How do you feel about Lindsay?


Lab Technician
I was over at the message boards and the people over there LOVE her. Judging from some of the posts, people over here are a bit more chilly about her. I decided to do a poll. I am personally on the fence about Lindsay. I want to like her, but the writers are making it hard to do. Time to find out how people REALLY feel.
I'm not really all that impressed with her as of right now. I still can't put my finger on what I don't like about her. I think it's just that I can't stand change when it's not my idea, and she's a big change that I wasn't expecting, and then to boot, she tried showing up everyone else to make her look good to Mac.

With me, you better make sure your first impression is damn good because I remember EVERYTHING that everyone else has already forgotten about. She didn't impress me all that much. I might end up coming around one day.
Not impressed at all. First impressions, you know? Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to warm up to her, but number one, she's pissing me off with her attitude towards Danny, and with the way she tries to impress Mac and Stella, and number two, the fact that she isn't a native, but she tries to prove herself just because I suppose she feels she has to one-up all of the frigid New Yorkers. She seems like the girl who would do everything within her power to make it to the top.

I can't stand her. I tried to like her, really I did. But I just can't. She is too much of an ass kisser and a show off. Maybe, if they would tone that down, I could come to like her eventually. But as long as she continues to kiss ass and show way.
she's pissing me off with her attitude towards Danny

What? I'm sorry, but the girl was SUPER nice to Danny until he started fucking with her. Look at the crap she had to put up with on her first day - Danny giving her shit about being from the Midwest, giving her a nickname she obviously hates, being condescending to her (insinuating that she couldn't handle processing that piece of paper in YoungBlood), because he's the New Yorker, so obviously he must have the bigger ****. And even now she continues being decent to him, a hell of a lot nicer than I would be if I were in her shoes.

She obviously hates all the Midwest jokes, and yet everywhere she goes people keep making references to it, Montana, Dorothy... she doesn't like it when people do that. Why should she put up with it? Again, she's being a hell of a lot nicer than I would be, but of course, she doesn't have a penis or Danny's "omgz, pircing blu eyez!11" so she's wrong, he's right. I love how that works.

She seems like the girl who would do everything within her power to make it to the top.

And what exactly is wrong with that? She's living in a male world and a man's world isn't exactly the coziest place in the world for a woman. She has to work much harder to even be taken seriously. Sometimes, hell, most of the time, doing your job isn't enough.

So long as she doesn't start giving out free BJs at the office then I say more power to her. So what if she wants to have Mac's job some day? What's wrong with that? What if she wants to be mayor or president? Some people aren't conformists, doesn't make them power hungry maniacs.

Cut off her hair and give her a penis and I get the feeling everyone would be okay with her need to prove herself. I think it would be much sadder if she completely disregarded all her hard work just to appease to a few people. If she has the balls I see nothing wrong with her waving them around. Good for her.
Uh, actually, no I wouldn't be okay with her trying to prove herself if she were a guy. It would actually be worse. And excuse me, but I don't appreciate you attacking my opinion like you just did. It's not because I am a Danny fan, or an Aiden fan, it's because I don't appreciate the fact that she is automatically assuming she has to become the best. If you're all hung up on Lindsey, and you can't stand anyone else on the show, that's fine with me. But don't jump down MY throat just because I see something wrong with her.

And with all due respect, I don't see you attacking anyone else on this thread who has the same opinion about her. So don't take it out on me, all right? I don't appreciate it at all. Last time I checked, we were able to speak our minds on these boards.

I didn't attack you, I attacked your opinion, which is perfectly fine because we're having a debate and this is a place of discussion. If you're gonna feel threatened every time someone disagrees with you, then maybe posting wouldn't be in your best interest.
In case you haven't noticed, I know how debates work, and I did not say you were attacking me. I said you were attacking my opinion. I won't be so childish as to say you're being a bully, which is what you're getting at, isn't it?

