In Between the Scene: Going Under

Once at work Calleigh and "H" acted like any co-workers would, very professional. "Ryan said "H", did you finish those reports". "Done "H", just heading out with Eric, we need to process the house from last's night murder". "Okay, let me know what you find". "We will "H", said Ryan.

"Horatio a moment of your time please". "What now Stetler"? "I understand you haven't done your reports on your Team's work ethics". "I'm getting there Stetler, besides what does that have to do with you"? "I'm the one who decides wether or not your team is stable, to continue as CSI's". "I need those reports by 6pm today". "Whatever Stetler, leave please".

Horatio knew he hadn't even started them yet, and he knew there was no way he'd have them done by tonight.

"What's the matter Handsome"? whispered Calleigh. "Stelter, that's the matter, I forgot to do the proficiancy reports, and he wants them by 6pm". "Well, It's a good thing I did them yesterday morning, Isn't it"? "What did you say love"? "I said, I did them yesterday". "They're on your desk, under the papers there". "Oh God calleigh, thank-you love", thank you , thank -you", I'd kiss you right now if we weren't at work". Looking around Calleigh said, "kiss me then no ones here". Horatio walked over and kissed Calleigh smack dab on the lips.

Once "H" handed the reports to Stelter he headed to see Eric and Ryan in the Lab.

"Eric , did you find anything"? "Not alot "H", a few prints which are being processed as we speak and some kind of substance on the guy's clothing". "Okay Eric, keep me informed". "I will "H". "Ryan, I need you to run down to the AV Lab and check over the video tapes from last's night events". "On my way "H".

Once "H" had control back after Stetler's little scene, he headed down to see Alexx. "Alexx, did we find anything on the body"? "Not alot Horatio, he was strangled with some kind of nylon stocking, see the ligature marks"? "Those were made before the guy was smothered". "It's as if the suspect couldn't decide what he wanted to do with his victim". "The possibility could be that this suspect isn't a professional when it comes to killing". "It's almost Amaturistic", said Alexx. "Okay, thanks Alexx, let me know if you find out anything more". "Of course".

With everything under control Horatio went to find Calleigh to take her too lunch.
Horatio found Calleigh in the Ballistics Lab.

"Hey sweetheart", said Horatio. "Hi Handsome, miss me"? "Alway's love". "Listen I thought we'd go get some lunch"? "Sounds great handsome, give me five minutes". "Sure love I'll meet you upstairs".

After Horatio left Ryan came into the Lab. "Hey Calleigh, how you feeling"? "Better, thanks for asking". "Is there something you need Ryan"? "No, just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay". Calleigh started putting her report away, so she head out to lunch with Horatio. "Okay then I'll see you later", said Calleigh.

After Calleigh left the Lab, she ran into Stelter.

Calleigh, I was wondering if you could do me a favor"? "What is it Stetler"? "Could you check the report on the Miller Case from last week, I need to see the bullet casings". "I'm heading out to lunch right now, I'll do it when I get back". "Well I could really use it now". "Listen Stetler, I will give you the report when I get back". "Fine, no later then 1:30 Calleigh", said Stetler.

As Horatio walked out with Calleigh he noticed how quiet she was.

"You okay love"?, asked "H". "Yeah", "it's just Stetler being Stetler". "Calleigh, I've told you before, you don't work for Stetler, let him do his own paperwork". "I know, but if I don't get it done, he'll be hanging all over the Bullisitcs Lab until I do". "Okay sweetheart, where would you like to go for lunch"? "How about my place, I'll make you soup and grilled cheese", said Calleigh. "Sounds great love".

Stetler was watching as they pulled away.

Once they got to Calleigh's, Horatio couldn't concentrate on anything but Calleigh.

"Handsome, stop that, or I'll never get lunch done", said Calleigh. (whispering) "But I love you Calleigh, your body, your hair, your womanly scent". Calleigh closed her eyes in ecstacy, as Horatio's soft whispering breath drove her over the edge.

Turning Calleigh to face him, he passionately kissed her, tongue on tongue as they got deeper into each other. Lifting her onto the counter, he gave her what they both needed, an Afternoon Delight.

