It's just a chick thing [Girl Talk!]

:lol: You never cease to amaze me, ladies. How you can manage to talk so much about something so - useless.

I'm going to get a beating for that arent I, Ducky
Mascara isn't useless. It makes me look alive insted of like a walking dead. That makes it very useful and indispensable for me :p

Though I agree. It's not something you should talk about for days...So, topic change anyone? What do girls usually talk about?
My personal experience goes as far as discussing rumors, making fun of others, stuff like that. And of couse the things we may not discuss here due to PG rule :devil:
No really, what do you girls talk about with your friends that is typically girly?
I talk with my girls about almost the same things as I do with guys. We just delve deeper sometimes, or maybe we just talk more and longer ;)
I didn't mean useless in a rude way, just that you could easily live without it. I think half the people I know that color their faces with all that makeup look 100 times more beautiful without it. Natural is beautiful :D
Natural is beautiful, but we all need a little help sometimes! ;)

I talk about all sorts of topics with my friends, I am 26 and married, and loads of girls (or maybe we are women now?) are now either getting married or getting pregnant! I think babies, giving birth, maternity clothes, piles (!), stretch marks and morning sickness are very girly things to discuss! (Most of the men seem to leave the room at the mere thought of 'baby talk' - especially my husband who is terrified at the prospect of one day producing a little one :(). Also, everyone is trying to get on the property ladder, so house prices, job prospects and interior design are all good topics for us.

Other than that, when I meet up with school friends, it is rumours about other people from school, who has got married, had (another) baby, or who has turned out to be a really nice person despite what they were like at school! Also, whether or not we should worry that we don't seem to have made that many friends in the intervening years, so if people see us all out together they may think we are a bit geeky. :)

When I was at school we talked about boys, clothes, makeup, occassionally school work, and finally more boys! Surely nothing has changed? :p
Ah, I don't usually go to girly talk. I hate shopping and going to clothing store with mom is a nightmare.

Natural is beautiful... yeah... I have anemia (had my whole life) so I look like I've gotten up from the grave.

Very pretty.
i hate going shopping with my mom....its terrible.....but i do like going shopping with my sisters, they're cool
I don't do a lot of girl talk either. My gal friends and I aren't really very girly. I think the most girly talk I've ever done is with one of my guy friends, who doesn't have a lot of experience with girls (and I don't really mean it in THAT way), or life in general. He's very... shall we say... sheltered.
By any chance could you not use netspeak?
Makes my head hurt.
And it's hard to read and gives a feeling that you are not saying anything important.

Sorry about that DaWacko!! Im just so used to typing it like that.
Roka :p

GrissCathfan... I know, online can be evil ;) but it would be rather nice to type in normal way in here :) (messengers are different)
Netspeak makes my eyes explode. :p

Girl talk? Yeah I don't think I've ever done that. And I hate shopping with my mom. It's always such a headache. I'd rather go shopping with my dad. - He gives me 100$ and says go for it. :lol:
Typical me/mom shopping

Mom: Does this fit?
Me: yeah, it's nice
Mom: Or is it too small?
Me: I don't think so
Mom: Are you sure?
Me: Yeah
Mom: I think it's too small
Me: No it is not
Mom: Perhaps I should try one size bigger
Me: Mom, it's ok. That size is fine
Mom: Are you sure?

Ahh, I like clothes shopping, but only when I actually need new stuff. I hardly ever buy something just for the sake of it. Unless it's something I really like :p

See, I never understand girls who have about 5000 pairs of shoes, 10000 handbags, blahdy blah. Sure I see that to have some choice is good so you can mix and match with your clothes, and what goes best with what, but can only wear one pair of shoes at a time and carry one handbag, so.....and isn't less than 10 shoes/handbags enough choice? :confused: *sigh*

Erm sorry if there are people here like that. I'm not trying to offend. I just don't get it :p
:lol: I have to disagree with you Wibble. I think anything less then a collection of ten purses & ten shoes is too small. My current addictions are flats/ballerina shoes & those huge handbags. I try to get them in every colour & style so I'll have one kind if not more for every outfit I wear. I also think that a girl can never have enough eyeliners, eyeshadows, blush & lipgloss. Different shades & tints can really change up the look of your face. Smelling pretty & having soft skin is another important issue with me along with having perfect hair.

I'm also the kind who likes talking about girly things such as the latest pair of jeans which is skinny jeans. Shoes are my addiction though. I spend almost all my time looking at Jimmy Choo's & Aldo shoes onlinme. However, these days I've been looking at dresses from the Vera Wang line. I'm lucky that I made a new friend who's obsessed with the same stuff. When we're in the computer lab together we'll go on to the Nordstrom(sp) site to look at boots or eonline to check out the latest celebrity gossip. Basically I do things that help me embrace my feminine side. I'm not the kind who has many boys as friends but again there's nothing wrong with that. Speaking of boys I love talking about them. Ooh, and one thing I hate is sweats. I only wears sweats to the gym & I'd never bring myself to wearing a pair out in public.

I'll admit that my "tomboy" side comes out when I'm watching a footie match but that's it. Even them I'm commenting on the guys & their asses :lol:. I'm not shy to owning up that my favourite moment is when the guys trade jerseys at the end. Now, only if it would rain more while the guys are wearing white shirts :devil:. :p
wibble said:
Ahh, I like clothes shopping, but only when I actually need new stuff. I hardly ever buy something just for the sake of it. Unless it's something I really like :p
I don't either, I hardly own any clothes. :lol: I have about 3 pairs of Jeans. :eek: Clothes shopping is great fun, but you can take about £100 out to go clothes shopping with and only manage to get about 3 tops and a pair of trousers with it. :lol: I'm just stingy with my money. :p