In Between the Scene: Going Under

Once the morning came, Horatio and Calleigh got ready for work.

Horatio's first plan on his Agenda was to find stetler and beat him for having Ryan spy on him and Calleigh. Second was to try and find this killer, and third was to make love too Calleigh sometime during the day.

As Horatio headed into the shower Calleigh was just waking up.

Looking around she couldn't see "H". Getting up and walking upstairs, she heard the shower running.

"Oh great Shower time", she thought to herself. Sneaking in, she threw off her robe and climbed in, as she took her hands and caressed Horatio's back.

"Morning Handsome", said Calleigh, as she leaned into him.

"Good morning Sweetheart".

Turning around Horatio brushed her cheek with his hand.

"My beautiful Calleigh" and leaning toward her he kissed her passionately under the spray of water falling over them. Needing more Horatio slid his hand around to her chest, and gentley brushed her in soft caresses as she mewed into his mouth.

Deeper now to brand, he applied pressure to were she needed it most as she screamed out in pleasure.

Not being able to withstand her cries, Horatio pushed her ever so carefully against the wall and loved her until she was melted into his soul and flesh.

Picking her up because her legs were to shakey to move, he carried her all the way downstairs and back into the bed, where he showed her once again how much he loved and needed her in his life.

With their morning delight fed and nourished, they headed to the crime Lab together to hopefully find the killer. Once they arrived Eric was waiting outside.

"Now what Handsome, No one knows about us"?

"Calm down Sweetheart, it's covered". "Trust me love".

As they exited the Hummer, Eric informed "H" that another body had been found 3 yards from the first one.

"Hey Cal, how was your night"? asked Eric.

Calleigh was shocked Eric hadn't said a word about the two of them arriving together. Feeling a little more relaxed, they all headed out to the Crime Scene.

When they got there Ryan had already arrived.

"Have we got Ryan"? asked "H".

"Second female body, same as the first "H", there is also the dried flowers everywhere including down by the stream".

"Eric, how come Alexx hasn't shown up yet"?

"She's on another call, It's been a busy night".

"Okay, until she get's here, let's all have a look around".

"You got it "H".

Once Alexx arrived, she looked very tired and worn out.

"You okay Alexx"? asked "H".

"Oh yeah, busy night", "Not another one"?

"Sorry Alexx, said "H".

After checking her liver temp, Alexx put the TOD at 0100hrs.

"I'll get her back to the Lab and meet you there later, said Alexx.

"thanks, said "H".

Once everything had been gathered up, everyone headed back to Lab.
This is it till tonight, work, work, work.

On the way back Horatio decided to tease Calleigh endlessly. So taking his hand he placed it on her knee and slowly did the Itsy Bitsy Spider crawl up her leg.

"Horatio"! "You little Red Devil, stop that". *giggle,giggle*

"I can't love, My mind has control over my body", *snicker*

Creeping his hand further up her thigh, Calleigh jumped half out of her seat in a fit of giggles.

"Hor......*g* atio....*g*, Sto.......p, *g*, Pleas..........e, *g,*g*. said calleigh between breath's.

Stopping the Hummer between the trees, before he caused an accident, he reached over and pulled Calleigh onto his lap. All laughing stopped, as they looked in each other's eye's.

"Horatio", said Calleigh in a breathless whisper. "Love me, love me here in the Hummer".

Calleigh could feel Horatio respond to her plea, and being ever so accomidating, he gave Calleigh the smoothest ride of life. A short time later with the scent of hot sex in the Hummer, they headed back to the Crime Lab.

Once back at the Lab, Calleigh ran into the Locker room to change. When she got there Eric was changing his clothes.

"Hey Calleigh, it's about time you two got back", said Eric.

"Oh I know", we got stuck and had to wait for a Tow Truck too come get us".

Now Eric knew the smell of Sex, and he also knew Horatio and Calleigh had it going on. He thought it was great that Horatio had moved on, and he knew how happy "H" had been these last few weeks with Calleigh.

"That's to bad, you two missed Stetler on the Warpath again".

"Oh really"?, what for this time"?

"I'm not sure, Ryan was feeling the end of it", I never seen Ryan look so freaked out".

"Are you going to let Horatio know"?

"I already did, I left a message for him on his phone".

"Wow, okay then Eric, I'll see you later, I have a few cases that need my attention".

As Calleigh left, Eric laughed and said, "I bet you do Calleigh", "I bet you do".
When Horatio got back to his office Ryan was waiting for him.

"Ryan", what's the problem"? asked "H".

"Stetler, he gave me a blasting".

"I heard, said "H", Eric informed me". "Don't let it worry youRyan, "Stetler will get his".

"I know, but he has quite a vendeta against you".

"I know Ryan, he alway's has", I've learned to ignore him".

"Thanks "H", anyway's Alexx is waiting for you to begin the processing of our victim".

"Well then, let's go". "Alexx, what have we got"?

"I'm telling you "H", this is really creepy". "I've never seen anyone stuffed before". "Though I did find what looks like a nail or plastic maybe". "It was stuck in our victim's anal area with the flower's".

"Okay, "Ryan run that to trace for me please".

"You got it "H", said Ryan.

Once "H" was done with Alexx, he went to find Calleigh.

Looking in the Bullistic's Lab, she wasn't there, checking in the lunch room, she wasn't there either.

"Hmm! I guess she really is busy".

Walking back to his office, he was pulled into the Ladies washroom.

"Hello Handsome"!

"Calleigh, you little Minx". "What are you up too"?

"Loving you, Babe", said Calleigh laughing.

As she started kissing his neck Horatio asked her what would happen if someone walked in.

"Come on love, someone might come in".

"Don't worry Handsome, I have it covered". "I used the out of Service sign", said Calleigh.

Calleigh pushed "H" into the stall and got down to the art of Lunchtime Bathroom Sex.

After they were done, Calleigh checked outside to make sure no one was coming.

"Okay Handsome, It's all clear".

"Thank's sweetheart, see you at six, I'll meet you outside".

As "H" was just heading out of the bathroom Eric walked by with a smirk on his face.

"How's it going boss"? said Eric.

"Uhh! I was just looking for my change, I dropped it on the floor and it rolled into the washroom".

"Right, said Eric, laughing, I'll see you later "H", "BYE Calleigh", yelled Eric.

"Crap "H", do you think he know's"? asked Calleigh.

"Yes love, he know's, I can tell by his smirk".

"Oh my, said Calleigh. "I hope he doesn't tell".
ROFL at the lunchtime bathroom thing :devil: I hope Eric don't tell, there's another fic where he has a big mouth lol
Later the day while Eric was taking a break outside, he seen Stetler talking to Ryan again. Eric picked up the phone to let "H" know.

"H", it's Eric, Stetler is out here hasseling Ryan again". "Yeah", bye".

Eric watched as "H" showed up on scene.

"Ryan, I need to process something for me in the Lab".

"On my way "H", said Ryan.

What the hell are you doing Stetler"? "Leave my CSI alone".

"Listen "H", I know you and Calleigh are up to something", and I'm going to find out what it is".

Putting on his sunnies "H" said. "Let me know when you do".

Back in the Lab Ryan was processing when "H" walked in.

"Ryan"! "What is going on with you and Stetler"?

"Nothing "H", he just keeps asking me to spy on you and Calleigh".

"Do you have any idea, why".

"No"? I was told to follow where you both went and too report back to him".

Alexx walked in "Ryan, I need you with me to get that DB processed", It's starting to stink".

"k", Alexx, see you "H".

"That you will Wolfe, that you will".

While Calleigh was putting the guns away, she heard someone come in and shut the door behind them. Just as she was ready to turn around, someone covered her mouth.

"Don't say a word, whispered the voice.

Taking his hand he reached it up Calleigh's leg, Calleigh was freaken out , she knew it wasn't "H" becuase he was busy with Ryan and Stetler. Staying still while the person caressed her , she closed her eyes and prayed that he would at least let her live.

Pushing her over the table, he whispered in her ear, this is what you get for sleeping around with your boss. Pulling back her ponytail, he tried to violate her.

"Listen now, I'm going to stuff you full of flower's , slice you open everywhere and make you pure for your trip into heaven.

"CALLEIGH", called Eric, open the door, "Calleigh"?

"I'll be back, bitch that's a promise.

As the guy took off, Calleigh turned around but he was gone. Running to the door, she unlocked it shaking.

"Calleigh"? you okay"?

"Calleigh passed out in Eric's arms.

"H", it's Eric, Calleigh has passed out she's down here in the Bullistic room", hurry".

When "H", got down there calleigh was just waking up.

"Sweetheart"? What happened love"?

"Someone came in and locked the door, threw me up against the table and tried to violate me, He threatened to slice me open, and stuff me with flowers for my trip into Heaven. "Eric saved me, if he haden't of pounded on the door, I'd be dead right now. "This killer's voice sounded vaguely familuar to me". "I just can't place it, he said he'd back to finish it".

"Okay listen Sweetheart, I want you to remove your shirt and let Eric process it, hopefully he left some kind of trace on you". Then I'm going to take you home".

"He tried to rape me Handsome, if it wasn't for Eric, I'd be not only dead but violated".

"Shhhh! It's okay love, we'll catch him". Eric get her shirt processed and call me at home".

"I will "H", take it easy Calleigh".

"Thanks Eric".
Once Horatio got Calleigh home to his place, she was somewhat a little more relaxed.

"How you feeling love"?

"Just a little shaken up, he pinched my thigh, just like, just like, *sob*

"Shhh!! It's okay love, come on I'll get you into bed.

Once "H" had her in bed, he got up to leave.

"Please don't go Handsome, he touched me I feel dirty", " I need you too love me" , please love me now".

Horatio knew what Calleigh needed to forget, and he started to give her what she needed, until he seen her inner thigh, It was black and blue from where the bastard squeezed.

"Auh!! sweetheart, I'm going to shoot the bastard when I find him". "Look what he did to you".

Calleigh knew the tables were now turned, she needed her "H" to help her feel clean again, but now "H" needed her to help him forget the bruise.

Reaching up Calleigh pulled "H" on top of her and flipped him over while she mounted him.

"Your mine stud, I'm gonna ride you from now till morning".

Ride him she did, all through the night and the morning until everything was forgotten and only their love remained.

(At the Lab)

"Friggin bitch, they think I don't know, I could have had her right there, but no that God damn Eric had to ruin everything, now I have to go out and find someone to replace her again.

"God how I hate him, he doesn't deserve any happiness, I will kill her , and I will succeed in my revenge".

"Only before I do, I'll rape her good beofre stuffing her.

"Yeah that's what I'll do", as he rubbed himself he laughed.

Feeling a little more relaxed from ranting, the Mummifier, went out to find another victim.

(phone rings)


"H", it's Eric, I need to let you know we found no traces of anything on Calleigh's shirt or pants".

"Okay, and the second thing"?

"We have another body, about 6 feet from the second one".

"Okay, we'll be right there".

"There's one more thing you need to know "H".

"What's that Eric"?

"the victim is Natalia".

*Silence*** "Okay, Eric keep everything and everyone away, "Do not let anyone touch anything till we get there".

"I won't "H", see you soon".
Once Horatio and Calleigh arrived, Alexx was waiting to get to the body.

"Come on "H", what's going on, I've never been told to wait, I need that body for time of death".

"Listen Alexx, you were told to wait so you could prepare yourself".

"Prepare my self"? for what"?

"The body you need TOD for is Natalia's, said "H".

"What"? "Are Natalia"? "No"?

"Yes Alexx, that's why I asked everyone to stay away until we got here".

Alexx, Calleigh and "H", headed down to the area where Natalia's body was.

"Oh God"! said Alexx. "Awe sweetheart, look at you". "Bastard really butchered her "H", This is beyond brutal". "Time of death was approxamitly 4 hours ago". I'll know more when I get her back to the lab".

Calleigh just stood there in shock.

"What's the matter sweetheart"? asked "H".

"That should have been me, It was me he wanted, and because Eric saved me, he got angry and took it out on poor Natalia".

"This isn't your fault Calleigh", said Eric.

"I know that, but it doesn't make me feel any better".

"Come on sweetheart, you don't need to be here, I'll take you back home". "If you need me Eric call.

"I will "H", Take care Calleigh".

As soon as "H got Calleigh in the door, he took her right upstairs and laid her down.

"Talk to me love", "please don't hold it in".

"It should have been me, I should have had someone check the area to make sure it was safe and he was gone". "But I didn't do that", and now she's dead".

"Listen love, there was nothing you could have done, even if we checked and didn't find anything , she still would have died". "He was waiting, more and likely outside". "Come on love, lay down for a while".

Once he got Calleigh to lay down, he held her in his arms. Thinking back it had been one hell of a year for both of them, he lost his wife, and she had almost been shot and drowned.

Later that night Horatio brought Calleigh up supper. She had told him earlier that she wasn't feeling well.

"Sweetheart", wake up love, I've brought you something to eat love".

"Oh, no thanks Handsome", I'm not feeling to well".

"Calleigh, just try and eat something, I made some nice soup for you".

Knowing that Horatio worked hard on the soup, she managed to swallow some down".

"Thanks Handsome, that was great".

After Horatio removed the tray, he laid down beside Calleigh and held her.

"You know sweetheart, I was thinking back tonight about he rough year we've both had", and I was thinking it would be nice to get away somewhere". "Maybe the Bahama's or Montigo, what do you think"?

"That would be wonderful, but if we did that everyone would know about us".

"That doesn't matter love, and getting down on one knee with his hands touching her face he said..... "Calleigh will you marry me"?

Calleigh was shocked, out of anything he could have said, she never expected that.

"Looking into his eye's she said "Yes Horatio, I'll marry you".

When Calleigh and Horatio showed up for work and told the team their news, they were all very excited and happy for them.

All except for the killer, who was screaming inside, from the news.

He knew he'd have to work faster, to take her from him, but how and when was becoming a problem, because he knew "H" would never let her out of his sight until this was over.

"I have some cases I need to work on Handsome, I'll see you later".

"Listen love, I don't want you in the Lab alone today, "Eric, could you please stay in the Lab with Calleigh for a while until I can get down there"?

"Sure "H", I'll do that". "It's quiet right now anyway's".

Once Calleigh and Eric headed down to the Lab, Stetler called Horatio.

"Horatio", I guess congratualtion's are in order".

"That's right Stetler", said "H".

"Well I hope you'll be happy together".

"We will, Stetler".

Horatio noticed Stetler's hands were shaking.

"Are you feeling okay, Stetler"? "Your hands are shaking".

"I'm fine Horatio", don't worry about me".

As Stetler walked away, Horatio wondered, what the hell, was annoying him.

"H", yelled Ryan. "We have another female DB, at the same place again.

"Okay let's get the team and go".

As they all got to the crime scene Alexx and Tripp were already there.

"Tripp, what have we got"?

"Another female, this makes 4. He seems to have upped his killing spree".

"I have a feeling we are dealing someone, who is very unstable", said "H".

"You're telling me said Tripp, this is insane, and the worst part is he's not leaving so much as a trace".

"I know, I'm thinking he may be experienced in law enforcement".

"So, now what"? asked Tripp.

"Now we beat him at his own game, we set up stakeout's here at this area". "I'll have Eric and Ryan take first shift".

"Okay, "H", good luck".

"Thanks Tripp, we're going to need it".
As Eric and Ryan took the first watch, they discussed Stetler.

"Let me ask you a personal question Ryan"

"Sure, what is it"?

"What did Stetler want with you"?

"Just let it go Eric, It's over now".

"Look Ryan, I know we've never really been close, but that doesn't mean I'm not concerned about you".

"I know that Eric, but it's fine really".

Eric let it drop for now and went back to keeping watch on the wooded area.


Horatio had taken Calleigh home, before he ran back into Miami-Dade Lab.

"You'll be okay love, without anyone here"?

"Of course handsome, don't worry", "I'll be fine".

Horatio kissed Calleigh and left.

Once he had gone, Calleigh made sure her gun was handy incase she needed it.

*Back at the Lab*

Just as "H" walked in Stetler was running out.

"Stetler called "H", I ned to see you for a minute".

"Not now Horatio, I have to go".

"STETLER", he yelled agin.

"I said later "H".

"What the hell is with him, said "H" to Tripp.

"Don't know, I gave him the details of the case and he said he had a meeting and left".

"H" was getting really suspicious with Stetler's behaviour.

"He's up to something said "H", What i don't know yet". "But I'll figure it out".

(Eric & Ryan)

"Damn it's getting chilly out here" , said Ryan.

"You're telling me, it's freezing". "I'm going to turn on the car for a bit to get it warm".

"That's not a good idea Eric, Horatio told us , not to show our selves".

"Screw this Ryan, I need to piss".

Eric left the car to find a place to pee, when he heard a sound. Looking down on the wooded area he could have sworn he seen what looked like Stetler, walking around their crime scene.
Watching to see what he was up too, he got smacked on the back of the head. Down he went out cold.
