'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.


Funnier in Enochian
Super Moderator
Link to old thread

Welcome to the second Miami 'Question' thread. Here you can ask any questions about the show itself and we'll all try our best to answer them. :)

Need to know what episode(s) featured the Cruz brothers? Or maybe what season 'Wannabe' aired in? Didn't catch what Alexx said to Erica in the 'Three-Way' episode?

Also, please be sure to check this thread and see if your question has already been asked as opposed to starting a new thread. It might get a little cluttered here if there are a hundred threads asking what X said to Y in said episode. ;)

If your question doesn't pertain to the show itself but rather CSIFiles or TalkCSI as a whole, please ask your query in the Questions, Suggestions, Feedback (QSF) Forum. Questions about all three shows may be placed in General CSI.

Ask away!
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Did Frank Tripp ever divorce his wife? Thank you for having a seperate threads for spoilers and questions.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

In what episode did we first learn Horatio had an abusive father??? My dad wanted to know and I wasn't sure...
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

I don't think we have ever had confirmation of whether Frank is divorced or not. I vaguely remember Rex Linn saying something in an interview about deciding to take his wedding ring off. My memory of this is a bit sketchy though, and I stand to be corrected. ;)

I do know that the episode in which we first hear about Horatio having an abusive Father, is Season 4's 'Skeletons'. He mentions it to Jennifer at the end of the episode.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

I have a question.

Did H actually marry Marisol?
Because I wasn't able to watch that epi but I saw a little preview on tv and I understood that she was killed before they got married. However, in "Rio" I think Yelina says (talking to H) "I ... about your wife" I can't remeber exactly what she said but she talked about wife, like they had actually got married.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Yes he really did marry Marisol hun. She was killed after they were married.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

I pretty much suspected that, that was the answer but I just wanted to make sure, I really have to watch that epi *runs to downloaded it*
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

This may seem silly, but what does "gunporn" mean? I've seen it in some folks' avatars, and can't figure it out.... :confused:

Nice to have a new shiny thread!
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Patricia, please make sure that when mentioning the word 'downloading', you clarify that it's a legal site from which you're getting the episode. Otherwise, it's considered copyright infringement and is against the Board Rules. Thanks! :)

HoratioStalker, the 'gunporn' thing is a little hard for me to explain so I hope someone will be able to answer your question better than I will. :p

It basically means the gun is the 'sexiest' part of the avatar or banner so it kind of comes out as Gun!Porn. Erm...That was the best I could do. :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

texasraider posted: Has this show ever mentioned or alluded to Miami Vice or any of it's main characters, i.e. Crockett and Tubbs?
Just curious...
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

In one episode they had a drive by involving boats. Wasn't that suppose to be a nod to Miami Vice.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

There was an episode where Eric says VERY sarcastically to Ryan "oh yeah, is that where you get all your Miami Vice jackets?" It was a hoot! Ryan didnt like it much, tho.
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

I do know that the episode in which we first hear about Horatio having an abusive Father, is Season 4's 'Skeletons'. He mentions it to Jennifer at the end of the episode.
Thanks for trying!

What episode does Ryan get his eye messed up by Eric?
Re: CSI:Miami 'I Have a Question' Thread #2. NO SPOILERS PLEASE

What episode does Ryan get his eye messed up by Eric?
That would be Season 4's 'Nailed'. Though it wasn't by Eric literally, lol! ;)