In Between the Scene: Going Under

Once "H" got back home, he seen Calleigh, working in her Garden. Walking up quietly, he took a rose and walked up as he passed it to her from behind, he said....

"To my beautiful, pregnant wife", "I love you", said "H" as he kissed her neck.

"Handsome"!!! said Calleigh as "H" helped her up.

"You look stunning today sweetheart".

"Oh go on "H", "I look a mess".

"Never love" , as he picked her up and carried her into the house.

"Horatio"!!! you're going to pull your stitches, carrying my new weight".

"You're worth it sweetheart".

Kissing her with heated passion, she purred into his mouth.

"God love, I can't get enough of your sweet lips", said "H".

"Well that's good then, because I can't get enough of your heated touch", whispered Calleigh.

Looking into her eyes, "H" carried her upstairs to their room, where he showed her exactly how hot his touch was.


Eric and Ryan, had returned to the Lab.

"That's it Eric, I hope I never have to ride with you again". "Thank God, "H" is back on monday".

Eric just ignored him and walked into the Lab, leaving Ryan behind.

"You better hurry up Wolfe, before you get shot".

"Don't worry about me Delko, just worry about yourself".

As they were just about to enter the front door, they heard someone yelling wait.

"Can we help you"? asked Delko to the beautiful blonde.

"I hope so, I'm your new replacement while Calleigh Caine is on maternity leave". "My name is Jasmine".

"Okay"!! "I'm Eric Delko, I'll show you around, because "H" won't be back till Monday".

"H"? "Who is that"?

"Oh sorry, your new boss, Horatio Caine".

"Umm!! If I may ask a question".

"Sure, what is it"?

"Why do you call him "H" ?

"Hmm!!! never really thought about it, It just seemed to happen one day, and it kinda stuck". "Come on , I'll show you around".
Once Eric had shown Jasmine around , he took her to the Bullisitcs Lab.

"This is your temporary Lab, till Calleigh comes back, there is quite a pile up of cases, if you like I can help you".

"Thanks, but I think I'll be fine, and Eric"!

"Yeah Jasmine"?

"Thanks for showing me around".

"Anytime, see ya around", said Eric.

After he left, Jasmine said to herself, "So that's the Player, everyone has been warning me about".


Ryan was trying to get in touch with Sara, who he was to have a date with last night. Problem was, she kept hanging up on him. Getting frusterated, he decided to head over to her home. While he was nearing the corner away from the Crime Lab, two shots rang out, causing Ryan to loose control of the Hummer.


Eric was just coming out of the building, and seen the Hummer flipped on it's side.

"Ryan, yelled Eric, Ryan"! "You okay man"?

"Yeah!! "I think so, but my leg is stuck".

"Hold on man, I'll get you out".

As Eric opened the door, he helped Ryan remove his seatbelt and his foot, as more shots rang out.

"What the hell" , yelled Delko, calling it in.

This is CSI Delko, we have shots fired outside, the crime lab, Officer down, I repeat, Officer down".

As Officer's started running out from P.D. more shots rang out, Officer's went down, all over the place,

"EVERYONE DOWN", yelled Delko. "Everyone down".

No one knew where the shots were coming from, all they could do was wait until they stopped. After about five minutes, everyone removed themselves from cover.

"Ryan, you okay, can you move your foot now"?

"Yeah"!!! I can feel it coming loose Eric".

With a couple more pulls, Eric had Ryan free.

"Can you move it"? "Is it broke"? asked Eric.

"No, it's not broke Eric" ,said Ryan, as Eric helped him back to the Lab.

"Where the hell were you"? yelled Eric at Jasmine.

"In the Lab, "What happened"?

"We were shot at again", that's what happened".

After Eric helped Ryan to a seat he checked over his ankle.

"Nothing loks broke man", "You'll be fine".

"Thanks Eric, for not leaving alone".

"No thanks needed, we're a team, that's what we do for each other".

"Should I go out and gather up the bullets"? asked Jasmine.

"I think that would be a good idea, don't you"? said Eric.

After she left Eric said......."There is something weird about her", "I'm calling "H" to have her background checked" , said Eric.
(Phone rings)

"Hello"! said Calleigh with a mouth full of Brownie.

"Hey Cal", are you eating again"? asked Eric.

"ME", no why"?

"Yeah right Cal, you're eating more brownies aren't you "? "Anyway's is "H" there"?

