I may be unpopular in saying this, but I'm bothered by Jay Leno....I just don't think it was a classy thing to do, bumping Conan off the air. I used to like him, but now I don't feel the same...
Uh, Jay didn't bump Conan off the air, Conan chose to leave, and is pursuing other opportunties~

Some guests he had on Thurs. and Fri. Dana Carvey he's so talented he did impressions of all past presidents, so funny and Regis, and even Jay right to his face, Gosh, this guy is so hyper, but so funny:lol:

Fri. Sweet Dakota Fanning she's sweet 16, and showed a clip of her new movie "Runnaway Girls" , she looks sensational in this, looks good~
On top of it again his monologue was hilarious. Oone part that was so funny he goes, "Doctors now say that smoking might stop Parkinson's disease, and wine helps the heart in moderation, Marijuana is good and helps people with Glacoma, and sex is good for the prostate. so "Screw the health care plan LETS PARTY":guffaw:

Headlines as always hysterical~

One of his guests was Kara from "AI" she's OK, but she wouldn't tell him who she liked but did mention Michael and Crystal~
Great show last night, Jay was on top of his game. The "Blackhawks" from Chicago were in the audience , so he paid tribute to them.:bolian:

Jay walking, stupid people on the street. On the St. Patricks day event, he asked them who was St. Patrick, DUH? [he was a saint from Ireland] and what did he chase out of Ireland"? No one knew, don't these people ever read anything [he chased the snakes into the sea]:rolleyes:

Hugh Jackman was his first guest, and boy is he charming, and delightful. His cool Australian accent. He'd just finished making a movie in China and was baffleled that the director only took one take. And he sang a song in Manderin, a country western from China in Manderin, funny:lol:

The the amazing Betty White, lordy she's 88:wtf: and so in tune and sharp on everything. And she looked great. She talked about meeting Elton John at the after Oscar party, and their both animal lovers. She goes "he's so nice and so fun to talk to, it was like talking to an old friend" Jay goes "have you ever considered retiring"? She goes "What, I don't know what that word means";) She's going to host SNL in May, should be a riot~

Enjoyable show~
I was at the taping last week Wednesday when Kristen Stewart was on promoting the Runaways. It was really interesting being in the audience and seeing how it all comes together!
I was at the taping last week Wednesday when Kristen Stewart was on promoting the Runaways. It was really interesting being in the audience and seeing how it all comes together!

OMG, I'm so envious lucky you,:bolian: how was the whole show?, How exciting for you. Does Jay come out and talk to the audience first? How was it being in L.A. traffic wise? Congratulations to you. I did see Dakota Fanning on, talking about this movie~
From Wedesday and Thursday nights~

His opening monologue making jokes about St. Patricks day, one about a strange odor on a plane flight going to Jamaica, and going green Kevin goes "What could that be":lol:

Cheap version of TMA called JMZ and fake celebrities. First Barbara Walters [not her] and this guy snuck into her apt. [of course he really didn't] showing her dancing to rap music and smoking a bong,:eek: then shooting out her TV:wtf:

Ozzy and how her was trading on wall street and was no really brain dead like he presents. funny:lol:

Kids inventions, a pet scratcher really cute, a with with an attachement that scratches you dog or cat~another one a sprayer to squirt if your cat jumps on the furniture. These kids were like 8-11 years old, brilliant for a child of that age~

Thursday: monologue hilarious~
A segment called GOOGLE STREET VIEW with silly zeroing in on up close from the opposite sky view. One Joe Biden locked out of the Oval Office and inside Obama holding the, door so he couldn't get in:lol:
Another view of Mt. Everest with a Starbucks on top:wtf: and showing Jays house with Oprah And Letterman sitting by his pool, all fake but funny:guffaw:

Janet Jackson his guest she's the image of Michael. And she' sweet and cordial. The showed a film clip of her new Tyler Perry movie "Why Did I Get Married" and she was crying [husband left] with no make-up on and a real dramatic scene~
From Friday night, his monologue was hilarious as usual, Some quick coolometns he was taliing about "Jihad Jane", said "she joined a terrorist group because she was lonely and wanted to find someone who loved her, not to mention the fact that "e-Harmony, was just to creepy":lol:and he goes "their taking the salt out of bologna, hey the salt is the only thing healthy in bologna":rommie:

Pump casting, a bunch of real idots that are listening to a fake newsman on a screen above the pumps and they actually follow his instructions and never question that it's all a a punk newsman":rolleyes:

John Cusak was his guest, awesome guy and from Chicago. They talked about their favorite food, and Jay goes "the best city for food in the U.S.A. Jay said he liked the big roast beef subs, and John liked the deep pizza~~And showed a clip of his latest movie~
Another great show, his monlogue top of the line. one comment about VP Joe Biden and when he whispered in Pres. Obama's ear at the Health Care Reform signing but the audio picked it up. called "Thank god for Joe Biden" he goes "It's a big f@#$%&*" deal" in Barack's ear.:lol: and with the "Yes we can", now it's "Yes we finally did" & Jay walking and who are they, with only the eyes showing and one was the Pope, and this girl said "he doesn't look trustworthy" another on the Pres. of Iran, and he "did look trustworthy":confused:

Guest, Gerald Butler.. so Scottish & cute accent, and he's charming and sang "L.A. Woman" by the Doors, pretty damn good~
I may be in the minority here, but Jay Leno isn't really cutting it for me these days. I think that Conan had the funnier show, but Jay had the bigger stars. I just believe that Jay tries to hard, that's why I stay up later and watch Craig instead. While I found Jay funnier when I was younger, he's just not the same for me anymore.
To each his own, Jay is still the funniest comedian ever on the late night circuit, to me and millions of others, Conan was to me silly, arrogant and not funny ..ever..If it were not so, then NBC would have ditched him, [Jay] but they didn't:thumbsup:ratings are over the moon~
Some of Jays monlogues from the other night~

