MORE CHANGES FOR LENO from the new Tv Guide, dated March 1-7~

Late night viewers will soon find out if Jay Leno can go home again. He returns to NBC's "The Tonight Show", on March 1st after the demise of his prime-time program, which lasted only five months. So what'll be the dirrerence? Although TONIGHT will air from the same set that was built for "The Jay Leno Show" on the NBC lot in Burbank, 'The big '10' on the floor will be scrubbed off, says one show insider. Leno will also be sitting back at his old desk once again. As for personnel, Ross Matthews, better known as "Ross the intern" will return. Bandleader Kevin Eubanks will be back as well, but has told producers he "wants to take a break" from the show "at some point". Tonight Show announcer John Melendez will not return [but he remains on the writing staff], and the shows opening will be shortened a bit to get Leno's monologue quicker. The big question of which guests will be the first to sit with Leno, was still being hammered out at press time~

Stephen Battaglio-TV Guide writer~
Jay Leno is cool, I just hope that he keeps all of the stuff that he has going for him from the jay leno show when he goes back to the tonight show.
Jay Leno is cool, I just hope that he keeps all of the stuff that he has going for him from the jay leno show when he goes back to the tonight show.

Yes indeed he is very cool, and he's "right back where he started from" tonight at his original time, with some Olympic winners, I'm not sure in which order, but Shaun White, Bode Miller, and one other that I forget will be his guests this week. My daughter and I were discussing this and she said it was all completely NBC"s boo-boo-mess/mistake, that this should be blamed on, not any of the late-night talk hosts. GOOD LUCK JAY:thumbsup:
Great job Jay, good show. And you beat out Letterman:thumbsup: Funny monologue, and you and Kevin back to the bantering. Jamie Foxx funny, and our girl Shaun [with her two gold medals] back from Vancouver deligthful. One segment, was hilarious. Looking for a new desk and knocking on random people's houses. Randy Black was there too. And thank goodness the desk is back. You seemed so happy and relazed;)

I don't like how he has a desk again, and how dark they made the place look all of a sudden. I actually liked it when he was on at 10. But it's not bad.
Great show again last night, Jay was in good form. He had on the "All Stars" with the Jersey Shores group, [what a bunch of dummies] so funny and Jay is so cool with their dumb answers:rolleyes: Also he had on Chelsea Handler, what a raunchy gal she is. He took her for a helicopter ride and had a huge cover of her new book below, she was thrilled, and then Apolo Ohno, talking about the Olympics, also a sweet nice guy;)
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I forgot the jersey shore was on jay, I missed that part. There were other shows on. I actually liked Jersey shore.
I love Chelsea Handler, I watch her show everyday it's on. I saw her part.

I didn't watch Jay today though, no one was on of interest for me.
Last ngiht he was again in good form, his monologue hilarious. He had on a silly/funny segment called 'Cop 'n' Kitty' about him and his kitty fighting the bad guy, featuring Robert Wagner, so distinguised looking for his age. The kitty amazing, how they go this cat to do all of this crazy antics, amazing. And his guest was Matthew McConaghy, cute and charming, talking about his new baby girl and his 19 month son. ~
Friday night Jay had on the distinguished great actor Morgan Freeman, who is charming and delightful man, and BTW he won as 'best actor' for his portrayal of Nelson Mandela in "Invictus" from the NAACP Image Awards a powerful performance. Great monologue as always. :thumbsup:
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Another smooth show, with guest Jennifer Garner, she's also delightful and named all of her hubby's Ben Affleck's favorite team the "Boston Red Sox" she named the whole team. and the "Headlne" hilarious as always, Jay brought in 18.418, viewers on Monday, and 13,363 on Wednesday.. I'm lovin' this hour:bolian:

It is really so many viewers...
Great show last night, great opening monologue and him and Kvein Eubansk such great banter bewteen them. Jay had on Ross the intern who interviewed som Oscar celebrities, so funny, and then Simon Cowell, who acted a bit embarrassed, and ill-at-ease by Jay's personal questions about his 'engagement' his fiance was there and came on stage. She's OK looking, resembles George Clooney's girlfriend I thought. "Not ugly but not beautiful either. He seems total smitten with her, and visa-versa. She had on a huge diamond ring, and Simon said he bought it in London. Jay goes "since were friends, can I be your best man"? Simon goes "you can arrange the flowers":lol: And Jay goes "do you want children"? he goes "Well, I'm 50 so maybe not, but I would like to see a bunch of little Simon's running around":eek: he also said, so far picks Crystal as the front runner on "AI" entertaining show as always~
Another great show, he had on a segment called "what did you think was gonna happen"? some jerk-face riding his skateboard on a chain link fence railing, and at the end of the fence a sign, which he ran in to and got creamed:wtf:

Headlines: One was really funny, on a B-day gift for you wife why not get her a "Master Plunger":rolleyes: and another silly one "Eating disorders linked to eating" Jay was hilarious on this one, "so what your trying to tell us is....:guffaw:

He had on exotic animals and the little tiger loved Jay and laid on him and put his paws around his neck;)

Christopher Waltz just recived an Oscar for his portrayal of the Nazi in "Inglorious Bastards" how delightful he was. He talked abvut meeting Quentin and how nice he was when he audutioned, he wanted authentic Germans and French etc. He also talked about going over to Quentins' house pre-Oscar for Pizza and Champagne and how cool that was. He said how he was thrilled to meet Morgan Freeman. He went to an after party and met Madonna and she looked about "23 or 24" and was dancing , and he stayed up till 4 am~

The the ending Joan Jett, I swear she looks the same as she did many moons ago, and still in black and still rocked out. Great show:bolian:
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I don't watch the talk shows much, but I will say this:

I'm glad that Jay Leno is back on the Tonight Show. I always though that Conan O'Brien was an awful choice to do that show. I didn't think he would make it. Yes, as you can tell, I really don't like Conan.

However, I love Jay and I don't think he deserved all the flack he was getting about it. Conan is the one that couldn't bring in the viewers. That's not Jay's fault.

In any case, glad he is back! Where he belongs!!!!
He is at that, I love him too, and he's more relaxed now that he's in is comfort zone again.. I forgot this, at the Vanity Fair after Oscar party he was hanging out with Jerry Seinfeld and their wives, and he's so cheerful and happy and up beat, he makes the fans who watch him feel that way too:thumbsup: