How do you feel about Lindsay?

However real Aiden-fans will never cooperate with Lindsay.

What's the purpose of that? Lindsay had nothing to do with Aiden getting fired. Anna had nothing to do with Vanessa's personal decision to leave the show. How is it "treason" to like Lindsay? Forgive me if I find your logic flawed.
i dont watch NY too often, but from what i have seen of her, i like her, i dont think that i ever saw aiden, but lindsay seems to be an ok job of filling her shoes, to the best of my knowledge, i think that all characters deserve a chance to try and fit it.
However real Aiden-fans will never cooperate with Lindsay. :devil:

Why would you say that? Maybe she'll grow on you, who knows? And you know, it's not like Anna made Ferlito leave so she could take her spot...or Lindsay/Aiden. I mean, it's not the actress or the character's fault...don't take it out on them! I mean, you'll still watch the show, right? So why consciously make it a displeasant experience (well, at least in one aspect)? That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying you'll definitely like Lindsay or that you have to, just that you shouldn't force yourself to hate her. Like I said in another post, my fave Miami character was Speed, but today I *love* Ryan as well...

Mind if I not respect this - but only accept it? ;)
I just wanted to say real Aiden-fans have no right to like Lindsay due to: This would be pure treason.
Lindsay will never kick asses. :D
No right? Treason? Seriously? That's a TV show, lighten up! I'll say it again, you may never like Lindsay, but if you consciously force yourself to hate her it'll take much away from your CSI: NY viewing experience!

I do like Lindsay a lot, but then again I was never exactly a fan of Vanessa/Aiden's. Seriously, I never ever liked the actress OR her character, so I guess it's easier for me to like the character of Lindsay.

Can you describe what you don´t like according to Aiden? Please give an example.
What I don't like "according" to Aiden? What do you mean? Well, anyway, it's nothing concrete, I never ever liked her (them actually :p) in general. Thinking about it, it wasn't as much Aiden herself as it was the fact that I think Ferlito is a terrible actress (which was confirmed - to me, in my head, of course, 'cos I don't wanna start a war here...I'm only expressing my OPINIONS, if you guys think she's the best actress ever, fine with me - when I watched "Shadowboxer", one of the worst movies ever made). Her accent also bugged me a lot, and the fact that she had to pout her lips during her whole onscreen time...
However real Aiden-fans will never cooperate with Lindsay.


What's the purpose of that? Lindsay had nothing to do with Aiden getting fired. Anna had nothing to do with Vanessa's personal decision to leave the show.


Yeah I agree with that. I mean do you REALLY want to support an actress who doesn't even WANT to be on the show? I like Lindsay, she's really bringing the team together...even if it involves Danny "pulling her pigtails" from time to time.
I'm fine with Lindsay. The way she acted with the kid was fake but I wasn't annoyed by it. Instead I had the thought "Oh, she doesn't like/doesn't relate to kids." It made her seem human. How many times have people complained because the CSIs are perfect at everything? So, here's one that isn't and yet there are still complaints. Nice.

There are plenty of other CSIs that aren't perfect--that's hardly the point. I agree that she's imperfect and that's not what I don't like about her. It's the way she constantly is trying to show off rather than just do her job that I find irritating.

As for liking Aiden/disliking Lindsay, I'm really not sure why people are relating the two. They're two different characters and it's okay to like both, dislike both or like one and not the other. Anna didn't "steal" Vanessa's job--Vanessa quit and the producers hired Anna. It sucks that Aiden never got a mention after she left, but that's the CSI shows for you--that's how they work.
I think she is ok. The only thing I have against her is that she tends to take away screentime from Flack and I dont like that! LOL
You think so? Nah, Eddie's screentime was always very limited, unfortunately. I actually think he's been getting way more screentime after Anna came along, so yay Lindsay! ;)
I think it's too early to tell. At the moment I'm finding her to be a bit annoying. Usually I like my female characters to be very strong, and I don't get that from her. Maybe once she finds her feet her personality will come out a bit more. I'll give her til the end of Season 2 til I make any real judgements on her. It's got to be hard for the actress that portrays her to come onto a show when she knows that people were so attached Aiden, whom she is basically replacing. Those are some big shoes to fill.
I´m not sure if I understand you all right.

I´m an Aiden-freak and I don´t like Lindsay. This is only my point of view. Please excuse me, if I offend you by this, but I will certainly not chance this attitude.

Anyway, I assume what makes you angry is the way I´m defending Aiden. :confused:
What I don't like "according" to Aiden?
What do you mean? Well, anyway, it's nothing concrete, I never ever liked her (them actually :p) in general. Thinking about it, it wasn't as much Aiden herself as it was the fact that I think Ferlito is a terrible actress (which was confirmed - to me, in my head, of course, 'cos I don't wanna start a war here...I'm only expressing my OPINIONS, if you guys think she's the best actress ever, fine with me - when I watched "Shadowboxer", one of the worst movies ever made). Her accent also bugged me a lot, and the fact that she had to pout her lips during her whole onscreen time...

So, even if Shadowboxer is a bad movie, this doesn´t mean Vanessa might never play good films in future again.

Unluckily I don´t know Aidens accent, because I´m watching CSI in German. Nevertheless I believe you think her accent seems fake. Am I right? Please answer only "yes" or "no". (Sorry ;) )

Of course your free to find Aidens lips ugly. But don´t you think it´s superficial cursing somebody only by her look??
I didnt like the way she pouted her lips also. It was a little over the top. I like Lindsay and it seems to me that ever since the second season, they are using the whole cast a lot more.
hmmm.. I think she is kinda cute. It seems a little bit early to tell, though. I'm gonna wait till the end of this season. By the way, I also liked Aiden.
Coming to Aiden pouting her lips. Is it very impolite asking someone to post one or two cap-examples? (If not here, then maybe in my Aiden-corner?)
I just wanted to say real Aiden-fans have no right to like Lindsay due to: This would be pure treason.

You're kidding, right? I will be the first to admit that I can't stand Lindsey. But that has nothing to do with Aiden's leaving. Vanessa made the decision to leave the show. Not Zuiker, not the writers, not anyone else. That was Vanessa's decision. I don't understand why so many people are still holding on to this petty dislike of Lindsey, just because you wrongly think that she took Adien's place. If you want to be mad at anyone, you should be mad at Vanessa. She's the one that left. To say that a true fan has no right to like Lindsey is ridiculous. Liking Lindsey has nothing to do with being a fan of Aiden or not being a fan of Aiden.

That being said, my continued dislike of Lindsey has nothing to do with my feelings on Aiden. I was never that invested in the character to begin with. My dislike of Lindsey has everything to do with the character itself. I'm not saying that she should be perfect, I don't want to watch a show full of perfect characters. But the writers have sure done their best to make us believe she is perfect. They have also made her a whiny, ass-kissing show off. All of which I can't stand. If Lindsey would just do her job, like everyone else, without trying to be the teacher's pet every second of the day; I would like her a whole lot more.
I actually was not a big Vanessa/Aiden fan until I saw the entire season of NY. And I was kind of upset that she decided to leave a great role behind. But Lindsey still has to grow on me.
