How You Discovered CSI

Man. It's like your w kid, then your mother passes out because of too much excitement from CSI, and your just a kid and you start freaking out. :lol: That would taint you for life. And i mean you'll never watch CSI or the spinoffs. *gasps*
I discovered CSI through sheer boredom. :lol: I was searching the channels for something to watch. Came across Spike in the first 10 minutes or so of Stalker and was instantly hooked.

Miami and NY have been a lot harder to get into. I'll watch them until I see a CSI commercial, but if I'm not into the story I'll turn it off.

The first CSI I ever saw was the first episode of NY.

I was lucky, or unlucky depending on your point of view, to get the marketing material that Channel 5 in the UK decided to send out to something like 50,000 people to publicise NY (tells you what kind of weird mailing lists I must have been on). Anyway, it was really weird, a brown envelope with various small 'evidence bags' in it and fake newspaper cuttings describing the murders of people with my name. :eek:

See this news article about the marketing packs

Anyway, I thought it was pretty funny, although strange, and decided to watch the episode. Then watched CSI and Miami, and the rest is history. My only regret was throwing the pack out, because it was great! :lol:
That's pretty awesome, Elsie! :lol: I wish I'd gotten something like that in the mail. :p
One summer (I would imagine summer 2004), I was staying with my grandparents and they're really into shows like CSI and Without a Trace and Law and Order. So one night it was storming out and my brother had already dominated the computer, so I sat in the living room with grandma and grandpa. They were watching CSI LV, "Feeling the Heat". I started watching and was pulled into the show, wondering if the baby's death was just his parents negligence or who killed the girl at the lake. The mystery, the cool gadgets, and the astounding chemistry between the characters sealed the deal. After watching repeats of s3 and s4, I was totally hooked. I had my favorite characters and my favourite ship. I watched repeats on spike and soon I was obsessed. I still watch it, even if the stories have become predictable and after the writers and producers made some very questionable decisions with the characters (I'm holding out to see if they can fix the mess they created in recent episodes).

I could never get into CSI: Miami. David Caruso bugs me.

Lately I've been trying to get into CSI:NY
Can't believe I missed this topic.

I'd read stuff about it in the papers (people raving how good it was) but wasn't interested. Then as people kept talking about it at work and there was nothing on one night I persueded my mum to give it a shot. That was Vegas. I thought it was ok but wasn't sure. After a few times of watching we were hooked. The one night we flick on the tv to find Vegas had been replaced by Miami so we gve that a go and again became hooked. It seemed a natural progression to watch NY. Not as keen but hate missing a show.
Summer of 2004, Spike-TV started showing reruns of CSI. I was aware of the show on CBS before, but only caught bits and pieces while channel surfing. However, since Spike-TV started from the beginning, I figured I'd give it a look-see. I ended up watching it every night during dinner and got hooked.

What hooked me was the science, the crime-recreation, and the characters of Grissom, Nick and Warrick, plus Greg's comedy relief. I didn't like Brass at first because he kept on clashing with Warrick, but he grew on me over time as he mellowed and went back to Homicide. He's now one of my favorite characters.

Those early episodes reminded me a lot of the XFiles--especially the Serial Killer/autopsy episodes, and the episode with the guy in the Alien Costume found near Area 51 made me hope against hope for an appearance of Fox Mulder and Dana Sculley. Truthfully, CSI filled a void that The XFiles left in my TV viewing after David Duchovny left the series.

When Spike-TV finally showed "Cross-Jurisdictions," I found the Miami crew to be interesting, and an odd mesh of CSI, Hawaii Five-O and Miami Vice. I started watching current episodes after seeing Cross-Jurisdictions, and when A&E started showing reruns, I got caught up on what happened to poor Speed!

I didn't watch New York until last year. I was actually a bit turned off at first because of Providence's Melina Kanakaredes (didn't like her character on that show) and some bad feelings about some characters Gary Sinise played in "Snake Eyes" and "Ransom". However, because Danny Messer reminded me of Logan Cale from Dark Angel, I gave it a go and have found myself quite fond of Mac, Stella, Sheldon, Danny and Sid.

