How You Discovered CSI

LuvGrissom said:
My Mom turned me on to CSI also, (she's in her 60's) she kept telling me the sexiest man alive is on this show, Mom is always right!
This PROVES you should always listen to your mom! :lol: btw, welcome to the best place on earth (after Vegas, of course...)! ;)
Luckily enough, the first episode I saw was an excellent one -- Blood Drops. I was 9. It was the only forensics type show that I could stand watching -- I remember hating DaVinci's Inquest. I've been hooked since.
There was nothing else on, so I randomly flicked through channels, and I got hooked from the beginning of S5, I started watching it instead of Lost, because CSI is just waaaaaay better :D
My husband started watching it first on SpikeTV, then I started watching it with him. At the time it was mid season 4 on CBS.
A friend told me about it and I began to watch season two of LV and loved it so much went straight out and bought season 1 on dvd. Have collected each series since. LV has to be my favourite character has to be Catherine. Miami comes second but couldn't get into NY.
Well... there was a typoon 2 years ago (I live in Japan). It was crazy- it just kept on raining. I was restless and hungry. I ran to the store and the store clerk was watching it. I took notice of Warrick and became hooked! I debated on whether I should betray Law & Order, but decided to give it a shot! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
CSInsane1 said:
Well... there was a typoon 2 years ago (I live in Japan). It was crazy- it just kept on raining. I was restless and hungry. I ran to the store and the store clerk was watching it. I took notice of Warrick and became hooked! I debated on whether I should betray Law & Order, but decided to give it a shot! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luckily Law and order: Special Victims Unit is on different channels and at differnt times then CSI so im good :lol:

There was nothing else on, so I randomly flicked through channels, and I got hooked from the beginning of S5, I started watching it instead of Lost, because CSI is just waaaaaay better :D

Ah channel surfing...the best way to get hooked!!! :D
My parents watched CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, I decided to watch it too, at one night, and I got hooked. I loved it. My first CSI epi ever was Identity Crisis. I've watched CSI:NY from the beginning, and I started watching CSI:Miami when a friend of mine recommended it, because she knew I loved CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
Well my dad always watched CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and much like RoosCSILover I decided to watch it with my dad one night and I loved it! It was a wee while after that I saw CSI Miami and now its my favourite! I think its just the whole CSI Miami team that I love, I mean I love the other teams, but Miami's my fave! I can't remember what my first episode is, I have seen them all so many times its all a blur! :lol:
it was my mum that got me hooked as she watched it all the time,so i used to sit with her,and it all came in handy when i took on media studies as one of my subjects(for over the course of two years) coz my teacher is CSI mad!! i mean it and beacause of that we spent alot of the year watching episodes of CSI:LV (i never complained) but we mostly watched "grave Danger" as that was the episode we were going to base one of our exams on and i'm happy to say i got an Int2 A (which is the highest grade in the subject) for that exam *high Five* :D
I came in halfway thru Miami season 2 re-runs (prior to the start of S3) on channel 5, started watching it and got hooked.
Took a little longer to appreciate LV tho, i think the fact i had so many seasons to catch up on was the main problem! anyway, i rented them and now i'm hooked on that too!
NY - i can take it or leave it.
well 2 years before any CSI'S came out my sister was killed, so i started becoming more into forensics. Then when i saw a commercial for CSI:crime scene investagation..i was a bit outraged because i was only 11 and i didnt understand the show but i started to get into it..and soon became obsessed with it, that was around 3rd season. umm then csi miami came on..and i stopped being obsessed with csi and became obsessed with csi miami[heratio got me]. but when CSI NY came on..oh my gosh. i knew i had found heaven..i became obsessed with that, and second season only proved better for now i understand it and i love it..and im going to be a forensic scientest someday, to make my sister proud..
That's a sad one, allie. I'm so sorry for your loss. And I'm sure your sister is proud of you.
I started watching CSI when the reruns started on Spike TV. That was during season 5 (?) And if I remember correctly, one of the first eps i saw was Primum Non Nocere and the only reason I started watching it was because my dad was watching it one night and he said that he though I would like it. My first response was "No way, who would ever wanna watch a show with all these dead people in it"
But I watched anyway. And the rest is history. I watched the Labor Day marathon and I was officially hooked.
And now im obsessed with the show.