After lunch Calleigh and Horatio returned to the Lab.

"I'll see you tonight love", whispered Horatio. "Yes you will, 6pm, don't keep me waiting Handsome". "You either love".

Once Calleigh got back into the Ballistics Lab, she looked for the report, so she could get rid of Stelter. she found it just as Stetler walked in.

"Here you go Stetler", casings are inside". "Thank-you Calleigh". "You're welcome", now if you'll excuse me I have work to do". "Of course", said Stelter.

Once Stetler left, Calleigh breathed a sigh of relief. There was just something about Stetler she hated.

Meanwhile, after Stetler left the Lab, he made a call.

"Yeah", it's Stetler". "I need you to do me a favor". *someone talking*, I want you to follow Horatio and Calleigh, there is something going on with those two, and I want to know what it is". *more talking*. "Bye", said Stetler.
We already know he's evil. *shoots him* there, that's better. PS Ballistics has an A instead of a U in it.
As calleigh was finishing up in the Bullestic's Lab, Horatio walked in.

"Hello love", said "H"

"Well hello my Handsome Devil", what bring's you to my Lab"?

"Your scent, my love", said Horatio.

"OOhh!, have you turned into my Wolf in men's clothing"? asked Calleigh.

"That I have love".

Walking over "H" wrapped his arms around Calleigh's waist and pulled her into him until she was leaning against him.

"Handsome, what if someone walks in"?

"I'm not worried about that love", "The guy's are out on a case, Stetler has left the building and Alexx is busy with a DB". "So it's just you and I".

Calleigh turned in "H"s arms and moved her mouth towards his, when she was a breath away,
in a seductive whisper she said, kiss me Handsome".

And kiss her he did, tongue against tongue was moving brutally between them, until he realized where they were.

"Christ love, we need to stop, said "H".

Calleigh was lost in passion and her cheeks were glowing with flush from her lover's touch.

"Sorry, Handsome, I forgot were we where"?

"Me too love, me too", said "H".

After they both came down off their high, "H" told Calleigh he'd come get her at 6 for dinner.

"See you later Handsome", said Calleigh.

"That you will love, you can count on it".

When Horatio headed back to his office, he thought about how lucky he was, to finally realize Calleigh was what he needed in his life.

"H", called Eric.

"What is it Eric"?

"We need you to come check this out, Alexx found something on that DB, this morning". "It looks like the killer stuffed her lower extremeties with dried flowers, said Eric.

"You mean like Mummification"?

"Yes"! "That's the perfect way to put it". "It's really freaky, the way he did this".

When Eric and "H" walked in Alexx was not looking amused.

"I'm telling you "H", this killer is sick", he stuffed the poor girl in flowers". "I'm finding them everywhere, even down her throat and in her chest". "This guy completely mummified her", said Alexx.

"Well then I guess we should get right on this. "Eric call Ryan and Calleigh, it looks like we are going back to were our mummy was found".

"You got it "H".
Passes you a glass of juice, Yeah!!!!!! for Mel.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :) :) :) :lol: :) :) ;) ;) :lol: :)

Thanks for reading my stories Mel. I alway's love your comments :rolleyes:
*passes for something nonalcohol since she doesn't drink* but thanks anyway :) Now post more fic! I loves my Smacked but I also loves some H/C espeically yours :)
I am so loving this!! :) Everything that should have totally happened!! :D Looking forward to more! :)

You and Mel really make me smile! Congrats on the new rank, Mel!! :)
Awwe :( Thanks Em, never give up love, because miracle's do happen :)

Calleigh and "H" rode together in the first Hummer and Eric and ryan were in the second.

"What do you think Handsome, asked Caleigh as she was holding "H"s hand in the Hummer.

"I'm not sure yet sweetheart", hopefully we can figure it out when we get there, said "H" as he brought Calleigh's hand to his lips and kissed it.

"I love you Handsome", said Calleigh.

"I love you sweetheart" , as he leaned over and kissed her.

Once they got to the crime scene, Horatio and Calleigh, waited for Eric and Ryan to arrive.

"Is this it "H"? yelled Eric.

"Yes Eric, just about 3 feet under that huge tree".

As they all walked over to the tree, "H" and Calleigh kept bumping arms and smiling at the ground.

"Oh my God"! said Ryan, "Look at that", it's a bunch of squashed Chrysanthemums and spices including sage".

"Jesus, "H" said Eric, look at all the blood, he must have sliced and stuffed her here".

"H", yelled Calleigh.

Everyone came running.

"What is it Calleigh"? asked "H".

"It a bag full of flowers", and a knife".

"Okay", said "H". "Let's get this stuff back to the Lab".

On their way back to the Lab, "H" and Calleigh talked about dinner.

"Where would you like to go tonight love"? asked "H".

"How about to my place"? I'll make you supper", said Calleigh.

"Sounds wonderful love, I'll bring the wine", said "H"

When they got back to the Lab, Calleigh, Eric and Ryan headed to trace and analysis with the evidence they had found.

"Horatio", called Stetler. "A moment of your time please".

"What is it Stetler", I have work to do", said "H".

"Listen, we need to find this guy as soon as possible", said Stetler.

"What's the matter Stetler, getting heat from upstairs"?

"Very funny Horatio, just get your team organized and find that killer".

Horatio put on his sunnies and said, "It's already done Stetler, now get out of my Lab".
oooh....I am loving this.... it reminds me of the movie 'Disturbia' almost, except the plot is totally different.. :lol: Keep up the amazing work, these sort of scenarios are what my dreams are made of.. :D
Horatio realized looking at the time on his office desk that it was already 5:30pm. Closing up his files and locking everything up, he headed out to get the wine. As he pulled down Calleigh's street, he could have sworn he was being followed. He pulled in behind a huge cleaning bin and waited. It wasn't long in coming when he seen Ryan's car stop as he got out and looked around. "H" was shocked, that Ryan would be following him. Pulling away from the bin, "H" pulled up by Ryan's side.

"Wolfe"! said "H", "Why are you following me"?

Ryan was looking guilty as sin, and knew he would not get away with lying to "H".

"Stetler asked me to follow you, I'm sorry "H".

"I'm sorry to Ryan, I would have never expected this from you".

"Once again, I'm sorry "H".

"Why would you do this Ryan, I can never tust you now". "You are a member of my Team, but to do this is even beyond normal". "What does Stetler have on you to make you do this"?

"He know's about my Gambling debt, and threatened that he would turn the information in to I.A.B. If I didn't do him this favour".

"Listen Ryan, you leave Stetler to me, and go home". "We will talk more tomorrow".

"Sure "H", thanks".

As Ryan left, "H" realized he was 15 minute's late for dinner with Calleigh.

(knock, knock)

"Hey Sweetheart sorry I'm late".

"That's okay Handsome, supper isn't ready yet". "Did you get stuck in traffic"?

"No, I found out I was being followed".

"By who"? asked Calleigh.


"Ryan"? said Calleigh, you're kidding"?

"Afraid not love, Stetler put him up too it".

"Why would Stetler do that"? "better yet why would Ryan allow him too"?

"Well, Stetler has some information on Ryan, and it seems he's been threating him with it".

"What are you going to do Handsome"?

"Not worry about it tonight love, "The only one case on my mind tonight, is you my beautiful Calleigh".

Horatio took Calleigh into his arms and sweetly held her close, raining little tiny kisses down her head, her face, her nose, until her reached her lips. Then bracing her tightly, his lips just a hairs breath away, whispered. "Open for me Calleigh, and when she did, Horatio traced his tongue around her lips, until she felt the rush of her first pressure release , as she squeezed against him , swallowing her cries, he frenched her deeply, until the spasms had passed. Then picking her up, he took her upstairs, and loved her from top to bottom until, she lay motionless and wet in his embrace.

"I Love you Calleigh", "forever and alway's".

"I Love you too Handsome".

"Shall we eat".

mmmmm :) Me likey :D Now all we need is HJr or Marisol hehehehe....and a few Taylors...sorry, couldn't resist.

*kicks Stetler where it hurts*

Thankies, em :D