Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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I actually have a question about a banner, but I think this question is the same for a banner and an icon. Lots of board users have a banner or icon that features more pictures. Like the banner quoth_the_raven has. How can you do that with a banner or icon? Probably stupid question :p
^^ For me I use Adobe Imageready. I don't know about the others. Basically you make a slide show of the pictures and save it as .GIF :)
okay I really want to learn how to make icons but before I go and spend all my money on a program I was wondering where I could find free trials of the diffrent programs so I can see which one I like best...oh and I'm not sure if it would be a problem because I well have no clue what I'm doing but..I have a mac computer...I'm assuming the programs won't have a problem loading..if so someone please warn me...thanks so much!
I don´t know about the american Adobe website (okay, i assume you are american ;)) but the german website does have a 30 days trial for Photoshop. That´s how i got it. I used the trial and bought it later.
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in PSP X.
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ok i use Photshop CS, and i want to put text an icon i'm making, but all of the fonts show up underlined.

there isn't any option to change it either, like in microsoft word, it gives you the choice? does anyone know how to change it in Photshop CS?

god i wish i had paint shop pro lol
You know I use Photoshop CS but I've never used the underline function for text. Anyways, I think I got it figured out.


The red circle indicates the character and paragraph palette option button. If you click it you'll see the small window at the middle of the screen. The green circle indicates the text underline button. Maybe you got that enabled, if so you have to disable it. Let me know if it works, or if you got more questions about this. :)
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