In Between the Scene: Going Under

Once "H" headed back to his office, Eric chased him down.

""H", called Eric, "Frank's been shot", "Hurry".

As Eric and "H" headed over, they noticed Tripp had been shot three times, just like "H".

"Christ", said "H", Tripp", can you hear me Tripp"?

"Of course I can hear you", "I'm not dead you know", "God it hurts to get shot".

Eric laughed, because he knew Tripp hadn't been seriously shot.

"Stay down Tripp, the Paramedics are coming".

"Do you think we have a cop killer on our hands"?

"I'm not sure yet Frank", Eric take Ryan and check for casings". "Then let Calleigh know, I went with Tripp and she's to wait for me too get back".

"Sure "H", "Take it easy Tripp".

After "H" and Tripp left, Eric and Ryan found two casings.

"I've got two here Ryan". "You got anything"?

"Nothing, though we do have tire treads".

"Okay, I'll grab the kit and be right there", said Eric. "Hmm!! with the size of those treads I'd be looking for a 4x4". "Let's get this stuff back inside and start processing".

"Hey Eric, Ryan"!! "have any of you seen "H"? asked Calleigh.

"Yeah!! he went to the Hospital with Tripp, he got shot this morning".

"Oh my!! is he okay"?

"He's gonna be fine, but "H" wants you to wait here for him".

"Alright"!! "Give me the casings and I'll take them with me to Bullisitcs".

"Thanks Calleigh", "Let me know what you find".

"Of course Eric", said Calleigh.

While Calleigh was looking over the bullets "H" snuck up behind her and out his hands around her waist.

"Now there is my beautiful wife". "I missed you love".

"Well I missed you to Handsome". "How's Tripp"?

"he's going to be fine, two of the bullets only hit flesh, the third has been removed from his shoulder".

"Then you have gifts for me", "Don't you handsome"?

"Of course love, I have them right here".

As "H" started to kiss Calleigh necks, she giggled and told him to "Back off", "I have work to do, you naughty boy".

"That's fine love, you work and I'll play", said "H" as he stroked his hand up her thigh.

"Horatio"!! said Calleigh in a breathless whisper.

Just as "H" was going to continue Eric came bellowing.

"Hey "H", yelled Eric.

One look and Eric knew he had interrupted a moment.

"Sorry "H", "Ummm!! I'll come back".

"H" smirked. "that's okay Eric, come on in", "What do you have"?

"I found a partial print on one of the casings, Ryan is running it through CODIS now".

"Okay, thanks Eric", "Sweetheart, I'll see you later".

"Of course Handsome".
Later that evening at home. Calleigh and Horatio sat down to a movie together.

"Are you ready sweetheart"? "Sleepless in Seattle", won't wait for forever".

"Coming handsome", "Okay, start the movie".

As they cuddled together on the couch, Horatio pulled the blanket over them, and started to caress Calleigh's neck. He could hear the little purrs coming from her, and it was driving him to distraction.

"Horatio", whispered Calleigh. "Stop that". *sigh*

Horatio knew she was getting hot, so he moved his hand softly down her arm with fingertip caresses, as he kissed her neck. Horatio could feel her body tense like a bow.

"Easy sweetheart", "God you're so sensitive tonight".

"It's you handsome, you make me feel this way from just your touch", said Calleigh in a whisper.

Moving out from beside her, Horatio climbed on top and braced her face between his hands.

"I love you Sweetheart", whispered Horatio onto her sighing lips , as he kissed her deeply. Needing more of her, he slid his tongue down her neck, her shoulder, her clevege, until he got to her aching breasts.

"More", Calleigh purrred, into horatio's ear.

And he did give her more, more of his fire and passion, as the wick glowed brighter and harder, until Calleigh released and put out the flame. Carrying her up to bed, you could hear her say.........

"I want more", more handsome". "Take me into the pit of our desire again and again, until neither of us can move or feel".

So "H" gave Calleigh what she begged for, and made true on her words, and as the lovers slept you could still hear their sighs.


Ryan and Eric were getting ready to leave the Lab, when shots rang out.

"Christ, get down Ryan". "You okay man"?

"Yeah"!! "Where the hell are those shots coming from"?

"I'm not sure", picking up his phone, Eric called 911.

"This is CSI Delko, we need assisitance in the Miami-Dade Crime Lab parking lot, "Shots fired", I repeat shots fired".

Not more then 5 seconds, Officers showed up on scene.

"Is everything okay here"? asked one of the Officers.

"We think so, have your guys do a search of the area, just incase", said Eric, as called "H".

"Caine"! , said Horatio.

"Yeah "H"? "Ryan and I just got shot at, "No", no one was hurt". *talking* "Yeah", they are here now", searching". *talking* "I will", bye".

"What is "H" say"? asked Ryan.

"He wants us to head over to the Hospital , and check on Frank".

"Frank"!! "Why"?

"I don't know, he just said to check on him, before we go home".

Well then let's go".

That's not good. I hope they find who's doing it. LOL H should make them pay just for ruining their naughty time :D

One minor detail, I think it's actually CODIS, not COTIS.
As they got to the Hospital, they seen Frank resting quietly. So picking up the phone, Eric called "H" back.

"H"! "It's Eric, we are here with Frank, he's fine".

"Okay, I want you to stay with him, I have to Officers coming over there now". "They will be posted on his door", once they get there, you and Ryan can leave".

"You got it "H", "Talk to you later".

"What did he say"? asked Ryan.

"He said, we are to stay with Frank until the Officers get here".

"How long is that going to be"?

"How the hell should I know"? "What's your hurry Wolfe"?

"I have a date at eight", I need to go".

"To bad for you, "H" told us both to stay with Frank".

Just as Eric and Ryan were about to argue again, the Officers showed up.

"Hello"! "Were you briefed on your duties with Det. Tripp"?

"Yes"! "We are not to leave our post, we are to stay with Det.Tripp".

"That's right, we will leave you to it then".

As Eric and Ryan headed back to the Hummer, they started arguing again.

"I'll drive" , said Ryan.

"No"!! "I'll drive, I'm the one responsible for the Hummer, I signed it out", said Eric.

"Whatever Eric, just get me back to the Lab please", "I'm already late".

As they were pulling away from the Hospital, the shooter, was going in".


Horatio had gone downstairs after getting off the phone with Eric, to get Calleigh some Ice cream and brownies. When he brought it back up, her eyes shone bright.

"Gimme, gimme", "Come on handsome, hand it over", said Calleigh laughing.

"What do I get love, if I give you this"?

"You get my undivided attention and love".

"But I already have that", "you have to better then that".

Calleigh could feel the baby ripple, almost as if it was saying, "gimme too".

"Oh my"!!! "Come here handsome, you have to feel this".

As "H" ran over with the food, he placed it down and put his hand on Calleigh's tummy, as the baby rippled again.

"Wow"!! "God sweetheart, I can feel him/her move". "Hi little one, this is your daddy, said "H". "I'm eagerly awaiting your arrival", so I can love you".

The baby rippled again, as "H" sighed in awe.

Getting the spoon, "H" scooped out a huge helping of ice cream into the bowl and than added two huge brownies.

"Open wide sweetheart", as Calleigh took the first spoonful, she practically orgasmed.

"Oh, that's wonderful., More please".

"H" spent the next 20 minutes feeding Calleigh ice cream and brownies, and as he spilled some on her chest, he said......

"I'll get it love"! Bending down, he swirled his tongue around the ice cream, as she moaned.

"Mmmm!!! nothing like a Calsundae at night".

Calleigh laughed. "You're to much handsome", stop that now", said Calleigh as "H" was caressing her breast.

"I can't stop Calleigh, said "H" breathlessly, "Your body is driving me insane". "You taste like nectar and heaven all rolled into one".

"Horatio"!! whispered Calleigh as she slowly opened herself to his kiss.

Calleigh's last thought was that her husband sure knew what she liked, as she spewed forth in his touch.

Back at the Hospital the shooter was dressed in a doctor's coat as he nodded his head at the two Officers and entered Franks room. As he looked over at Frank, he could see himself squeezing the life out him, if that was his M.O, but lucky for Frank it wasn't. As he neared Frank's bed he said.......

"Sorry old pal, but you won't feel a thing".

Pulling out a silencer he aimed it at Franks head, as he got ready to fire, the nurse walked in and.....

"Who are you"?.

Turning around the shooter shot the nurse in the chest, as the two Officers ran in, he fired two shots and they both went down.

"I'll be back Frank". "Damn interruptions, he said to himself as he left.

As the duty nurse came back to her desk, she noticed the relief nurse missing.

"Hmmm!!! maybe she went down to Franks room".

As she neared the room, she seen blood coming from under the door, when she opened it she screamed for help. Two doctor's came running.

"Go call the Police", yelled the doctor.

As the nurse left to call the police, the doctor checked for pulses but found them all dead. Getting up, he checked on Frank, who to his surprise, was still alive.

Just as Eric and Ryan were pulling into Miami-Dade they got the call.

"Delko"! *talking* "Were on our way". "So much for your date Ryan, the only place we're going is back to the Hospital, there has been a triple homicide".

"What"? "Who"? asked Ryan.

"One nurse and those two Officers". "It happened just after we left".

"Well how is Frank"?

"He's still alive, the shooter didn't get the chance, due to the nurse coming in".

"Good for Frank"! "Now who is going to call "H"? asked Ryan.

"God damn it Ryan, you're such a fu**en baby". "Sometimes you make me hate you".

"Back at you Delko", "you don't please me either".

Picking up his cell, Eric called "H".

(Phone rings)

"Hello", said Calleigh, who was up eating more Ice cream and Brownies.

"Hey cal, it's Eric, Is "H" available"?

"Sure Eric", hold on okay"?

Calleigh went and woke up "H", as he got up, he noticed Ice cream on Calleigh's upper lip, taking his tongue, he licked it off.

"Mmm!! "You are just so damn tastey love".

"Hold that thought Handsome", "Eric is on the phone for you".

Taking Calleigh by the hand, he took her to the phone with him.

"Eric", what's the matter"? said "H" as he toyed with Calleigh's hair.

"There's been a shooting at the Hospital", one nurse and the two Officers we put on the door".

"What about Frank Eric"? "How is he"?

"He's fine, the nurse scared off the shooter, but not before he killed her and the Officers". "Ryan and I are on our way to process now".

"Okay Eric, have them move Frank, to another section of the Hospital and under a different name".

"Will do "H", and I'll call you when we are done processing".

After "H" hung up the phone, he went to the kitchen too check on Calleigh.

"Come on love", "Haven't you had enough Ice cream for one night"?

Taking the spoon into her mouth seductively, she slowly licked around it ,teasing "H".

"You're asking for it young lady", "I'd stop that if I was you".

Calleigh licked and spooned it, in and out of her mouth.

"That's it", picking Calleigh up he put her on the counter lifting up her nightgown, before he sat her down. Taking the Ice cream, he scooped it out with a spoon and dropped it between her creamy thighs. As he did this Calleigh.....

"Hiss", "Auhh!!! as Horatio's tongue, explored and licked around the Ice cream that was melting between her thighs.

"Damn you Horatio", that's cold". said Calleigh, as she giggled.

"Don't worry love, I'll warm you up in a minute".

As "H" continued to drive Calleigh over the edge, the phone rang.

"Oh God"!!! "Not now", said "H". "Don't move CalSundae".

"Hello", "This better be important".

"Hey "H", it's Eric., we've moved Frank to a private room, over in the West Wing", He's under the name Tom Greysworse".

"Okay Eric, I want you and Ryan to take shifts", one or the other stay's with him, understand".

"Understood", I'll talk to you later "H".

Once "H" hung up the phone, he turned around to look for his wife.

"Calleigh, where are you love"?

As he looked for her, he heard the shower running.

"Hmmm!!!! trying to clean off the Ice cream", said "H" to himself as he followed the sound of the spraying shower.

When he neared the washroom, he stripped off his house jacket and climbed in behind her.

Taking his hands he wrapped them around her bulging tummy.

"Hello sweetheart, miss me"?

"Always handsome", whispered Calleigh.

Reaching for the soap "H" lathered up and washed his wife's body, including her thighs where the Ice cream had been.

"Thank-you Handsome" , that was nice, said Calleigh as she kissed him.

"You're welcome, said "H" as he picked her up and carried her to bed, where he Captivated and loved her through the night.
This story will be updated tonight when I get home from work. Thanks for all the Feedback and support, it really helps my creative mind.

And Special thanks, to all my fellow DuCainer's :D
In the morning, "H" told Calleigh, he was going to go too the Hospital and visit Frank.

"That's fine Handsome, I'll see you when you get home". "I love you".

"I love you too , sweetheart". "See you soon", said "H" as he kissed Calleigh good-bye.


Eric and Ryan were still arguing about Ryan's whinning, because he missed his date.

"Can you guys shut the hell up"? said Tripp. "How the hell can I rest with you two flapping your gums".

Eric stopped and looked at Frank.....

"How you feeling Frank" , asked Eric.

"Like I've been shot". "Why are you two in my room"?

"H", told us we had to stay with you, due to the shooter coming back last night, and shooting a nurse and two of your Officers".

"WHAT"!!! said Frank. "Which two Officers"?

Officer Cookes and Frense", both died from their wounds".

"Christ"!! "who the hell is next"?

As far we know, it seems to be you, afterall he came back to get you, it was just his bad luck that the nurse came in", said Ryan.

"Ryan, wht the hell is the matter with you, said Eric., When will you learn to keep your mouth shut". "It's "H"s job to tell Frank, not yours".

At that moment "H" walked in to them arguing.

"Ryan, Eric"!! called "H", you can both head back to the Lab".

Both of them stormed out without a word to each other.

"How you feeling Frank"? asked a concerned "H".

"Very sore, the pain is very intense in the shoulder".

"It will be for a while Frank, just try and relax, the less you move that shoulder the better, until it has time to heal".

"I know", "How is Calleigh feeling"?

"She's okay, getting bigger, and is now craving Ice-cream and Brownies".

"Well at least she choose a great combo". "When my wife was pregnant, it was strawberry Jello with chocolate syrup".

"H" smiled. "It's great to know you're feeling better Frank".

"Thanks "H", At least with you back to work on Monday, things will settle down".

"Is it that bad with Eric and Ryan"? asked "H".

"It's worse then bad, I'm actually waiting for one to shoot the other".

"I'll handle them on monday", "I've posted two seasoned Officers on your door, you should be fine now".

"Thanks agian "H", tell Calleigh I say hello".

"Will do Frank", said "H" as he left.