I never miss a new episode of any of the CSI series, which drives my wife nuts. My daughter, however, has a crush on Nick (she's turning 5 on the 26th, so no worries here!) and has occasionally made some odd observations from watching CSI with me "Daddy, that stain isn't blood--blood dries brown!" Suffice it to say, her mom is *not amused* when she says those things!
I can't really remember when and how I discovered CSI.

I do know tht it started with CSI Las Vegas. I think I started watching during the third season. Has been in early 2003. I used to watch every day of the week the same shows and I think CSI was the best thing on wednesday. So I started watching it. But it took me very long to regularly watch it. It started with 'Grave Danger'. They started promoting it weeks before it should air. And it got me more and more excited to wait for this two episodes.
That has been on May 31 06. And since then I was a fan. I rarely missed any episodes even if it's only been repeatings. :D

I'm also annoying my dad, cause everytime there was/is a promotion on TV I'm like :"Oh yeah! CSI!CSI!CSI!*yay*" :lol:

When CSI Miami started airing I also didn't pay any attention. That came with the epsiode 'Legal'. I got a crush on Jon Togo/Ryan Wolfe and I started watching it regularly. That has been in early 06 I think. It's been also a repeating of that season.

I always pay attention to shows and get my crushes when those shows are on their third re-run. :rolleyes: :lol:

Same thing with CSI NY. I started watching it last year during the re-run of the first season. I quite like it though I prefer LV and Miami. :)
My boyfriend (now my husband) used to watch it with his roommates, but I wasn't really interested. When they started showing it on Spike, we would watch it sometimes and I got really into the show. Now I watch it on Spike all the time and catch the new episodes whenever I'm not working. I haven't gotten into Miami or NY yet, but I haven't really given them a fair chance. I'm going to be having a layover in LV when I fly in a few weeks and I know I'll be thinking of the CSIs the whole time I'm there.
My mum used to watch it, and my mum generally has bad taste in tv programmes, so we just tend to ignore whatever she watches lol :lol:
But about a year ago, maybe two, I decided that I wanted to go into Forensics.
Then my mum told me that I would like CSI. So I was all "just because I like the subject, doesn't mean I will like the programme" So I watched an episode and I was hooked. Totally had to eat my words! But, hey, we all have to make sacrifices in life, right?!
Now, because I watch it, my mum won't watch it! She doesn't like following the crowd. Anger issues, etc. Don't really get along with my mum, but that's a whole 'nother story! :rolleyes:
I started watching CSI NY halfway through season 2. Not sure what initially made me watch but I was hooked once I watched 1 episode.

I watch Miami and LV occasionally but I like NY the best

during the summer I saw a rerun of 'Table Stakes' at 1 AM this one time and I really likes it so I stayed up (on purpose this time) the next night and saw "Too Tough To Die" and absolutely loved Sara so I looked online a little and found out there were reruns of the most recent (5th at that point) on at 9 so I watched them and ended up hooked, especially when I started being like "when are the brunnete and the bug guy going to get together?" and went online only to find that I was not crazy and alot of other people saw the sparks too! So then I became a die hard fan and GSR shipper

excuse my run-on sentance
I used to be so mad that CSI was the only thing on at 12 in the morning. Seriusly, it would be on at least 4 different channels at the same time. One night, my cousin was over, and we were totally bored and she likes CSI, so I just said: screw it, we're watching CSI. She explained the characters and everything to me. And now I'm hooked on CSI and CSI: Miami.
Well, my uncle lived with my mom and I for a couple years and when the show began airing (in 2000) he would always watch it. Needless to say, I hated it. I never watched it, and I would always say to him "How could you watch such a silly show. Dead bodies and flirting.. What a nice mix".

About the third season, I had to sit and watch it with him, because my T.V. broke.. I can't remember what exact episode it was, but it just got me hooked and every other night we'd watch FRIENDS and then CSI. I was never as "hooked" on the show as I am now though. I could go a month without watching an episode, but now if I miss a Thursday I just die.

I also didn't become a GSR shipper until late Season five. Didn't really care about the relationships, but after I saw Committed I instantly became in love with the two.