Because it was basically the truth, regardless of how I felt about it.

You know what? I hate acting childish, all right? If it's what you want to hear, you're right, I'm wrong. Let's stop this because it's going around in circles, and it's pointless now. We've hopefully gotten our points across, and that's all there is to it.

Ok, time out. First of all, both of you have valid opinions. Second of all, you're both allowed to disagree with each other and, since this is a discussion board, you're allowed to state your disagreement and, whoa, imagine that...DISCUSS it!

So both of you just chill out and either get into the discussion by backing up your opinions further or just ignore it if you can't handle it. Whichever you guys choose to do, leave the side comments about having your opinion attacked to the side. It's obvious that if you have an opinion that someone will disagree, trust me, that doesn't mean it's personal.

On that note, I like Lindsay. I wanna marry her when I grow up.
I like her! She seems like she wants to really be respected by the rest of the CSI:NY. She will do anything and i appluad her.

I would have hated her if she came on too strong, like, I may be from Montana, but i kick ass. She's not like that. She has an intrest in criminology and she is becoming a CSI in NY.
Look at the crap she had to put up with on her first day - Danny giving her shit about being from the Midwest,

Especially since being from Montana she would think that she was from the WEST, not the Midwest. Freakin' A! The Midwest is states like Wisconsin, Illinois, Nebraska, places like that. Are the writers all from the coast, so that those of us who live in between the two mountain chains are just "fly-over" country.

Argh. Sorry. Just a little rant of mine.

She seems like the girl who would do everything within her power to make it to the top.

And what exactly is wrong with that? She's living in a male world and a man's world isn't exactly the coziest place in the world for a woman. She has to work much harder to even be taken seriously. Sometimes, hell, most of the time, doing your job isn't enough.


See, I have such mixed feelings about Lindsay. Because I understand about how it might be intimitating to come from *nowhere* (and even worse "flyover country") and try to prove yourself. And sometimes, that drive to prove yourself, to say, "Hey I'm just as good as you are even though I came out of NOWHERE." comes across as ass kissing.

On the other hand, I really, really hated the ending of "Dancing with the Fishes" where they had Mac and Stella looking on and having the whole momma and poppa moment. That seemed like a gratutious "we're gonna shove Lindsay down your throat" moment. AND I DON'T LIKE THOSE.

So, yeah, I voted for let's wait and see. All the characters seem off this year, so its hard to judge what the heck they're doing with a new character.
I'm not a fan of Lindsay. I don't like show offs--male, female or hermaphrodite. I think Lindsay's need to prove herself come more from being from the midwest than it does from the fact that she's a woman, but I still think she doesn't need to act like a teacher's pet. When someone gives her shit--like the officer in "Dancing with the Fishes"--she has every right to give it back. But do we really need a 5 minute exposition about how she knew what Mac was going to ask her? Ugh, no.

I'm reserving final judgment, and I hope she'll get better, but what I've seen so far, I'm not a fan of.

What? I'm sorry, but the girl was SUPER nice to Danny until he started fucking with her. Look at the crap she had to put up with on her first day - Danny giving her shit about being from the Midwest, giving her a nickname she obviously hates, being condescending to her (insinuating that she couldn't handle processing that piece of paper in YoungBlood), because he's the New Yorker, so obviously he must have the bigger ****. And even now she continues being decent to him, a hell of a lot nicer than I would be if I were in her shoes.

Yeah, you've got a good point here. Danny was kind of shitty to her in that first episode. It kind of goes along with his whole trust issue thing--he tends to be snarky to people he doesn't know, which is like everyone who's not a CSI or Flack--but it's still no excuse. Once she beat him on the processing of the evidence in "YoungBlood" he chilled out a bit. The one time of showing off I don't blame her for is when she processed faster than he did in that scene.

She should come up with a nickname for him, but somehow I have a feeling the ones she might choose might not be appropriate for network television. :lol: