Jay Leno is cool, I just hope that he keeps all of the stuff that he has going for him from the jay leno show when he goes back to the tonight show.

Brand new show tonight, after a week of re-runs, can't wait. I will post his up-dated news worthy monologue tomorrow:bolian:
From 7-6, and BTW his new band is great with Ricky Minor as the leader formerly with "DWTS"~

Thank's for the applause it sounds like the inmates at the jail where Lindsay Lohan will be going:(

100 degree heat wave in N.Y., people were sweating like Mel Gibson at the Apollo:vulcan:

So hot stockbrokers are jumping out the window just for the breeze:lol:

Queen Elizabeth was there in N.Y. to try and recruit LeBron James:rolleyes:

4th of July, We were trying to get away from the British rule, now were trying to get away from British oil, so nothing much has changed:eek:

Iran has just banned the MULLET & today Kentucky has broken all ties with them:rommie:

Guest was Jason Segal, never heard of him so deleted the rest~
From July 9 Friday night:bolian:


It's so hot in Florida even the people in Cleveland could feel the heat:wtf:

Lebron held an hour press conference when Glen Beck saw it, he was confused, he called him a Muslim and demanded to see his birth certificate:shifty:

There hasn't been this much hype about a guy switching teams since Ricky Martin:confused:

It was the most watched show on ESPN in history, Lebron said UM 50 times, then it showed a simulation of him sitting at the White House desk:lol:

We've got oil spills, heat, earthquakes, but we're still having a better week than Mel Gibson:rolleyes:

BP said in a perfect world we'll have the oil leak fixed in a month. In a perfect world we wouldn't have BP:scream:

VP Joe Biden was his guest, [he said he watches Jay] he's delightful, interesting, smart and funny:guffaw: He goes to Jay, "just wanted to say that the SS are armed, so watch it":rommie: He just got back from Iraq and said it's so much better now, violence is way down, He was there on the 4th and some Iraqi's were sworn in as U.S. citizens, and the event took place in Sadam's palace:eek:
He said he hoped we be out of there soon:bolian: He was there with his wife and they celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary. Also mentioned the people down in the Gulf are scared to death, about losing their livlihood and the "president" and myself are not going to rest till this is fixed~
He said one lesson her learned many years ago from Jesse Helms is "Question one's judgement, not their motives"

Adrien Brody was his final guest, and he's also funny and charming and it showed a clip of his latest flick "Predators" [also starring our leading man on CSI Laurence Fishburne]`

Great show:bolian:
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From Monday, July 12~


Spain won the World Cup and now Lebron James wants to play for them:eek:

Cleveland fans are so furious at him some are even crying, showed a guy.. geez, get over it~

Mel Gibson jokes, to dispicable to print:(

China honored the U.S. dollar, why not it owns all of them:(

Russian woman in a remote village turned 130 years old and to their knowledge she's the oldest living person on the planet. So once again John McCain comes in 2nd:rommie:

Royal family may be totatlly broke by 2012. "Well yeah, Jay goes "that's what happens when nobody in your family has had a job in 600 years":wtf:

The Vatican is also feeling the money crunch "their having to rob Paul to pay Peter":lol:

Seth Myers was the guest, but had to pass~
From Monday, July 12~


Spain won the World Cup and now Lebron James wants to play for them:eek:

Cleveland fans are so furious at him some are even crying, showed a guy.. geez, get over it~
And in my opinion Jay needs to get a clue before telling people to get over it. Also he needs to learn why people were so upset about this jerk leaving the team. *sigh*
From Monday, July 12~


Spain won the World Cup and now Lebron James wants to play for them:eek:

Cleveland fans are so furious at him some are even crying, showed a guy.. geez, get over it~
And in my opinion Jay needs to get a clue before telling people to get over it. Also he needs to learn why people were so upset about this jerk leaving the team. *sigh*

Sorry Destiny those weren't Jay's coments they were mine, on the "get over it". I had no idea people were so irritated, upset and furious over his decision . I didn't mean to offend any one:(
DW it not a problem. Thank you for clearing it up. But James' decision to leave isn't what ticked people off, it was the way he did it. A one hour special on ESPN in which he and the interviewer went through 18 meaningless questions to get to the big one "where will you be playing".

What really upset cleveland (and some other teams) is the fact that he NEVER called the Cavs (his former team) owners Dan Gilbert to say I have decided to go to Miami. They were informed 2 minutes if that before he announced it on ESPN by James' people not him, himself.

He didn't have the guts to say anything to the team that signed him out of HS, who took him in and raised him, made him into the player he is, and really gave him everything and coddled him to the point of overboard. He refused to even take calls from the Cavs, text, email, etc. The fact that he also referred to the Cavs and Cleveland as "That franchise" "that city", didn't help his cause. But to honestly not give the team who gave you everything and more a heads up personally is what made him a jerk to alot of his fans in cleveland and alot of other places.

I meant no disrespect to you but you might want to put
Jay: [insert joke]
ME: [insert opinion]

:lol: to avoid this or something like it. ;)

I could tell you more about this but I think you are getting the idea and I don't even like basketball (more baseball for me) nor James. But its the idea of him figuritively giving the finger to the town and the team on national tv for the purpose of (imo) his ego. That would be what alot of hem are upset. ;)
Once again Destiny I was insensitve and dense where he was concerned. I had no real clue on his leaving was so devasting to Ohio fans. I thank you for posting all about this that you did, it made me understand a little better. I do know that sports figures switch teams all the time. My daughter woulod be mad too at my comments. I guess some New York fans are still p.....off at Joe Torre for leaving Brooklyn. I guess he's looked on as a traitor of sorts, so I apologize for my out-of-line comments:(
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Again no harm done, you didn't do it to be mean.

Thing is it wasn't his leaving that ticked people off we all figured he would, it was just more "how" he went about it. The fact he went to Miami, not really a problem, though alot of fans wish he would have signed with the cavs but in the long run it was the going on national tv and pulling that stunt. :lol: Dan Gilbert got fined 100,000.00 for a scathing open letter letting James know how disappointed he was in him, and how he went about it. James basically shrugged it off. You can see first hand why. Here is just a good news place to get the info. Cleveland.com Plain Dealer that pretty much should give you the idea, if you think I helped you with what I said, just wait and prepare for some scathing from reporters and fans. And that is just one news org.

Thought of a better way then "Jay" "Me" for when you give your thoughts, how about
[insert monolog] then below that maybe have an IMO that way folks on any subject knows when your and Jays separate. ;) Just another thing to think on if you want. :D
Gotcha' Destiny and I will curtail my comments in the future;)

From July 15~


BP fnally capped the oil leak, so glad they "nipped this in the bud":rolleyes: Can you imagine if oil just spewed all over the place?

They had to test the integrity of it. This is the first time the word "integrity and BP have been used in the same sentence":rommie:

105 in L.A., so hot that people in Barstow were actually cooking Meth on the sidewalk:confused:

So hot, that Mel Gibson was scraming at the weatherman:scream:

More sleazy Mel Gibsons that I will not post:(

Then they had the ESPY awards, bits and pieces on the Red Carpet, which I didn't watch~
No one is saying limit your comments, just separate them from Jay's lol so to avoid what we went through.

Using what we went through as an example..

Spain won the World Cup and now Lebron James wants to play for them :eek:

~Cleveland fans are so furious at him some are even crying, showed a guy.. geez, get over it~

Notice how I put your comments in Italics? or you could use
IMO: ~Cleveland fans are so furious at him some are even crying, showed a guy.. geez, get over it~

This way you don't have to limit and no one gets confused. ;)

I do this when I give Twitter updates, I will put their tweets in italics and if there is something I want to add I will put a note in bold, it sort of lets folks know it pertains to it but its not exactly from that person. :)
OKIE DOKIE, will do:bolian:

Friday night July 16~


BP's oil leak is capped and Lindsay Lohan is in rehab. not sure how long either one of them will hold~

BP was asked why now on the cap, teir replay "we had to stop it before it reached England":wtf:

George Bush on FACEBOOK, favorite thing about it, no BOOK:lol:

iPhone 4 is so bad that air line attendants don't tell people to turn them off "nobody's going to call you on that thing anyway":(

So bad that customer service is sending them little cases for their phone. "No better service, but protects it when you throw it against the wall":scream:

NO Mel Gibson, Lindsay Lohan, or Sarah Palin, jokes yawn-yawn~

Craig Kilborn was the guest, but skipped it..
July 19~All the first four rows of the audience were young kids, that Jay shook hands with:bolian:


It was so hot, it was like Lindsay Lohan watching "The Shawshank Redemption":scream:

So hot now the Wax Museum is a candle store~:wtf:

So hot Mel Gibson yelled at his AC to blown on him or he'd burn the house down:(

If Mel had of made those calls on the new iPhone4 most of them wouldn't have gone through~:rolleyes:

Lindsay Lohan just doesn't get it. She called the jail and asked if she could have a "late check-in":shifty:

Congress wants to raise the retirement age to 70, the reason, so Bret Favre can keep playing~:eek:

China now has an oil spill, nice to know that BP is branching out:mad:


Dinner house advertisment: two- yr. olds dinner free when accompanied by an adult:confused:

Chinese restaurant advertisment.. :Thursday, all the Mexican food you can eat~:cardie:

Boots for sale..left one size 14, right one size 10:confused:

Except for arsenic, your tap water meet all EPA standards:eek:

Aquatic Center swimming lessons, now available online:confused:

DON RICKLES OMG, he's 84, and still so sharp and sooo funny. The band is all black, so he goes "Hi how are ya', gotta' be nice cause of Obama, they tend to get moody":lol: The band cracked up [my comments] So many cynical, sarcastic jokes and one liners. He plays Indian Casinos across the nation and Jay goes "do you like working them"? he goes "Yeah except late at night when they circle the hotel, I go out and wish Geronimo good luck and then go back to bed" He talked about Clint Eastwood, [he was in one of his movies] and goes "Clint's alot of fun, being with him is like being alone":guffaw:

KISS was the musical guest I passed on them~
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Monday, July 20~


Lindsay Lohan went to jail today, but sadly her parents are still on the loose:rommie:

You thought she got upset before when the bars closed:brickwall:

Robert Shapiro weas her attorney for one day, after defending O.J for two years on a double murder, & after one day he goes "I'm outta' here":wtf:

Chelsea Clinton getting married and Bill and Hillary are over the moon, and don't care who it is as long as it's not Levi Johnson:lol:

A 40-year old mother in Chicago was arrested for having sex and plying her teenage daughters boyfriends with marijuana and alcohol. "Where were these mothers when I was a teenager, all I ever got was milk and cookies":rommie:

The new movie "Inception" wth Lenorado DiCaprio, is a big hit. He is able to get into peoples dreams. "How come when I try that someone calls the police when I'm half way up the ladder":wtf: