In Between the Scene: Going Under

Yesss!!! :D I second that! Catch him, lock him up and throw away the key!! This is really sweet now!! :) It's really nice seeing Cal taking care of Horatio. Now that's love! :)
Later that evening Calleigh heard someone call her name.

"Calleigh", "Lambchop", wake up sweetheart".

"Dad"! said Calleigh, what are you doing here"?

"I brought something for you too hang up in Horatio's room".

Calleigh turned on the light and seen her dad holding a huge framed photo of Calleigh and Horatio together in front of the priest, with their hands joined.

"Oh my dad"! "How did you get it done so fast"?

"I told them to put a rush on it, for my Lambchop and they did".

After Calleigh and her dad, hung it on the wall, he kissed her good-bye and left.

"Sweetheart"! was that dad"?

"hey Handsome"! "yeah he dropped something off for us, look up".

When "H" looked up he was stunned with the photo, It actually looked like they were in the picture, that's how lifelike it was.

"That's just beautiful sweetheart". "I love it, come here please".

As Calleigh walked over to Horatio, she could feel little flutters in her stomach. Sitting down beside him, he took her hand and pulled her to lay down.

"Listen love, there is nothing more in the world, I liked to do then make sweet love to you". "But, knowing I can't, I can certainly give you something else".

Horatio took his hand and placed it on Calleigh's inner thigh, as he softly stroked she tensed up and moaned.

"Shh!! easy sweetheart, It's okay, let it happen". "I love the way you release onto my aching heart, God, I love you so much Calleigh".

As he stroked faster and more intense, he plunged his tongue at the same time he pushed his hand forward.

"Horatio", sighed and whispered Calleigh.

"It's okay love, I'm here, I'm here forever and always".
3 months later

Calleigh entered the Hospital and headed up to "H"s room. She was excited, because today he was coming home. To their home.

"Hey handsome", said Calleigh as she walked into his room.

"Hello my beautiful Angel", are you ready to take me home"?

"More then ready, you still owe me a wedding night".

"You are so right ", said "H" as he grabbed his wife and kissed her passionately.

Once they headed home, "H" decided to get frisky in the Hummer. Taking his hand he crawled it up his wife's leg. He enjoyed hearing her laugh, and Itsy Bitsy Spider, was the game they shared, "Adult version of course".

"Stop that Handsome" , said Calleigh Giggling. "handsome, enough *giggle*laugh*, stop it, I can't concentrate".

After another 5 minutes of torcher, they were finally home.

"I guess I should do this proper", said "H". Picking up his wife, in his arms, he carried her into their home and right upstairs. Laying her on the bed, H could feel her passion burn in her eyes.

"So beautiful Calleigh", said "H" as he caressed her face. Bracing her between his hands, he leaned down, until he was a whisper away, from her sweet lips, and said.

"Alway's and forever Calleigh, you are mine", and he plunged his heated tongue into her mouth as she moaned. "H" couldn't contain himself, after hearing Calleigh's purrs, so he became more aggressive, as did she touching and kissing each other, skin against skin, heat against heat.

"God Calleigh", "You are the air I breathe, my world , my destiny", said "H".

Calleigh laughed, "How poetic you are handsome". *giggling*

"I'm trying to have a serious moment here wife", now behave", said "H" smiling.

As things turned serious again, "H" looked at her tummy.

"How much longer before you start to show love"?

"I'm not sure handsome"? said Calleigh as she watched her husband trace little hearts around her tummy.

"I can't wait Calleigh", "This is going to be amazing, a beautiful child that belongs to you and I only".

"I know Handsome", said Calleigh.
Just as "H" was ready to continue caressing and loving his wife, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it love", said "H".

As he headed downstairs and opened the door, Eric, Ryan and Tripp, were standing there.

"Welcome home "H", said Eric smiling.

"It was suposed to be", said "H" to himself, because he knew making love to Caleigh was going to have too wait again.

"Come on in", said "H". "Calleigh"! yelled "H", we have company".

"Oh great", said Calleigh to herself as she dressed. "So much for our welcome home".

"Hey guy's", said Calleigh as she got downstairs. "What brings you here on our first day home".

*Click*, The guy's realized all at once that "H" and Calleigh were in the middle of something.

"Oh, auh!!!! "Look at the time Frank, we should go check on that case".

"Yeah"!! "Right Eric, right behind you". "We'll see you later "H".

"Later, why we just got here", said Ryan.

"Let's go Wolfe" , said Eric. "God, sometimes you are so clueless".

After they left Calleigh and "H" ran back upstairs to continue their welcome home reunion.
PM version available

Once they got back upstairs, Horatio got down to giving his wife, her wedding gift.

"Come here love, I have something for you", come see", said "H" with a huge smile on his face.

"Hold on I'm coming", said Calleigh in the washroom.

When Calleigh came out she was dressed in a strapless black leather bra, black leather chaps, black leather boots and vest. All "H" could do was stare.

"Christ Calleigh, you look like a comercial for HarelyDavidson", said "H" as he got up and walked towards his wife.

"At that second Calleigh pulled out a small leather whip, and said......"Down Boy", *Crack* went the sound of the whip.

As Calleigh walked closer, "H" could see the green fire in her eyes.

"Damn you Calleigh, If you don't let me love you soon, I'll die".

Calleigh pushed him down on the bed and stood above him. As "H" watched, he could sense himself loosing all control, and not being able to wait any longer, he pulled Calleigh down on top and tossed her over until she was flat on her back with her hair under her.

"Now this is how I love my Calleigh to be, right under me". "So damn sexy". "Let me love you Calleigh".

Calleigh could feel herself fall into her husbands romantic world, and all teasing and fun, escaped her mind, as "H" stroked his tongue down her clevage and across her left to right side, until she purred.

"Easy sweetheart", "Jiust breathe love, let go, and allow me to give you what we both need, each other".

Calleigh cleared her mind, and allowed Horatio to take her into heaven over and over, until she could give no more.

"I love you Handsome", so much, it hurts".

"I love you too Calleigh, you are my everything and more". "Did I hurt you or the baby"?

"No"!! "We are both fine, he/she is nice and safe".

"Calleigh"! said "H" in sleepy wonder.

"Yes Handsome"?

"Don't ever leave me".

"Never my Horatio", I'll be with you forever", "I promise".
In the morning "H" and Calleigh headed into work.

"Handsome"! are you sure, you're feeling well enough for work"?

"Of course love, don't worry, I'm fine".

"I'll always worry, we still haven't caught that criminal who shot you, we don't even have a clue as to who he is".

"I know that sweetheart, please try not to worry so much, I'll be careful".

Once they got to Miami-Dade, "H" recieved a huge welcome from his team.

"Thank God, you are back "H", "We missed you around here", said Valera.

"Thanks, Eric and Ryan, in my office please".

"Sure "H", they said as they walked into "H"s office.

"Listen, have either of you a clue, as to who shot me"? "I don't want to worry Calleigh, but we need this solved soon".

"I know "H", we found a half of print on one of the bullets, but no hits in COTIS yet".

"Keep checking, until COTIS shows something".

"We will "H", and it's great to have you back".

"It's great to be back Eric, and great job keeping the Lab together".

"Thanks "H", see ya later".

After Ryan and Eric left "H"s office, he went in search of his wife. When he got down to the Bullistics Lab, she was not around.

"Calleigh"! "Are you here love"? "Calleigh"! "Hmm!! maybe I'll check with Alexx", said "H" to himself.

As he walked down to see Alexx, he heard giggling coming from the hall.

"Calleigh, sweetheart"! is that you"?

"Yes Handsome", I'm here with Alexx, showing her our Wedding Photos".

"Look at you "H", you are a Handsome devil, aren't you".

"H" smiled", "If you think so Alexx".

"Did you need me for something handsome"?

"Yes and no"! "Just wanted to make sure you're feeling okay, and if you'd like too go for lunch soon".

"Yes to lunch, and I should be asking you if you're okay", said Calleigh.

"I'm fine love, really". "where would you like to go"?

"Anywhere, as long as we are together".

"Okay than", "I'll see you in about an hour", as he embraced Calleigh in front of Alexx and kissed her with passion.

"Hmm!! said Alexx, I've never seen "H" show affection in public, it must be true love", said Alexx to herself.