In Between the Scene: Going Under

When Horatio couldn't get no response from Eric or Ryan, he drove out to see what had happened to his CSI's

"Eric, are you okay"? Eric", said "H".

"Oww!, I went to take a piss and I got knocked on the damn head". "Where the hell was Ryan"? asked Eric. "he was to have my back".

"I know, he's disapppeared". said "H".

"Jesus, there was no one out here, and I seen Stetler hanging out down by the crime scene, and then I got cold cocked".

"Wait a minute, you said Stetler was here"?

"Yeah, he was poking around the crime scene".

Thinking back "H" finally put it all together.

"Stetler"! "Let's go Eric, he's after Calleigh".

"But what about Ryan"?

"If my hunch is right he's been the one helping Stetler". "Now let's go".

As they got back to "H"s house Calleigh was gone and the door was busted in.

"They got her "H", now how do we find her"?

"We go back Eric, If he's going to kill her it's going to be at the same place but a different section".

As they raced back to the crime scene, they seen Stetler's car parked away behind the tree".

"Shh! Quiet now Eric, if they hear us they'll kill her".

"I know "H", said Eric.

"There they are", over by that huge tree". "He hasn't cut her yet", I can see her sitting there just watching Stetler pace".

"Well if Stetler is there, where is Ryan"? asked Eric.

"Good Question, said "H".

Crawling closer, they seen Ryan tied to the tree with flowers stuffed in his mouth.

"Is he dead "H"?

"I don't think so, not yet". "More and likely Stetler shut him up".

"Now what"? asked Eric.

"Now we make our move", "Let's go".

"H" and Ryan rushed Stetler and tackled him to the ground. As they were all wrestling, Calleigh grabbed the gun took aim and fired at Stetler, killing him straight through the heart.

"Calleigh, yelled "H", Oh calleigh, I love you so much, are you okay love"?

"I'm fine Handsome, let's go home".

Eric untied Ryan from the tree.

"You okay Ryan"?

"Yeah! just a flesh wound".

AS they all headed back to Miami-Dade, Ryan asked...

"What did I miss"? "H" are you and Calleigh"!!!!!

"Yes Ryan, Calleigh and I are getting married".

"Oh my., what did I miss"?

"Nothing yet, said "H".

Back at home "H" got Calleigh settled in their bed and brought her up some lunch.

"There you go love"., enjoy", said "H".

"Thanks Handsome, but I'd enjoy you more".

Laughing Horatio gave Calleigh what they both needed, each other.

The End or is it........
I had a hunch about Stetler *kills him* Now do we get HJr and Mari and all the DuCaine babies? *giggle*
The Wedding

They say sometimes in life, you find someone who makes everything in your life complete. For Horatio and Calleigh, it was a day they never thought would come.

Co-workers is what they were, until the day Horatio almost lost Calleigh when she was ran off the road.

Thinking back Horatio thought how funny it seemed now the day of his wedding, all the emotional and dangerous times they shared together seemed so unimportant.

"H", called Eric, are you ready for your new life with Calleigh, asked Eric, who was "H"s best man.

"Yeah Eric", "I'm almost there, just give me a second to breathe deep".

"Nervous are you"? smiled Eric.

"Just a little". "God Eric, I never thought I'd find love again or even marriage after I lost my first wife and your sister Marisol".
"I'm just so blessed today, It's funny, how love can be right in front of you, and you miss it, until something happens to make you realize, how important someone is to your life".

"I know what you mean", said Eric. "There was a time I felt like that with Marisol, but she's gone and I couldn't save her".

"Eric"! said "H". "I understand how you feel, I felt I had lost my world until Calleigh creeped into my heart the day she almost drowned".

"I'm sorry "H", this is your Wedding day, I shouldn't be talking about Marisol".

"Listen Eric"! "I loved Marisol too, and I can only hope she's smiling in heaven as she watches us". "Do you know what your sister's, my wife's last words to me were"?

"No "H", I don't"?

"She said , don't be sad", "those were her last words to me".

Eric looked at "H" ,and they seen the tears in each others eyes. As they embraced Horatio said ...

"I'll always love Marisol, in my heart Eric, just as I love you", forever as my brother".

As they headed out to the beautiful little chapel Calleigh and the girls had set up, "H" became even more nervous.

"Relax "H", "Just breathe".....

Calleigh was having the time of her life in her dressing room with the girls all around her.

"God Calleigh look at you, you look like a queen", said Natalia.

She did too. Calleigh was wearing a beautiful off white wedding gown, made of pure liquid silk, with little pearls and lace running down the sleeves and arms as they shaped into a vee at the tip of her wrist. The neck line was cut in a low vee, covered over with french lace. The headdress was all lace, with little teardrop pearls , and her train was the highlight to her dress. It must have covered half the hall, being 6 ft in lengh made once again of pure silk. Just as they were putting on the finishing touches, Calleigh's dad walked in.

"Hi Lambchop", "my God, look at my little girl". "Lamchop you look like a fairytale, as Kenwall kissed his daughter's lips.

"Thanks dad, I'm so nervous".

"You"? "No way, not my Lambchop"?

"Yes your lambchop daddy".

"I have something for you Calleigh, it's the locket that I gave your mom, she asked me to bring it to you".

As Calleigh's dad slipped it on, she began to cry.

"Oh Lambchop, don't do that, you'll upset your make-up". "Come on, let's get you married to your wonderful man".

"I love you daddy".

"I love you too Lambchop".

As Calleigh and her dad exited the bridal room, they could hear "Here comes the Bride".
As she walked out and faced the path, everyone stared in awe, she looked so beautiful and pure. As her father walked her up the aisle Horatio waited patiently for his bride to reach his side. When they got there, Horatio took Calleigh's hand and led her the rest of the way.

"You look beautiful, my Bullet Girl, "I love you", *whispered*

"I love you too Handsome", forever", *whispered*

Once they stood in front of the priest he spoke.

"Dearly Beloveded, we are gathered here today, to join Horatio and Calleigh together in the vows of Holy Matrimony, from today and everyday forward they shall share in the joys, the tenderness, and the love of one another". This couple have decided to share there own Wedding Vows with their friends and family".

"Horatio, your Vow to your Calleigh".

Calleigh , I know it's taken us a long time to get here. We even thought at times that we wouldn't. I know I had my doubts. I never thought I could have someone in my life that could make me so happy or make me feel so alive. You know how hard it is for me to tell people how I feel about them, especially people I care about. But today in front of all these people, I have no problem telling you that I love you. I know our lives aren't going to be sunshine and roses from here on in, but I'm going to try my hardest to keep our love alive. We've got something very special here. It's worth fighting for. I love you Calleigh, my Bullet Girl

Calleigh, your Vow to your Horatio
Oh, Horatio , I fell in love with you the first time I saw you but it's taken all that time to realize that what I felt then is nothing compared to what I feel now. Remember what we said to each other a few weeks ago - "True love is the gift which God hath given to man alone beneath the heavens. The silver link, the silver tie, in heart to heart, and mind to mind, in body and in soul can bind '. I was pretty new when i met you and I'd get so mad when you'd call me "Bullet-Girl". But knowing you and loving you has made me a woman and I am your woman Horatio . Standing her in front of all these people, I give you my life and all my love through all eternity. Oh, Horatio, my Handsome, I love you and I'm so proud to be your wife.

With tears in their eyes, the Priest said,
"Horatio, place your ring on Calleigh's finger and repeat after me". "With this ring Calleigh, I thee Wed".

"H": With this ring Calleigh I thee Wed", as he slipped the ring on her finger, he kissed it.

"Calleigh", place your ring on Horatio's finger and repeat after me".

Cal: With this ring Horatio I thee Wed", as she slipped the ring on her finger, she kissed it.
Now, by the power invested in me and by this Holy Book, I know pronounce you, Mr & Mrs. Horatio Caine". "You may kiss your bride".

Horatio lifted Calleigh's vail and kissed her passionately on the lips as he whispered "I love You".

Once they were done, everyone cheered as Bride and Groom walked back down the aisle together.
During the reception, everyone was enjoying themselves and having fun with dancing and talking of old times. Just as the bride and groom were about to share there first dance, the shots rang out.

"Bang, bang, bang, three consecutive shots, down went Horatio.

"Nooooooo!!!!!! screamed Calleigh.

Eric ran to the phone too call 911, while Ryan tried to get the Licence plate of the car.

As she sat down with his head in her lap, she could here him gurggling and spewing up blood. All in a matter of a few seconds, her beautiful gown was spotted with red.

"Hold on Handsome", "Please don't leave me now", "Please stay with me", Calleigh cried.

As the Paramedics arrived, they inserted the breathing tube and packed up the bullet wounds, before transporting him to Miami General.

All the while Calleigh was in the back with him talking to him and telling him to hold on and not to leave her.

"Please Handsome", squeeze my hand, please squeeze it and let me know you can hear me". "PLEASE" said Calleigh louder in tears, "Don't leave me Handsome, I'll die without you, please give me a sign you can hear me".

Laying her head beside his body, she felt a hand wrap around her hair and squeeze. when she looked up she could see the tears streaming down his eyes.

"I love you Handsome" *crying* , hang on, *cry* just hang on".
As they arrived at the Hospital, Calleigh followed "H" as far as she could until they took him into surgery.

People stared in shock, as Calleigh still dressed in her gown covered in blood, sobbed in earnest.

"Lambchop"! called Calleigh's dad. "Come here my Lambchop, come here to daddy".

Calleigh embraced her dad, and cried her tears until his suit was soaked.

"I can't loose him Dad, he can't leave us now".

"Lambchop"? "What do you mean, he can't leave us"?

"I never got the chance to tell him dad", I'm 3 months with child".

"why didn't you tell him sooner Lambchop"?

"I was saving it for our Wedding night, a special gift for him, and now he may die, before I can tell him". *crying*

"You listen to me Lambchop"! "You stop talking like that, do you here me"? "You stop that right now".

"Excuse me Mrs.Caine"? said the doctor.

"Yes"! "How is he, can I see him, please is he alive"? asked Calleigh.

"Yes, he's alive, barely"! said the doctor.

"It's going to be touch and go for the next few days". "We removed the three bullets from his right chest, lung, and shoulder with no concern".

"But it's the head trauma he suffered, when he fell to the ground".

"To be honest with you the chances of him coming out of the coma are slim". "He has fractures through the skull and some pieces are stuck within the soft tissue of the brain, this could lead to swelling, infection and or death".

"I'm very sorry, I don't have better news for you at this time".

"He's being transfered to ICU, you may see him there".

Calleigh could barely speak to say thank-you, so her dad said it for her.
When Calleigh walked into Horatio's room, she could her the sounds of the machines. Walking up to his bed she sat down beside him and lowered her head to his shoulder and just cried, deep throated cries, that broke the hearts of the nurses, who could tell she was a bride who may have just lost her husband.

"Handsome"? "I know you can hear me, I need you to wake up for me". "Please Handsome don't leave me to raise our child on my own". "I can't do it without you". "Damn you"! wake up".

More and more nurses came to the desk as they listened to the story of how Horatio and Calleigh finally made it to the alter. By the time Calleigh's dad had told the complete story of how they met as co-workers, who became friends, who became husband and wife, there wasn't a dry eye at that station, all the nurses were completely heart broken. To finally realize your true love after years of working together, and have it snatched away.

"Come on sweetheart, Eric brought you some clothes to change into".

"No"! "I will not take off my wedding gown, leave me alone, I'll never take it off, until he wakes".

"calleigh"! that may not be for days love", said her dad.

"I said "NO"!! get out, just get out", Calleigh screamed in heart wreching tears.

After her father left Calleigh started praying out loud.

"God"! "Please don't take my husband from me", please, send him back to me and our unborn child". "I need him Lord, we just found each other, I need him back, you have enough people up their with you, please send my husband back". "Please, please ,please", Calleigh screamed. "PLEASE"!!!

The doctor came in with a sedative and injected Calleigh.

"It's okay Mrs.Caine, It will help relax you, I promise you it won't hurt the baby". "You need to calm down".

Calleigh could feel the sedative start to take effect, as she passed out in her fathers arms.

"Bring her over here Sir, and lay her down". "she'll sleep for about 2 or 3 hours". "If you need anything let me know".

"Thank-you doctor". "Thank you".
Poor Calleigh!! :( Fate, thou art so cruel!! Let him wake up soon, I can't stand the waiting!! Great writing so far, I am in love with this story. :)
This is for you Em ;) :)

When Calleigh awoke, she was still in her wedding gown. As she remembered that morning, she started to cry again. Getting out of the bed, she walked over to Horatio's side, and crawled in beside him placing her hand over his heart.

"I love you Handsome", Please, come back to us". "I never got a chance a tell you I'm pregnant", "We are going to have a baby". "You need to come home".

As Calleigh spoke over and over, she cried hot tears all down his shoulder and arm until she fell asleep.


Horatio was wandering around in Limbo, lost. He could hear Calleigh calling him. But he couldn't see her. As he walked along, he seen a figure coming out of the mist.

"Who's there"? asked Horatio. "Show yourself".

As the figure got closer he realized it was Speedle.

"Speed"? "I thought you were"? "How"?

"Listen Horatio, I'm here to help you get home to Calleigh".

"But I am home with her, we got married today". "You should have been there, it was beautiful".

"Horatio"! "Listen, you were shot three times, once in the shoulder, twice in the chest, and you suffered damage to your brain, when you fell and cracked your skull". "You are walking around in Limbo, I need to help you get back, before you forget everything, and stay here forever".

"Where is Calleigh"?

"Look down Horatio, through the clouds, you'll see her laying their in your arms". "She's waiting for you too come back to her". "You have too go back "H", she needs you and the baby needs you".

"Baby"? "What baby".

"Your baby, Calleigh is with child, your child, she was going to tell you on your Honeymoon". "That's why you need to go back, it's not your time".

"What do you mean it's not my time"? "I don't understand Speed".

"Horatio, you are at the half way point of life and death, this is where you come, until they are ready to come and get you". "But because it is not your time, you'll be stuck here forever". "They do not come for you, until it is your time". "Go back "H", now before it's too late".

"How do I get back"?

"Listen to Calleigh's cries and pleads, follow her sound and your heart, you'll get back to where you need too be". "Take care "H".

Horatio walked up and embraced Speedle, as he disappeared into the mist.

"Handsome, come home to me, please Handsome, I need you with us, come back too me".

Horatio followed Calleigh's voice until he was standing at his bed looking over at his body and Calleigh with her hand over his heart. Walking slowly beside his bed, he laid down and reentered his body. Lifting his arm he placed it on Calleigh's hand and that's when he seen their rings lock and shine.

Calleigh felt the touch of a warm hand on hers, and as she lifted her head, "H" was looking into her eyes and smiling.

*Whispering* Calleigh, I love you".

"Handsome, handsome, you're awake, Oh God", you're awake".

Calleigh rang the buzzer for the doctor, as they came running into the room they seen Horatio awake.

The doctor was truely shocked. "Nurse order a CT Scan and brainwave please", Stat". "Horatio"! "DO you know where you are"?

*whisper* "Hospital".

"That's right". "Do you know what day it is"?

*Whispering* "My wedding day".

Once they took Horatio down to x-ray, Calleigh phoned her dad and the team to let them know he was awake. Calleigh waited patiently for his return.

"Mrs.Caine"! said the doctor. "We'll be bringing him up shortly", I just wanted to let you know, that everything with his brain seems fine, there is no sign of infection from the chipped pieces of skull". "But sometime in he future, they could become a problem with memory loss, or headaches".

"How about his bullet wounds", I know you said they wern't serious, but could they cause problems also"?

"No, he'll heal fine from those". "Like I said it was the fall on his skull that caused the problems". "I'll be back later to talk to you both somemore".

"Thank-you doctor" , said Calleigh.

Once "H" returned his room, he was sleeping again. Calleigh climbed in beisde him and stroked his face.

"I love you Handsome, said Calleigh as her tears pooled up in her eyes.

"H' woke up for the briefest of seconds and said.....

"Don't cry no more Calleigh, it's not good for our child".

"What did you say Handsome"?

"I said, it's not good for our child, love, please stop crying".

At that moment, Eric, Tripp, and Ryan walked in.

"hey "H", said Eric, "How are you feeling"?

"Like I've been shot".

"That's funny "H", said Tripp. "We're still searchng for the guy that shot you".

"Yeah"! hopefully we'll find him soon, said Ryan.

"Calleigh how are you dong"? asked Ryan.

"I'm fine now"! "Thanks for asking".

"Calleigh why don't you go change sweetheart, you need to get out of that beautiful gown".

Now that her Husband was awake, she felt it would be okay to change.

"Listen Eric, said "H" quietly. "You need to make sure Calleigh takes care of herself while I'm in here, she's pregnant and needs to eat".

"Wow"!!! Congrats said Eric and Ryan at the same time.

"Thank-you, just make sure Calleigh rests and eats".

"We will", and you get better "H", we need you", said Eric.

After everyone left, Calleigh climbed back into bed with her husband, because even though she couldn't sleep with him, she could hold him tightly forever in her arms.

"I love you Handsome, forever and always.

"I love you too Calleigh, he whispered as he fell back to sleep".