How do you feel about Lindsay?

She grows on you.

I mean, I really really hated Ryan on Miami but I'm fine with him now.

It just takes a while for people to get attached to new character that they believe are replacing.
i don't know what it is about her, but it's like the producers are like "here's lindsay, the new girl. she's from montana. lets go CRAZY with stereotypes! oh--and look at her...breathe her...BE HER!"
she just is SO whiny, SO obnoxious...geez honey, go back to montana. maybe THEY'LL let you stay and process the scene. god.
i don't know. i gave up on liking her.
I like Lindsay.(now I wasn`t a big Aiden fan so maybe that makes it a little easier)
I like the fact she isn`t afraid to speak her mind.
I liked Lindsay at first, but the more I see her, the more I dislike her whiny attitude. So I really don't like Lindsay that much at this point.
You mean he intends replacing Aiden by Lindsay?

Oh please - it´s easy: Lindsay steels Aidens place in the team away. Don´t tell me they forced Ann Belknap to take over Lindsays role!! :eek:

Aiden was fired first, then Lindsay was hired. That wasn't stealing her place--it was filling a hole in the team. Same with Anna--Vanessa quit, and Anna got hired. It's hard to blame an actress for taking a job.

Lindsay was more tolerable this week, but there's something about her attitude. She kind of...wheedles. She just seems so devoid of life and fun. It's hard for me to connect with a character like that. I also thought she was creepy with the little girl. She was so obviously being fake, and kids can pick up on that.
At first I liked her, then I was kind of dissapointed by her attitude, but she is growing on me in a positive way.
She was very likeable last wednesday, I think she just needs to find her place in the team.

She also feels like a real character to me. I personally thought that Aiden (and also Danny) were a bit stereotyped characters. Not that I don't like them.
(...) I personally thought that Aiden (and also Danny) were a bit stereotyped characters. Not that I don't like them.

In what way should Aiden be a sterotype? Can´t blame her she grew up in Brooklyn. :D
(This is OT here, better answer in my Aiden-corner. :) )
I'm fine with Lindsay. The way she acted with the kid was fake but I wasn't annoyed by it. Instead I had the thought "Oh, she doesn't like/doesn't relate to kids." It made her seem human. How many times have people complained because the CSIs are perfect at everything? So, here's one that isn't and yet there are still complaints. Nice.
I'm fine with Lindsay. The way she acted with the kid was fake but I wasn't annoyed by it. Instead I had the thought "Oh, she doesn't like/doesn't relate to kids." It made her seem human. How many times have people complained because the CSIs are perfect at everything? So, here's one that isn't and yet there are still complaints. Nice.
ita! Lindsay has been a favorite of mine since Zoo York. It's not her fault Aiden isn't here any more and to be honest, perfect characters are annoying. Not one character on CSI is perfect and Lindsay should be any different.