Jay Leno says he hasn't spoken to Conan O'Brien

CHICAGO – Jay Leno tells Oprah Winfrey that he hasn't spoken to Conan O'Brien throughout the recent contentious negotiations over "The Tonight Show."

In quotes provided Wednesday by Harpo Productions, Leno tells Winfrey that "it didn't seem appropriate" to speak to O'Brien. But Leno says the two comedians might talk when "things cool down."

NBC unseated O'Brien and moved Leno back to the program he had hosted for 17 years. Leno is scheduled to return to "Tonight" on March 1.

In a video previewing "The Oprah Winfrey Show" interview, Leno says: "This whole thing was a huge mess."

Leno's interview is slated to air Thursday.

Harpo Productions made an offer for O'Brien to appear on her show, but it hasn't been confirmed.
Thank's Destiny I watched it with an eagle eye. He rarely does interviews. He had Oprah on his set in Hollywood. He was candid, forthright and still confident. In part he said "I always thought I was doing the right thing, maybe I wasn't". He went along with what NBC wanted and said he did what they asked him to do. Conan is the one who walked away, not him. Anyway back to his show~

He had on Bill Paxton form "Big Love" funny guy. Also Scott Brown the new Republican in Congress on the 10@10 segment. Also that crazy Dan and the band guy, at the L.A. International Airport singing to customers in the baggage claim area, so crazy, the expressions on their faces, priceless:lol:
here's a perspective of Oprah's interview with Jay Leno:

Appearently the interview has upset more people than it has reaffirmed. Oprah set up a poll asking "Team Leno, or Team Coco?" Conan O'brien won the poll with close to 97% of people saying that they support Conan's side over Jays. The second part of the poll, corresponding with the first, asked whether they would watch The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, 93% said No.

I hate how this has been split into 'teams' it should be a situation as a whole, but either way NBC has definitely got some work to do. :cardie:
That's Oprah's perspective, and her poll, and will see. I will bet that Jay will be right back where he started from. Everyone I know loves hm, and will watch him when he returns back to his original time slot~Polls are like someones nose, [or something more] everyone's got one~
Jay had on Jessica Alba, she's sure cute. And she had to play golf, to show her new movie clip.,and hit the ball on a little golf course. And missed terribly. Also "HEADLINES" So crazy:brickwall:And some guy, [don't know who he is] at the Grammy's signing his suit for the Haiti relief fund. Ringo, was all over it~
You know it's funny that you say that everyone you know still loves Jay still does and will continue watching him... I've actually found that quite the opposite is true from everyone I know that has opined on the subject. My father actually surprised me (because he has always HATED Conan O'Brien) by saying he thought that Leno was in the wrong here, and if anyone would have been on Jay's side, I would have predicted it was him.

I think that while Oprah's stats are not exactly empirical evidence, I'm pretty sure they're closer to what the rest of the viewers are actually feeling than you think. Whether it was the network or Leno who first broached the idea of switching him back to the timeslot, it doesn't seem to matter at this point. The damage has been done and it seems like Jay lost a lot of popularity points. They really should have figured something else out, methinks.

Do I condone what Dave is saying? Not exactly... (not exactly because he always makes me laugh when he gets going, sorry). But that's how the talkshows work- you screw up, the rest of the guys are going to be all over you like white on rice.
Well, Baba I don't know 'how funny' it is, I just am talking about people and family and friends who've stated that they will still watch Jay. He's been around for a long time and no mater how large the blip on the NBC radar was, fans that like him will not abandon him. You've got friends and family that won't watch him. Different strokes as they say. I do have two family members who are avid Letterman fans,:( so what is one to do:confused: Guess the old adage "time will tell" fits perfectly on this issue~

Once again what did he do wrong? he's the one who choose to go along with whatever NBC wanted and Conan is the one who walked. So who's the bigger person?
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Sorry, didn't mean to put you on the defensive. And "funny" is just a figure of speech in this case. Really, I just meant to provide an alternative viewpoint... in a Jay Leno thread of all places. :lol: Maybe not the best choice!

Hopefully you won't hold it against me for being a naysayer, but I do think it was badly handled. Conan walked away because they didn't really give him a better alternative. Jay's show was tanking in it's timeslot, so he wanted his old time back. That's how it's been reported pretty much everywhere, so that's how I took it. Either way though, I must give you kudos for being a real fan. You believe in the guy and you're sticking to your guns. Well done. :)
Gosh, I didn't realize that I was being 'defensive':( just expressing my views. And Jay liked his new spot, and he was willing to do anything they wanted him to do, and the half-hour slot he said OK too, as well. Conan was the one who walked he could have stayed in the time they scheduled him. This was NBC's major boo-boo. I don't hold grudges against any late night talk host. It was a mess, and I just hope they all resolve it and move on~:thumbsup:
Last night's show was really great:bolian: He had on the hilarious Wanda Sykes, who put this whole mess in perspective. She goes "people are asking me who's side are you on" and she goes "What"? there's sides? And that maybe Jay should move on, and she goes "and do what"? work at a Footlocker, or go to Nursing school" He has no skills, other then what he does, and added good luck on retunring to the 11:30 slot" He had on "things you find on e-Bay, one woman baked a cookie with a face on it, and it actually sold, for $1.79:rommie: And a chastity belt for men:wtf:so crazy and it sold as well for $179. :rolleyes:
SUPER BOWL STUNT During the Super Bowl there was a shocker, when Jay Leno and David Letterman did a funny commercial, together. Jay flew to N.Y. and Oprah was a mediator of sorts. Her gal pal Gail said it was polite and courteous and professional, but their not doing any hugging. Thier producers said to both of them "do you want to do this" and they both said Yes. Apparently the haven't seen each other for 16 years. It was a stunner for fans who watched this. Show biz, go figure:rolleyes:
I think the EDIT button is stuck, cause' I posted the last post early yesterday, and it still says EDIT:confused:
You are given 24 hours to edit. Tonight's post was 9:38pm, yesterday's was 10:13pm. That gave you another 35 minutes to edit the previous post if you wanted to.
Bill Maher was on Larry King Live CNN, and put this whole mess in perspective. he said "Letterman had nothing to do with this, it was all politics, and that Jay killed Conan's dream". Larry laughed and asked what he meant? He goes "That's like saying oh, whats his face didn't get the role he auditioned for, so the actor who got the role "killed his dream" grow up" . Leno is main stream and will survive this chaos, may the best man/host win, and he will:bolian:
Kevin Eubanks out of 'The Tonight Show'; more changes coming?

NBC confirmed online reports today that Kevin Eubanks, Jay Leno’s affable bandleader, will step down from his post sometime after original installments of The Tonight Show resume in March. Eubanks told the peacock he wants to try other things, a network insider said, though it’s still not clear when he’ll abdicate his late night gig (or whether the entire band will go with him). For now, he is expected to be present for Leno’s much-talked about return to Tonight on March 1.

Eubanks’ potential replacement and the band’s status is one of many logistical issues confronting Leno, as he and executive producer Debbie Vickers prepare for their next chapter in late night. One thing’s for certain: he and his staff won’t return to The Tonight Show’s old sound stage on the Burbank lot, much less take over the fancy new digs that were built for Conan O’Brien in Universal City. Instead, Leno will tape Tonight from the set of his short-lived primetime show, also in Burbank, though the look of the place is sure to change. NBC has yet to decide, in the meantime, what do with O’Brien’s old sound stage – though it could accommodate, say, a multi-camera sitcom (NBC’s developing five, in fact, for the 2010-11 season).

Once back on Tonight, Leno will likely stick with the brief opening segment where he high-fives members of the audience, not to mention running gags like headlines. NBC is not ready to announce his first guest (Jerry Seinfeld occupied the chair when Leno premiered in primetime just four months ago).

Promos for Leno’s return are expected to start airing this week during the Winter Olympics — though the comedian got a nice boost last month by participating in a promo for CBS’ The Late Show with David Letterman and Oprah Winfrey that aired during the Super Bowl. The low-cost spot ended up upstaging most of the other commercials that cost millions to produce and air.