"60% of people don't own cell phones..technical term "grandparents":lol:
"New research shows, that if it takes more than 30 minutes to fall alseep, you have a higher chance of dying, well hearing that will certainly put you in a doze mode":lol:
"Leagal Mariajuana like a possibilty in California, so one day you can walk into a Walmart and buy weed from a clerk who's a legal immigrant:lol:

He had a Craigs List Confidential, and some real loser was e-mailing a gal he'd spotted at his wedding, and while on his honeymon, said, "maybe we can get together for drinks and get to know each other better" wonderful:rolleyes:

Craig T. Nelson was his 1st guest, geez he still look's the same and is funny, talked about the health care, the stimulas, taxes bailout etc. on a funny note~

He showed a clip while he was on his break from his new show "Parenthood" and everyone was on their cell phones an totally ignored & blew him off. He talked about his family he's got 9 kids and a great-grand-son~

Rumer Willis was his 2nd guest, she sure look's like her mom Demi, and how her and her boyfriend are building their own house with their own hands. and showed pictures~ Always a cheerful happy show~
From the new TV Guide, dated April 5-11~

WHY LENOS' BACK ON TOP "Jay's a very hands-on person and will work it to re-earn his stripes" Joanna Jordan, president of Central Talent Booking~

The "Tonight Show" viewers were treated to an atypcal guest when the notorious press-shy Simon Cowell landed on Jay Leno's couch March 8. The sharp tongued "American Ieol" judge, who loathes talking about his personal life, riffed on Idol, Paula Abdul and even his new fiancee "Cowell hates doing these shows", says an insider familiar with the booking" "By, Jay really, really wanted him, so he used a personal connection to make it happen" This kind of hustle by Leno and his team is helping him get back on top of the late-night ratings after the failure of the 10pm "Jay Leno Show". That's no small feat, considering Leno's image problem after taking "The Tonight Show" back from his successor, Conan O'Brien, only nine months after he left. Reclaiming his old slot made the once-beloved funnyman look like a sore loser [not to mention the butt of late-night jokes and negative Twitter posts]. Add to that the ratings hole left for him--viewership fellby almost 50% during O'Brien's tenure--and Leno's climb to No.1 is nothing short of miraculous. since he took back the 11:35 Tonight slot on March 1. an average of 4.9 million viewers have tuned in to Leno, leaving David Letterman in 2nd place with an average of 3.7 million, according to Nielsen. Leno's also winning in the 18-49 demographic coveted by advertisers:for the week of March 15, Leno had 1.5 million viewers versus 1.2 million for Letterman. Leno's success is helped by the fact that since NBC reinstated dramas at 10pm, viewership in that time period has increased by more than 2 million, giving the Tonight Show a stronger lead-in than it had during O'Brien's reign. But Leno still had to work on his image. He acknowledged "The Jay Leno Show was a horrrible failure, offering his mea culpas to the nation on the "Oprah Winfrey Show". Then he showed he still has a sense of humor by poking fun at himself in a Super Bowl commercial with Letterman and Winfrey. Bu Leno had a lot of ground to make up with his mopvie stars, vocal in their sympathy for the plight of O'Brien, and TV actors and writers angry at him fr moving to 10pm in the 1st place. "There's alot of resentment from people in the industry for Leno taking over five hours of prime time", says Robert Thompson, director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University" "Writers considered him some sort of parasite who was going to suck the life out of prime time" So he and his team did what anyone with 'bad buzz' in Hollywood does:They began schmoozing. His Los Angeles based bookers, worried he might have trouble attracting A-listers according to one cable-network rep, wined and dined celebrity publicists in New York in February in an effort to get their clients on the show. Leno even took to calling stars himself to get them on his couch, according to a few sources. One mega-star, who didn't even have a project to promote, visited during Leno's first week after a Tonight booker told the star that Leno personally requested the appearance, says the stars publicist. "The booker called and said Jay was picking his lineup for the first week, and the star was one of the people he really wanted" "You have to respect the level of effort, energy and work Jay puts into it", says president of Central Talent Booking Joanna Jordan, who booked Jimmy Kimmel Live for 5 years [posted on top] Despite his recent woes, Leno's worn the late night crown for nearly 15 years, and that means something with celebs and their reps. "We're not talking about somebody new with Jay", says Howard Bragman, chairman of Fifteen Minutes, which reps such stars such as Anna Kendrick, Benjamin Bratt & Mario Lopez. "In the end, we're going to put our clients where it's the most appropriate,where they're comfortable, and where we have the best relationships" And, of course, where they'll get the most eyeballs. Even with early ratings being triumph, Leno-and every other late-night host-will have to continue to work and sign up the best guests. "It's going to be ber intense, Jordan says. "The most exciting chapter in late night is beginning. There's definitely a turning point, and everyone is paying very close attention. This is a powerful moment~

Anne Becker.. TV Guide writer~
Just a quick review of last nights show:cool:

Jay was talking about Easter and bantering with Kevin about "It's not the same now-a-days on the egg hunt" He goes "Kids now do GOOGLE or their GPS to find the eggs":lol:

A drunk tried to rescitate a dead possum in the road, "I realize that the new Health Care Reform is supposed to help everyone, but this is ridiculous"

Headlines" "Cash is the way to end financial woes" 'ya' think"?:lol:

Randy Jackson was his guest, what a delightful, likeable person. Jay asked him 'who do you think will be the next "AI"? he was a bit cagey and named quite a few~