'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

Ok I have a question, and no matter how many times i try to watch the seasons on A&E over and over, it is never answered for me.

why was Ryan working at the firing rang for those few episodes, I never understood that, and I still don't know.

if anyone can answer that for me, I'll be very happy :)

thanks much :)

Ryan got fired from the crime lab because of some issues associated with gambling, because he lied to Horatio regarding his relationship with a guy to whom he owed quite a bit of money in poker debts who was a suspect in a case. He worked at the gun range to make some money while trying to get back into the lab, as well as being a crime-scene expert for a news show, an expert witness for the defense, and applying to work as an ME Investigator with Alexx.

Hope that helps. :)
Ok I have a question, and no matter how many times i try to watch the seasons on A&E over and over, it is never answered for me.

why was Ryan working at the firing rang for those few episodes, I never understood that, and I still don't know.

if anyone can answer that for me, I'll be very happy :)

thanks much :)


Ryan was working at the range because he took part in betting (gambling). Yelina was sent by H to follow a suspect and in inadvertently caught Ryan on camera giving the suspect an envelope of money (a payment) because the suspect was apparently Ryan's bookie. Yelina took the footage and showed Horatio who in turn questioned Ryan about what he was seeing, Ryan refused to tell H what was going on and their was an investigation by IAB and subsequently he was fired and had to take the job at the gun range.
Oh...ok, and then he obviosly got his job back later.

well thanks for answering that question :) now I have to try and remember the others I had...

Thanks again :)

I wondered if anyone can help me! I watch the vegas and new york csi but have never seen miami....i wanted to give it a go but i wanted to know what season is playing in england at the mo and what time/day?!:)
Hi Hannah, although we are getting new epis of Vegas and NY at the mo, we wont get new (s7) Miami until July-ish. Currently 5 are showing repeats of last season (6) on tuesday night at 10pm, after Vegas. I think there is only a couple of episodes to go, but Miami is well worth watching. s6 IMO is the worst, but 5US are showing some repeats of older series that might be better to get you into it. They tend to be on at different times. I think Wednesday at 9, Sundays at 11 maybe?
Hope this helps. :)