Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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it's my first tutorial..It'S House from House M.D


Deniz (CSI_mania) is using Photoshop. :)

I made another tut last night as well.

Tutorial #4 - Doc Robbins, CSI

This is my fourth tutorial. I hope you like it.

Program Used: Photoshop Elements 4.0
Difficulty: Beginner (though should be familiar with PS)

Going from

Come join me!
csi_fanatic87 said:
What program did you use for that tutorial CSI_mania?

Great tutorial too! I like the look of the icon. :)

yepp shane(abc) is right I'm using PS CS but it's translateble every program :)
abc said:
You need a program such as ImageReady or Animation shop.
I can make really bad animations on Fireworks, but I can't get it to work when I try to host it. It just sits on the same frame for all of eternity... >.< GAAH! It irritates me to no end!
Does anyone else here use FW, or am I weird in that respect, too?
thank you so much for the tutuoral tuesdaymorning i may sound stupid, but I didn't know how to crop images to make it right for an icon size. thank you!
Hey guys. I have Photoshop 7.0 and ImageReady. I'm all set--! Except I don't know how to do a damn thing :lol: I only know how to change canvas/image size and crop. Everything else makes me go, "WTF!" :p This is me when I open Photoshop...

Me: Ooh! Blur? What does that do? Blur, obviously! Damn, that's...not good. Alright! Ooh, what does this tool do? What! What is it doing! I didn't want it to do that! Ooh, what's that? It looks like a magic fairy wand...hehe, fairies...

:lol: *cough* Yeah. :p
I have Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0, but I'm unable to rezise and crop and image properly. Any help would be appreciated. :)
I have Adobe Photoshop 4.0 and whenever I try to save a picture or an icon, it automatically saves the picture as a .PSD format, and that format can't be uploaded anywhere. Anything to fix this would be very helpful!
^^^ Hmmm try clicking "Save As", then click the drop box arrow next to Format (which is under File Name). It will show options like .PSD, .JPG, .PNG, etc. Use either PNG or JPG. I think PNG quality is better though. Hope that helps. :)

ETA: Here's a cap of what I'm talking about.

Adobe Photoshop CS.. Oh I don't know how different it is from Photoshop 4.0 though.. I was assuming it would be similar.
Yeah it is similar, but doesn't have the all the features of Photoshop CS. Plus that feather coloring looked familiar and I was wonderdering which version I had seen it from.

I like your Nick icon too, btw. :)
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