Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

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WillowsWannabe asked me to explain how I do the coloring in my icons here!

It's not hard at all! If I want to make a pic look brighter and more vibrant, I go to image>adjustments>brightness/contrast. From there you can adjust the brightness and contrast of the pic to your liking :) Sometimes after the pic looks a little fuzzy too, so I sometimes blur it just a tad to make it softer.

Now to add coloring, you can add a fill layer to make the entire pic a different color. Go to layer>add layer>fill layer and choose your color. I pic whatever color I think is right for the pic, then set it on soft light.

To add coloring like in my banner, I went to image>adjustments>hue/saturation and tweaked the saturation and hue levels until given my desired colors.

And voila!
Easiest tutorial ever. I promise. I was asked while showing and someone needed to know.


Made in PSP X.

Tutorial this way.
Hearts you say? Like brushes?

Anyways, I downloaded some heart brushes off lj but I rarely use them cause they aren't that great. As an alternative, I use heart fonts from dafont.com. :)
Hi guys! Just a question about animations: how can I improve the quality of them? So that they don't look so "pixely" if you understand...
I have a question. I have this font, and it's so small, that I have to set it bold. No I have Photoshop 7, and it says 'Regular', but I can't change it. :) Please help me.
Go to Window --> Character and than a small window pop's up where you can set your fond to bold, italic etc. That should work :)
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