And he's a Yankee fanatic and to do his 'plug' he had to do a mini-jeopardy game with the pitcher of the Yankee's [sorry forget his name]
Probably CC Sabathia, (former Cleveland Indian, Former Brewer) The Indians raised him, helped him he got his CY Young with them, and when it came time to negotate, he didn't plan to stay, got traded to the Brewers became a free agent, claimed he wanted to play in the National league but then got paid alot (161 million dollars Over 7 yrs) of money to play for the Yankee's (American League).
And he's a Yankee fanatic and to do his 'plug' he had to do a mini-jeopardy game with the pitcher of the Yankee's [sorry forget his name]
Probably CC Sabathia, (former Cleveland Indian, Former Brewer) The Indians raised him, helped him he got his CY Young with them, and when it came time to negotate, he didn't plan to stay, got traded to the Brewers became a free agent, claimed he wanted to play in the National league but then got paid alot (161 million dollars Over 7 yrs) of money to play for the Yankee's (American League).

:lol:That's the one,:thumbsup: sorry I'm not a huge baseball fan, but have to watch it because my whole family and friends do,[you sound like them] They must have high-fived it like 6 times. [Denzel and Sabathia] I should have known you'd know.. thank's Destiny :brickwall:
What can I say I know my team and those who come and go from it. Thats why my location says what it says. ;)

NBC has just confirmed the TMZ story that Jay Leno's 10 PM show is going off the air next month when the Olympics begin.

And as we also reported, after the Olympics, Leno will take over Conan O'Brien's time slot -- at least for the first half hour.

NBC chairman Jeff Gaspin added that he wants to push Conan and Jimmy Fallon back an hour so things will go back to the way they were -- with Jay controlling 11:35 to 12:35 .... but that's not a done deal.

Gaspin claimed that he's already met with both Conan and Fallon to discuss the changes -- and shockingly, they weren't pissed.

Gaspin says both men were professional and understanding.


Raise your hand if you’re surprised by what you’re about to read. NBC Chairman Jeff Gaspin kicked off his network’s portion of the TCA press tour by confirming the worst kept secret in the TV biz: “I can confirm, starting Feb. 12, The Jay Leno Show will no longer air at 10 p.m.”

Gaspin said that, “While [Leno] was performing at acceptable levels for the network, it did not meet our affiliates’ needs, and we realized we had to make a change. My goal right now is to keep Jay, Conan [O'Brien], and Jimmy [Fallon] as part of our late-night lineup. I have spoken to all of them and proposed that The Jay Leno Show move to 11:35, The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien to 12:05, and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon would then start at 1:05.

“As much as I’d like to tell you we have a done deal, that’s not true,” he added. “The talks are ongoing. [But] I hope and expect, before the Olympics begin, we will have everything set. I can’t imagine we won’t.”

Though there’s been no official word yet from Jay, Conan, or Jimmy, Gaspin called the trio “gracious,” adding that they “understood the difficult position” NBC is in. And Carson Daly? Gaspin insists he’ll “remain a part of NBC.” Last Call, however, sounds like it’s dead.

So what goes on at 10 now? NBC prez Angela Bromstad said, “We have absolutely dedicated our resources to fortifying and building up our development slate.” In the meantime, Leno’s very temporary weeknight home will soon be filled by two more hours of scripted content (Friday Night Lights and Law & Order: Criminal Intent are in the mix), an hour of reality, an expanded Dateline, and some repeats. “We’re not going to do five new dramas at 10 p.m.,” Gaspin promised.

In spite of hindsight being 20/20, Gaspin still sees the Leno debacle as a calculated risk and the kind of gamble that he might take again. “I don’t think it’s wrong to take chances,” he said. “Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. Maybe we were a little too early on [in reinventing the 10 p.m. hour]. I still think you have to play with your schedule a little bit differently…

“By the fall,” he added, “you may see us do some interesting stuff with the schedule.”
And it gets worse every day and night, I didn't ever think NBC would sink to this level, maybe Destiny could do a poll, and fans could vote on who they think is the best and what should happen to the whole bunch of these late night talk show hosts;)For me, I am a avid Leno fan, no matter how rough my day was, when I turn him on, it's all fun and laughter, he's hilarious, charming, delightful, and has the ability to bring out the best in all his guests, and their all so different~

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lol. And people thought the top dramas were on CBS!
Honestly, if nothing else, this should reaffirm to viewers that TV is a business. Fans and internet posters can get emotional and voice their opinions, but in the end money matters. NBC made a lot of mistakes, but they are trying to turn it around, one show at a time. At least NBC was willing to take a chance on 3 of my favorite shows, Life (R.I.P.), Southland (thank you, TNT), and Chuck (YAY!).
The reality: None of my favs did very well in viewership, Conan was performing on a mediocre level, at best, and Leno was a success on The Tonight Show, but failing in prime time. I think the network is caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place.
I feel bad for Conan, but I don't watch him, or Leno. Regardless, I do think their fans will follow them wherever they end up, and Leno has more fans than Conan, at least he did.
By this time next year, I suspect all parties involved, as well as the viewers, will have moved on. I truly hope NBC recovers and finds some great shows to air in the soon-to-be-vacant 10pm timeslot.
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Poor Jay last night he did 10@10 with Jimmy Kimmel, and he was relentless on bashing him and saying [to me] inappropriate comments. Jay will prevail I'm sure, he's so fantastic:bolian:Her's an article from our daily newspaper~


New York.. The competitors of Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien are pouncing on the late-night mess at NBC and using it for cheap-shot jokes, some of them scathing. On ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Tuesday night Kimmel performed his entire show as Leno, complete with a silver wig and a prosthetic chin and a lisp. He said he "was taking over all the shows on late-night" and said ABC stands for "Always Bump Conan" Kimmel's peformance was an unusually biting dig among late night collegues. But he certainly wasn't alone. David letterman and Craig Ferguson on CBS als discussed the situation. Letterman, long a foil to Leno, did his own brief, squeaky-voiced impression of Leno on his Late Show" About O'Brien, he simply said "he's a nice fellow" He reserved his harest criticism for NBC programming executives and Carson Daly, whom he mocked for having a show at 1:35 am EST. On "The Late Show" Ferguson called NBC executives "liars" and claimed he would never work for them. NBC is restoring Leno to the old slot of 11:35 for a [so far] 30 minute version of "The Jay Leno show" The move displaces the "Tonight" show past midnight. O'Brien said in a statement Tuesday, he would not accept the move.

Jake Coyle.. The Associated Press
THis usually goes on another thread, but it's so appropriate for what's going on now, and so funny, I thought I'd post this for everyone to have a giggle:lol:


10.."What the hell are you doing"?

9.."This is Jay Leno. Conan seemed upset in the elevator, is everything OK"?

8.."NO seriously, what the hell are you doing"?

7.."It's Burt Reynolds, just so you know, I'm available"

6.."Letterman here, want to borrow one of my hairpieces"?

5.."This is Mark McGwire, if you're looking to bulk up, I know a guy"

4.."It's Jay again, all in all, I think it's going pretty well"

3.."I'm from Comcast, regarding the sale..Uh, I think we're OK"

2.."Larry King here, keep up the good work":lol:

1.."What the zuck"
On Jay last night he explained this whole 'issue' and was so forthcoming and courteous and polite. I thought it was a wonderful thing for him to do, with so many false rumors, gossip etc.

Last night Jay was in good form, his monologue was hilarious. One line he goes "Airport security is so tight, that non-terrorists are stuffing things down their pants":lol:eek:ne guest was Chelsa Handly, kinda of a sleazy girl, everything she said had 'sexual overtones' The 10@10 was cool with Michael Jordan. Jay goes "can you still do a 'dunk' Michael goes "are you stupid"?:eek: He looks great. And the funny 911 calls. One guy actually called to say he "was stuck in a window of the house he was breaking into":rolleyes:

I'm not a Letterman fan at all, and Fallon either I love Jay & Craig he's funny too. And then there's Stephen Colbert, on the comedy channel but not late night. And also no ones mentioned George Lopez, a Mexican Leno, he's a riot~
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I realize this is probably almost definitely the wrong thing to say on the Jay Leno thread of all places, but I really hate this move that NBC is initiating. I actually thought that everything was working perfectly in the trial version of Jay at 10 (I get him at 8) If it affected his comedy at all (which I don't think it did) it was for the better.

I've always liked Conan O'brien better, and stand by that even now and I feel greatly for him but I think David Letterman put it the best when he said "It turns out Conan is getting close to $30M to quit the tonight show...That's like getting paid to leave the titanic." This whole situation is crazy, I really don't get NBCs rationalization behind it. I've heard it, I just don't get it.

My late night talk shows go in this order though:

1. The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
2. The Tonight Show with Conan O'brien

*I'll sometimes get the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, but I'm not sure if it would be classified as late night..

I don't really care for Letterman, Leno or Fallon, although I can't deny I've watched them a few times :thumbsup: For me to watch them, it depends on the guests.

Ferguson is the only one I won't miss, so I"m glad he's on CBS and under Letterman's wing. Everybody's monologues have definitely benefited from this though, no denying that :lol:
I thought both Leno and O'Brien got completely screwed over by NBC. Leno's explanation Monday was very classy and as non-biased as he could make it. I think Leno is truly king of late night, and he and Craig Ferguson are the only funny ones. O'Brien's writers are so uneven, probably the funniest thing he ever did was on Late Night when he went to Finland (or was it Norway?) and talked to people there. Letterman needs to shut up and leave well enough alone - he didn't get the Tonight Show 17 years ago, so what? Grow up, get over it, and move on. I think Leno will do just fine when he returns to the Tonight Show.
I thought both Leno and O'Brien got completely screwed over by NBC. Leno's explanation Monday was very classy and as non-biased as he could make it. I think Leno is truly king of late night, and he and Craig Ferguson are the only funny ones. O'Brien's writers are so uneven, probably the funniest thing he ever did was on Late Night when he went to Finland (or was it Norway?) and talked to people there. Letterman needs to shut up and leave well enough alone - he didn't get the Tonight Show 17 years ago, so what? Grow up, get over it, and move on. I think Leno will do just fine when he returns to the Tonight Show.

AMEN:bolian: I couldn't have said it better HoratioStalker good points, Letterman is being a being a bottom feeder, and should stop, not to mention at least Jay has been faithful to the same woman for 26 years, that's more than Letterman can say:( He's probably jealous because for 15 years Leno beat him in the ratings, and will probably do it again. I'm glad Jay's going to still be the #1 late night talk host--GO JAY:beer:
Well, once again David Letterman is acting like a two year old, geez, grow up. How he won't have any 'guest' on his show if Jay does:rolleyes: how mature. And not a word from Jay Leno. Your digging yourself a huge hole Dave, give it a rest:(

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