"Mmhmmhh!! "Just a minute". "Handsome", mumbled Calleigh, Eric".

Coming to the phone, "H" noticed Calleigh with brownie icing on her lips.

"You do that on purpose, don't you love"?

"Do what"? smiled Calleigh innocently.

"Put that chocolate all over your lips, so I'll lick it off".

"ME"!!!! "never, uhuh!!.

Horatio leaned over took the phone from her ,and kissed her pretty mouth, taking some chocolate with him.

"Tastey my love". "Hey Eric, what's the problem"?

"We got shot at again, Ryan got the worse of it, along with three Officer's.

"Is Ryan okay"?

"Yeah"! he smashed the Hummer and got his leg trapped, but I got him out and he's fine".

"Okay Eric". "Has the new Bullistic worker arrived yet"?

"Yeah"!!! "Though she's strange".

"Strange how Eric"?

"Well, when the shooting started , she was no where to be found". "Then when it was over, she showed up and asked if she should collect the bullets".

"That is strange Eric". "Okay, I'll check into it". "Tell Wolfe, I'm glad he's okay".

"Will do "H", See you monday".


Tripp was ready to be released from the Hospital.

"Come on Ryan, where the hell are you"?

Frank called in to Miami-Dade, to see where Wolfe was at.

"Yeah"!! "It's Frank, do you want to tell me where the hell Wolfe is at"?

(Dispatch) "He's on his way Sir". "We had another shoot out down here today", lost three Officers".

At that moment Ryan showed up.

"Let's go Tripp", I have to get you home in one piece".

"What the hell is going on around here Ryan"?

"No one knows Frank". "We're not even close to finding the guy".

"Great"!! "Well let's get out of here", said Frank.


"Calleigh, aren't you full yet"? asked "H".

"Almost handsome", thanks for asking", said Calleigh with a huge smile.

Horatio couldn't believe how rounded she was now, and God it was turning him on, seeing her in her pregnant form.

"I know that look handsome, and forget it". "I'm not up for your tricks today", giggled Calleigh.

Horatio had that look on his face that said I'm hungry for you, as he started to walk towards her.

"Handsome, what are you up too"? "Horatio", "I said no". "Behave", giggled Calleigh.

Once Horatio reached her side, he got down on his knees and lifted up her shirt. Taking his mouth, he placed kisses along her tummy, she sighed.

"Horatio, please handsome, I'm so sensitive there" , whispered Calleigh panting.

That didn't stop him as he stroked his tongue along her belly button, causing her to hiss. Not being able to stop the passion he was feeling himself, he picked up his wife and carried her upstairs to bed.

"Now I have you all to myself love". "Just you and I, locked in our own little world".

"handsome", whispered Calleigh. "I love you".

"I love you too Calleigh" , said "H" against her sweet lips as he kissed her tongue on tongue, as she moaned sweetly into his mouth.

Needing more, he gripped her hair and pulled her closer towards him, until she and he could scarecly breathe. Deeper and deeper, they went into each other, until neither could hold back and with one swift stroke, they both released in enchanted love.

As always in the aftermath of great love making, Horatio and Calleigh fell asleep in each others arms.

"Handsome"? "Handsome"? called Calleigh.

"What is it love"?

"You need to get up, you have that appointment today, for removal of your stitches".

"Oh, that's right", said "H" looking over at Calleigh. "Come here sweetheart".

"Forget it mister", just get up and get changed".

As Calleigh got off the bed, "H" grabbed her hand.

"I said Come here love", "I want your kiss", said "H" smiling.

"You want more then that", said Calleigh smiling.

Tugging on her shirt, he forced her to lay back on the pillows.

"God love, look at your tummy". "It's getting close, isn't it love, another few months and we'll be parents", said "H" as he caressed her belly.

"I know, at times I still can't believe, we've gotten this far". "there was a time, I never thought we'd be here as husband and wife".

"I know my love, either did I, either did I", said "H".

After "H" left to get his stitches removed, Calleigh looked at ways to decorate the Nursery.


Ryan had just gotten Frank home and in his apartment.

"There you are Frank, home safe and sound". "I'll see ya", said Ryan.

"Where the hell you going"?

"Back to the Lab, I have work to do".

"Well, who the hell is going to protect me"?

"I have two of your best Officers outside in their car". "You're more than safe Frank".

"You better be right Wolfe".

After Ryan left Frank went to lay down.


After having his stitches removed, "H" headed into the Lab, to straighten out Eric and Ryan's behaviour.

"Hey, "welcome back "H", said Eric.

"Thanks", "It's great to be back" , said "H" walking up to his office.

When he opened the door, he wished he was still recoperating, bacuse he had case files piled high upon his desk.

"Christ", "Can I go home", smiled "H".

"You wish, said Eric. "Listen "H", have you checked into Jasmine's background yet"?

"I was going to do that today Eric". "For now I'd like to talk to you and Wolfe".

"Sure", "He should be back shortly, he's taking Frank home".

"Okay, Let me know when he gets here".

When Eric left "H"'s office, he knew that he and Ryan were in trouble.


"H" headed down to the Bullisitc's Lab, to meet the new employee, but when he got there, no one was there.

"Hmmm, That doesn't make sense, where the hell is she"? said "H" as he left again.

Once she was sure he had gone, Jasmine came out of the Gun closet.

Just as Ryan turned into the Lab, Eric stopped him.

"H" wants to see us both together", now". said Eric.

"You know what for"? asked Ryan.

"yeah"!! "God Ryan use your brain, it's because of our arguing".

"Shit"!! "I forgot about that", how should we handle it"?

"Good question for once Wolfe". "I'm not sure, I think we should leave, and not be found for a while".

*laughing** "this is "H" we are talking about, he could find us anywhere", said Wolfe.

"Damn you Ryan, for thinking at the wrong times". "Oh hell, let's just get it over with", said Eric.
As they walked in to Horatio's office, he told them to sit down.

"Okay"! "Who wants to start"? asked "H". "I've had nothing but compaints from Frank and others in this Dept. about your behaviour toward each other".

"It's nothing "H" , said Eric, we've just been having a bad week, Ryan missed out on some dates and I couldn't find information on a case I needed, so we kind of took it out on each other".

"You two have got to learn to get along". "I have time off and I can't even relax, because I'm getting complaints about the two of you ".

"We're sorry "H", said Ryan. "It won't happen again".

"I hope not, now do either of you know, where I can find our new Bullistics expert"?

"No", said Eric. "See, I told you she was weird". "She disappears at the oddest times".

"Well , if you see her, tell her she's to come see me imediately", said "H".

"We will", said Ryan, as he and Eric left the office.


Calleigh was working on her gardening again when she heard the doorbell ring. Holding onto a table to pull herself up, she headed to the front door. Looking out the little window, she seen a strange woman standing there.

"Can I help you"? said Calleigh.

"Yes", "I'm lost, I'm wondering if I can use your phone"?

Call it instinct, but Calleigh had a feeling that something wasn't right.

"Just give me one minute please", said Calleigh as she called her husband.

*Phone rings*

"Caine"!! said "H"

"Handsome, I need you to send someone to our home, there is a strange woman at our door, something doesn't feel right".

"Okay love, just stay away from the door". "Do you have your gun handing"?

"Yes, it's right in front of me".

"Okay, just wait till Eric and Ryan get there, I've just sent them". "I'm on my way home now", said "H".

As "H" left his office, he knew he would have to wait another day, to meet the new girl.


Eric and Ryan had just arrived at Calleigh's.

"Calleigh"!! "Open up it's Ryan and Eric".

Opening the door, Calleigh let them in.

"Where did she go"? asked Calleigh.

"I don't know Calleigh, no one was here, when we got here", said Ryan.

"Now if that isn't the strangest thing, said Calleigh grabbing her kit.

"What are you up too Calleigh"? asked Eric.

"She rang the doorbell, I'm sure she left a print", said Calleigh smiling.

As she dusted the doorbell, a nice huge print showed up.

"Thank goodness for large doorbells", she giggled.

"Great job Cal"! said Ryan. "We'll get the print back to the Lab".

At that moment, "H" pulled up in the Hummer.

"Is everything okay sweetheart"?

"It is now Handsome", "The boys have a print".

Eric and Ryan looked at each other than at Calleigh.

"Good job, now get it back to the Lab, and when you get a match , call me".

"Will do "H", as they smiled and winked at Calleigh, for giving them the credit.

"See Handsome, they get along fine", said Calleigh.


Jasmine had just gotten back to the Lab from her little trip.

"That was close, good thing I seen them coming".

Returning the gun back to the Gun Closet, Jasmine finished up her case, not realizing, Eric and Ryan had her print.