conan was the big sissy/baby and threw a tantrum. Jay just went along with the plan that NBC offered, showing extreme maturity~And quoting Oprah doesn't score points with me..

Here's a link from Neilsen Media, that shows Jay leads all late night talk show hosts, in the ratings from June~


And Coco maybe you should start a Conan O'Brien thread and then you can rave about how great he is, and not find fault with Jay~ just a suggestion!
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^The ratings change, nobody is fighting you on that...I was merely posting about the ratings as they stood when I posted. and a situation I found rather funny.

and I wasn't trying to Conan-promote, it was just the example that came ot mind based off the story I had just posted. Like I said I only posted my opinion due to the ambiguity of the thread, it's not stated as an appreciation thread by any means, so I posted news related to his show and inadvertantly my opinion of it.
Conan will never last 20 years, like Jay has, and that's just a fact:thumbsup:

Actually, Conan has already lasted 20 years. He was a writer for SNL in the late 80s/early 90s, then hosted "Late Night With Conan O'Brien" from 1993-2009. Even after "The Tonight Show", he went on to do a very successful, sold-out comedy tour, and inked a deal with TBS to do another comedy show.

I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon. ;)
Conan will never last 20 years, like Jay has, and that's just a fact:thumbsup:

Actually, Conan has already lasted 20 years. He was a writer for SNL in the late 80s/early 90s, then hosted "Late Night With Conan O'Brien" from 1993-2009. Even after "The Tonight Show", he went on to do a very successful, sold-out comedy tour, and inked a deal with TBS to do another comedy show.

I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon. ;)

I know that, I was speaking as a "late night talk-show-host", maybe that won't be his forte, like it is Jay's, time will tell~
Okay I don't mind Leno, not my favorite, but decent so I pop in here from time to time to check things out, but rarely post (until recently, obv.) In my few posts before, I by no means meant to take a jab at Leno or what he does; just receiting a news article I had found concerning him.

That being said, Leno isn't #1 on my list, but he is on it. DW it was you who told me to consider opening a Conan thread to voice my opinions (good and bad) about him, his shows, his tours, etc. when I was merely using his name in passing. If I come in to check out this threads updates, I really don't appreciate the fact that you are now abasing Conan O'Brien's career and openly ridiculing, and undermining what he has done in order to promote your love of Leno. Therefore provoking (however unintentional is was) an arguement over who is better; something you've made clear you don't want.

Threads like this function as a two-way street.
I think to be fair, it's probably important to note that Jay probably couldn't be anything but a talk show host. I can't imagine him doing stand up anymore, he just doesn't have the chops for it anymore. And really, he has writers doing that material for him now, I would imagine. Conan on the other hand, as mentioned above, has had a long and successful career doing a good variety of things in the entertainment field.

I'm sure Leno will last long enough as a host, because I don't think he has any other options. Seems like the ratings are down on all the late night shows though, so maybe they're all becoming dinosaurs anyway? Maybe something new needs to be introduced? In an ever-changing entertainment world- online viewing becoming more prevalent, and lessing interest in regular cable formats...? Who knows where we're headed?

Lets cut to the chase. Jay Leno, who appeared last Saturday nigh at The Show at Agua Caliente Resort and Casino, did not talk about Conan O'Brien, or his abortive 10 p.m. show on NBC. Or his embattled return to "The Tonight Show", or O'Brien's ancsesion to basic cable. He did, however, address such topics as Bill Clinton, George W.Bush, crooked attorneys, condoms, the Playboy channel, and why dogs are better than cats. So, for the full house at the show, Leno provided a crisp, albeit familiar, 90 minutes of well, Leno. Amid all the media hubbub over NBC's bungling attempt to reinvent a cheaper version of primetime, Leno was cast as a megalomaniac, who snatched argubly TV's most plum gig from poor 7-month short timer O'Brien. Yes, it's been a most turbulent year since Leno first opened The Show a year ago. As accusations flew, what got obscured was an inarguable fact--at approximately 11:35 p.m. each night America LOVES som Leno. At The Show, Leno re-established his warm, fuzzy cred. He isn't edgy and inventive like 'Brien. He isn't unpredictable and acerbic like Letterman. he isn't testosterone-steeped like Jimmy Kimmel. Leno is safer, solid and reliable. so an extended version of his "Tonight Show", monologue with a healthy doses of "my wacky family" humor from his old stand up act tossed in, was exactly what the Agua Caliente crowd was looking for. Leno didn't disappoint. His first gig was vintage Jay: "Good evening BP stockholders" He followed that by expressing his shock at seeing "endless news footage of oil-covered birds-until he realized it wasn't the Guilf oil spill coverage, but a KFC commercial":lol:
While Leno touched on recent headlines, much of his topical material trekked back to comic pay dirt from years hence-Bill Clinton's wandering eye, George W. Bush's intellect, even Bjork's ill-fated swan gown. The crowd didn't seem to mind that Jay was tilling familiar fields. He broke them up over and over again. NO mater whose troops you back in the after-your-local-news wars, one has to admit-Jay's still charming, comfy and couldn't offend anyone even on his crankiest day. More satisfying than his evening news barbs were Jay's pokes at his relatives, his pets and his own mortality. These jokes reminded us how he got the best job on TV in the first place. He's an affable guy and America, when programming it's long-running traditions, oft prefers affable. The most rewarding gag of the evening was Leno coming to terms with his 6 decades on the planet-half of that telecast nightly Peacock network. He recalled how, half a life ago, he was injured in a much publicized motorcycle accident. Three days later, he was back on the air. Now, he bemoaned, he cannot turn his head and yawn at the same time without pulling a muscle, all of him turning 60. That's about the age of the "elderly relatives' he often makes fun of in his act. He hinted, turrning into his own jokes. It's not the material that's going to kick start contemporary comedy. But it's funny, familiar stuff that clicks millions of remotes over to the rekindled "Tonight" each and every night. And it's the stuff that filled Jay's show on Saturday~


Ah, but the thing is, he does still do stand-up and all his shows are all most always sold out:bolian: wherever he goes. He's not just a late night talk-show-host. He also appears at the Mirage in Vegas, so it says on this link "sold-out"

Yeah, I guess that stuff will still appeal to an older audience. Or at least older than me (I'm 40). ;) I don't have a problem with him per se, I just don't think he's particularly innovative, and as the article you quoted mentioned, he still relies heavily on old jokes. Not really my cuppa, generally. But whatever- he clearly has an audience of people who are still content with his schtick.
The audience at the Palm Springs Casino was a mixture of ages from 20's to whatever, I spoke with a customer who's 25, and raved about him, said he was a "riot" and in Vegas as well. I lived in Nevada, and one of my best friends is 32, and loves him.. age has nothing to do with comedy. I was refering to "he doesn't draw crowds and can't do standup" and his routine is what's happening in the news today not old jokes...:confused: which was what I was responding to. There's all kinds of "older comedians" that still draw a conglomeration of ages. And on his Late night show he talks about topical news what's happening in the moment. If he wasn't popular he wouldn't be selling out showrooms:thumbsup:

And, when he comes out on his late night show and shakes hands with some audience members, [before he goes into his monlogue] in the first few rows they're all young kids~
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Actually, it says, "much of his topical material trekked back to comic pay dirt from years hence-Bill Clinton's wandering eye, George W. Bush's intellect, even Bjork's ill-fated swan gown."

OK, well then... we could always look at the membership in this thread to get a reading on what our peers are looking at... ;) Sorry, but it seems like mostly you posting in this thread.

I know, I know... I don't know why I bother. You'll defend the guy to the end- as is your right, of course. I guess I felt I needed to say something because of the covert Conan bashing. Sorry, I'll let it go.
His jokes aren't bad in context, but I find I laugh a lot more when I'm reading them. I find he needs most of his jokes to be set up for him, and he doesn't have 100% accuracy with them -no comedian ever does- but the constantly repeated punchline and just some of his segments only attract a certain type of humour...It's kind of like Craig Ferguson, there's really no in between with his humour.
I was at the taping last week Wednesday when Kristen Stewart was on promoting the Runaways. It was really interesting being in the audience and seeing how it all comes together!

OMG, I'm so envious lucky you,:bolian: how was the whole show?, How exciting for you. Does Jay come out and talk to the audience first? How was it being in L.A. traffic wise? Congratulations to you. I did see Dakota Fanning on, talking about this movie~

The whole show was cool....parts were really funny. Jay does come out to speak with the crowd and explains the whole process and how it works. then he goes off stage and then after it starts he does shake hands with a few people that are sitting up in the front.

Traffic is pretty much a nightmare in LA but we managed to get around with little problems.

Here's one of our mods who actually went and saw him:eek: and read her comments. If there were in fact another late night talk show host and I didn't care for them male or female, I wouldn't use the word HATE. I probably would never bother to post on that topic/thread. I hope out of respect for that person, and the fan who does enjoy this particular comic, whoever they might be, would not bash them continually, what's the point? It really accomplishes nothing :confused: