He's back on a different time slot, 10 pm-11, Jay Leno is not only fuuny, he's nice, charming, and interesting, and I laughed for a solid hour except with the Kayne West interview, no comment, except he was so out of line. but Jerry Seinfeld:lol: and him doing a Obama word, priceless, and of course "HEADLINES" the guy at the car wash a riot So glad he's back at this hour, he brought in 17 million viewers:bolian:

Jay leno is ok, but I thought Conan O'brian was allot better. He is allot funnier than Jay, and it seems to come naturally to him. I don't know why they took them off.
well, on Jay and Conan, different strokes , I don't think he's funny..at all:( Conan that is. And when ever he's on he's not on the big four channels. I don't want to rag on him, because I don't appreciate people who do the same thing to Jay...

Jay.. October 14~


It's so great that all the Chilean miners got out safe, except one with the wife and mistress. All went to the hospital for a check-up, except him he immediatley went into the "wittness protection program":lol:

The mistress was there to meet him but his wife who said later. "'m glad he's safe, now I'm going to kill him":eek:

Soem of them seemed confused on the time lapse. One said "Hawaii Five-0", is still on:confused:

Meg whitman and Jerry Brown in their last debate nothing but name calling [to risque to post] But, they pretty much hate each other:klingon:

The White House said "Democrats have momentum", of course they do you always have momentun when you going down hill:(

President Obama has asked Joe Biden to be his running mate in 2012. Let me be the first to say "thank you" to all the late night talks show hosts:lol:

Paladino on being anti-gay with derogatory remarks. But he owns two gay bars. So to make money his attitude is "Don't ask, don't tell":eek:

Trying to get the Jews and the Palestine leaders to sit down and talk:we can't even get the ladies on "The View" to sit down and talk to Bill O'Reily:shifty:

Prop 19 will most likely pass in California don't show up to vote:evil:

Guest Wanda Sykes.. so funny:lol: on Polls, she doesn't believe in them they should be called "who cares" People who are out of work are mad and angry and say "I hate Obama" I've got two jobs so I love him":guffaw:
I watch Leno on Monday nights to see Headlines. And some other nights through the week, but even since that debacle I have lost some of my interest in the show. It doesn't have to do with Conan, but I found other stuff to watch in that timeslot and all. Seems like Jay is a little less funny than before too.
He was so funny and so charming as always. my fav. late night talk show host:bolian:

Jay 10-15~


On the miners it cost over $20 million to rescue them, but the mining company said they could work overtime and some weekends and have it paid off in no time:wtf:

Dreary story, you've got these guys sitting in a black hole for 3 months doing nothing, kind of like Congress:lol:

But, they were in a pretty good mood and in pretty good shape, today the scrimaged with the 49'rs and beat them:confused:

Miner with the wife an mistress said he's like them to meet and be friends SHUT-UP, you've just got out of a dark hole and now your digging youself another one:klingon:

A women left out a McDonald's "Happy Meal" for 6 months and it never changed or rotted just stayed the same, in fact the toy inside decomposed, but the meal never did.. gross:(
Jay from Oct. 25!


Kid all over Hollywood walking around with brown paper bags over their heads.. Halloween? NO Denver Bronco fans:confused:More football jokes I didn't get.. soo~

How intimidated to live in Martha's neighborhood. You hand out life size Snickers and stale Kandy Korn and she has hand-painted M & M's from the cocoa in her personal rainforest:lol:

Some bad Muslim jokes:(

Keith Richards says in his new book that he "loves a good high", well talk about a "reveal" who could have guessed that WOW:guffaw:

Martha Stewart a guest and showing a "Halloween" buffet. Slime green punch with dead fake rats..cookies with eyeballs ;[cherries with a olive in the middle]. Spider cookies and creepy crawlers on everything. she showed Jay how to make these~ She's so creative.. amazing:wtf:
Jay from October 28~


Here's a Halloween idea if you not afraid of pain. Stick a fork in your self and go as a Dallas Cowboy:confused: Sorry I don't get this~

In L.A. kids don't go Treat 'or' Treat, the post scary pictures of themselves on Facebook then people see them on there iPhones and Fed-Ex the candy all very hi-tech~

Here Meg Whitman is dressing up like a governor, could be her last chance:rolleyes:

Republicans are just waiting for thier chance to screw up~

George Soros donated $1 milllion to support Prop. 19 the legalization of pot, this ad will run during Sponge Bob Square Pants episodes:lol:

Sarah Palin stated that she'd run for president "if there was nobody else to do it? New poll people prefer "nobody else":thumbsup:

It showed a photo of President from 2008 and one now WOW, he's already aged & has lines in his face and is turning grey:( As Wanda Sykes said "he's turned into an old white man"~

Some Charlie Sheen which I passed on..

Guest Denzel Washington wow is he sure of himself.. showed some movie clips of his famous films. He had on a black T-shirt and tight jeans.. yummy looking. He talked about his 4 kids one is a football player, one daughter an actress, another son starting his own business and his baby girl going to law school. A big LAKER fan and he was just at a game with Will Smith, his son Jaden, & the Bieber boy [geez, he's everywhere] and David Beckham. He's a national spokesman for "The Boys And Girls Club" and visited President Obama about this. He's a avid basketball fan/player. He said he got him aside and goes 'How are you"? Barack goes 'I'm fine" he goes "No really how are you"? he laughed and goes 'I'm fine" Then they showed a clip of his new movie "Unstoppable" looks intense and exciting~
Jay October 29~


Sweeps have started, it looks like the Giants are sweeping the Rangers. Ranger pitching not good, the let more guys walk tha a L.A. jury:lol: I don't want to say the Rangers are playing bad, but for Halloween their going as the Pittsburgh Pirates:confused:

Halloween..remember when you used to be afraid that some weirdo put razor blades in apples? Now-a-days no worry, kids won't touch an apple:guffaw:

You know what really scares Californian's? choices are between Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown:klingon:

Glad Prop. 19 is after Halloween..can you imagine how much candy you'd have to buy then OMG:eek:

Why announce these foreign packages on the news.. just stamp "return to sender":thumbsup:

Now the new search the [security] will do a slide down [even bras] and up and down the legs..and that's 1st class.. 2nd class they say '"drop you pants and cough"
Jay November 3~


What do the Democrats have in common with Charlie Sheen? They both woke up this morning going "what happened" as you all know the Republicans won by a "mudslide":klingon:

To show how bad Pres. Obama feels he changed his slogan from "yes we can" to "I've fallen and I can't get up":(

For months the Democrats have been saying "get out and vote", yesterday people voted to just have the Democrats "get out":confused:

On MSNBC the message was "what went wrong" on FOX it was party..party..party:lol:

Here in California Meg Whitman spent millions of dollars and still lost and the Yankees said "Tell us about it", not only did she lose, now she can't find anybody to clean her house:rolleyes:

Jerry Brown the is "new old govenor".. Hawaii Five-0" is back on, and Betty White couldn't be hotter.. what is this 1978?:guffaw:

Prop 19 lost, but no problem just go to your doctor and tell him your depressed that Prop. 19 lost and he'll give you a prescription for marijuana~

And congratulations to the Giants for winning the World Series. San Francisco hasn't been this excited snce the last Lady Gaga album came out:wtf:
Jay, Nov. 5~


So daylight savings time has begin, don't get that mixed up with the Democrats getting their clocks cleaned:lol:

So glad these elections are over so they're stop screwing each other and just screw us:eek:

John Boehner probably will be the new house speaker he's nicknamed "orange face" or diversity, a man of color as the Republicans call him:alienblush:

A new show is starting called 'Skating With The Stars" they just skate round and round till people figure out who they are:confused:

Research shows that more sleep can help you lose weight, so husband says to wife, "Honey I'm not lazy, I'm on a diet":lol:

Woman 101 died, she was telegraphing in her car:rommie:
Jay from Nov. 8~


The movie "127 Hours" where the guy had to chew off his own arm to get free from being trapped. People were hurling and sickened by this. It reminds me of when my wife dragged me to see "Eat, Pray & Love" I tried to chew off my arm to get away and out of the theater":guffaw:

President Obama in India..hiding:confused: "Go where the jobs are" Poor guy he's only been there 2 days and the Republicans are accusing him of being a Hindu:(

One awkard moment, whe Obama met the president of India and said "Do you think I should use Windows 7 or Vista"?:lol:

Nancy Polosi who wants to be the new Minority Leader of the House, who better then her who brought her party to the minority:(

Matt Lauer asked former Pres. Bush what was his most embarassing moment for him when he was drinking? He said "asking people how sex was after 50" Sad, John McCain asked Sarah Palin to be his running mate when he was sober:eek:

Governor Schwarzengger was his guest. and so charming so nice. He said in part that on political bickering that "everyone should get along and stop arguing and fighting and work together to solve problems, rather than insulting one another" He loves California and the people and loved being Governor~
Jay Nov. 10~


As you all know Pres. Obama is still out of the country. Michelle mad a Fo-pah, by shaking the hand of the pres. of Indonesia Men there only can touch women their related to. Like here in Arkansas. "don't write letters Arkansas is a great state, just kidding"

He's trying to clear up wrong concepts of Muslims, like he's not one of them:rolleyes:

Robert Gibbs got angry with the reporters too many and stuck his foot in the door [My comments, I was stunned to see him so miffed off, he's such a milktoast]:)

Carnival ships has a new slogan "Abandon ship MAY-DAY..MAYDAY", what a nitemare what a mess, but 60 tons of food was dropped off by helicopters mostly Spam and Pop-Tarts. And then there's the Chilean miners who survived for 3 months on one can of tuna:eek:

Nancy Polosi is throwing a party for her exit, she's registered at "Bed, Bath and Don't blame me" I think we can rule out it'll be a Tea Party:lol:

A priest in Mass. stoel $83,000 for on line Porn. So he stole from Peter to pay Porn:(
Jay from Nov. 12-

MONOLOGUE he was "hott" tonight~

I had a prostrate examine today..not by a doctor, by security at the airport, so much easier:eek:

Even pilots are complaining about these full body scaners, they say it's almost impossible for them to sneak in liquor:lol:

The Carnival tour ship is now docked in san Diego..you would usually only see that many angry people at a San Diego at a Chargers game:(

People so furious, that they had to eat SPAM, or as the airlines call it "first class" one woman said "she'll never go on a cruise as long as she lives". her husband said "in that case it was worth it":lol:

Pres. Obama said on "60 Minutes" "we want to bring back the 8 million jobs we lost" India said "NO":eek:

The President of So. Korea said "Instead of hitting home runs, sometimes we're going to hit singles". Obama a big fan of the Chicago White Sox, but it sounds more like a CUBS fan right now":(

You know why Thanksgiving is called "turkey day"?, because that's the day the Dallas Cowboys play:rolleyes:

The Clippers are 1-8 & the coach said in a Press conference "were still baffled how we won that one game":(
Jay Nov. 18~


I've got an announcement to make "If you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested" This guys become a symbol for airline passengers. It was bad enough when they went through your underwear in your luggage, now their doing it while your wearing it. Those full body scanners OMG, now LA X is now known as LA triple X:evil:

a' know what TSA stands for? "touch someones a..". And if you uncomfortable being searched in front of other passengers, you can go to a private room "what is that" ? Like a VIP room at a Strip Joint? That's really worse.. no witnesses:shifty:

How about those scanners they go home and the guy says " Not tonight honey, I've been fondling people all day":confused:

President Obama has just released a new childrens book called "Of Thee I Sing" The Republicans couldn't wait to release their version "The End I See":(

AOL is updating their E-mail..they say now, it'll be almost as fast as regular mail:lol: