In Between the Scene: Going Under

The following morning, the kids were up early, running around. " morning, get's up, I's go to chool". "Not today love, it's a P.A. day, that means you get to stay home, and play". "Buts I's ant to go to chool". "I know you do, but the teacher's are having a day off for meetings". "Is nots air mama, whats I's do today"?

"Is that my Emerald complaining to mommy"? asked her daddy, still have asleep. "Es daddy, I's want to goes to chool". "Well sweetheart, how about we get dressed, and I will take you and Horatio to the beach, for a while". "Oh yay...ank ou daddy, ank ou". "You are welcome love". "Don't you have to brief the team this morning, on that rape case"? "Not till this afternoon love, would you like to come with us, to the beach".

"Hmmm...I don't think Timmy is ready for the beach, she laughed, but you go ahead, we'll be fine". As Calleigh dressed, she could hear Emer, talking to her brother. "Timity, I's gots to go too the beach, buts I's ove ou, ands we ill pay, whens I comes backs,k"? Looking at his sister, with big blue eyes, he gurgled.

With the house quiet, Calleigh had time, to bake, it had been a while, but it was something she missed, and loved to do. Placing the cookie batter onto the cookie sheet, she added the sprinkle's, and set them to bake, while starting her peach, and apple pies". With everything baking, Calleigh played with Timmy, on the rug.

Walking back from the beach, Emrald said..."mmm...daddy, I's smell ookies, and pies, mama musts be bakins agains". Running ahead of her daddy, with Ernie and Bert, she ran in, and said..."mama...ou makes ookies"? "I did love, chocolate chip, would you like some with milk"? "Ease mama, I's ove our cookies".

Sitting the kids down with their cookies and milk, Ernie and Bert sat pretty, in front of Calleigh. "Would you like a cookie"? "Woof....woof", they barked, as Calleigh passed them the cookie. Laying down in their beds, Bert and Ernie, enjoyed their homemade biscuits, she had made especially for them.

As the years progressed, and the children grew. Horatio Jr became his father, Lt.Horatio Caine Jr, taking over where his father had left off, he never married, but enjoyed his life with the family he had, within the CSI's.

Emerald went on to become a surgeon, practicing at Miami General, but her highlight to her day, was getting home to her husband and children, so they could have their quality time.

As for Horatio, Calleigh, Timothy, they still lived in Miami, with Timothy being in College, and Horatio/Calleigh, retired enjoying life to the fullest.

The End