How do you feel about Lindsay?

Than I'm not a real Aiden fan, I'm willing to accept Lindsay in time

True. I like both Aiden and Lindsay equelly. Doesn't mean that you're an Aiden fan you have to dislike Lindsay and vice versa.
I also like them both, I was sad when I heard that she was leaving,
but I find Lindsay a good replacement
Mind if I not respect this - but only accept it? ;)
I just wanted to say real Aiden-fans have no right to like Lindsay due to: This would be pure treason.

Lindsay will never kick asses. :D
It means 'and the other way around' right? correct me if I'm wrong Doreen

Everybody has it's own oppinion, you don't have to like her if you don't want to :)
i dont think she is too whiny. i cant remeber a scene where lindsay has ever whined. I really like the both of them and if Aiden came back, great, but Lindsay isnt a bad character.
I do like Lindsay a lot, but then again I was never exactly a fan of Vanessa/Aiden's. Seriously, I never ever liked the actress OR her character, so I guess it's easier for me to like the character of Lindsay.
I can´t say that I didn´t see season 2 yet. You mean why shouldn´t Lindsay and Aiden be colleagues? I´m against it, because first I´m scared Lindsay might copy Aidens way of working. Second giving them a case together could be a little dangerous.
I do like Lindsay a lot, but then again I was never exactly a fan of Vanessa/Aiden's. Seriously, I never ever liked the actress OR her character, so I guess it's easier for me to like the character of Lindsay.

Can you describe what you don´t like according to Aiden? Please give an example.
I like Lindsay. I think that given time, her character can develop and become as strong as the others.
Couldn't agree more...

She grows on you.

I mean, I really really hated Ryan on Miami but I'm fine with him now.

It just takes a while for people to get attached to new character that they believe are replacing.
What you said is true, let me just tell you my Ryan experience...well, Speed was always my fave character on Miami and I was shocked out of my mind when he was killed of - in a season premiere, of all episodes. Even so, I liked Ryan from the beginning. Can't say why. I guess, you know, it's the fact that Ryan didn't take Speed's place. Speed died and the Miami lab needed another person - God knows they're seriously understaffed as it is (I mean, just compare Vegas to Miami and NY too, they're also understaffed). It's not Ryan's fault Speed died. Plus, you know, I always got a good vibe from Jonathan, so I was more than OK with him from his first ep...

I like Lindsay.(now I wasn`t a big Aiden fan so maybe that makes it a little easier)
I like the fact she isn`t afraid to speak her mind.
Yeah, I wasn't an Aiden fan either - in fact, I was personally glad she left the show (please don't hurt me! LOL), so I know exactly what you mean. It's the same with me.