How do you feel about Lindsay?

Ever since I saw pictures of Anna Belknap, I noticed that she reminded me of Sara Sidle. She has the same sort of look Sara had in the first 2 or 3 seasons. Jorja is much hotter though, and Sara seems more spontaneous.

But now Lindsay is acting all whiny ambitious, she even reminds me more of Sara. This is not a bad thing, because Sara is my fav character on CSI, but I'm glad she doesn't act like that anymore. And I hope that Lindsay will stop acting like that, also.

She has a lot of right to be angry at Danny because of the way he treats her, BUT I can't imagine acting like that.
Aiden would just laugh about it and say something the same back, so things like that make me regret that Aiden is off the show.

Lindsay just needs to lighten up a little bit. I guess she just needs to find her place in New York.
Aiden would just laugh about it and say something the same back, so things like that make me regret that Aiden is off the show.

Very, very true. I miss the Aiden/Danny banter the most. I never really thought twice about how he treats Lindsay, just because it's his personality to be a sarcastic jerky drama-queen. XD And Aiden would always just take whatever he spat out and throw something else in his face, which is probably something Lindsay should learn to do, or at least stop whining.

Not like I never whine. I'm a natural born whiner. < 3
I say its too soon to tell.

Just my opinion, I've seen the actress in other shows/movies and I hope she'd choose roles where her character was good, but not a show-off.

Then again, it could be that her character does wind up ticking me off sooner or later, but I sincerely hope not.
The only one who is really nice to Lindsay
is Stella.
Danny was mean, 'cause he told her to call
Mac Sir.
And Mac doesn't really believe in her
Yeah, I think Mac thinks highly of her. Why else would he choose her for the team? There just haven't been many Mac/Lindsay one-on-one encounters to see how they really interact.

And I think she was being a little melodramatic when Mac sent her to the lab... I don't think it was as much of a put-down as she made it out to be.
I don't think it wasMelodramatic. She just wants to prove herself, and that she is a good CSI, and Mac didn't want her help.

Danny isn't mean to Lindsay. He just likes to kid around with her, see what it will take to push her butttons.
I don't think it wasMelodramatic. She just wants to prove herself, and that she is a good CSI, and Mac didn't want her help.

Danny isn't mean to Lindsay. He just likes to kid around with her, see what it will take to push her butttons.

Like I said, I just don't think Mac was really trying to put her down by keeping her in the lab. She just made it seem like he didn't trust her enough to handle the "High-profile case," but we're all entitled to our opinions! ^_^

And you're certainly right about Danny. He's one to test boundaries, but apparently he let slip "Montana" one too many times for her liking :lol:
The only one who is really nice to Lindsay
is Stella.
Danny was mean, 'cause he told her to call
Mac Sir.
And Mac doesn't really believe in her

Danny wasn't being mean. Childish, immature, but not mean.

Lindsay needs to learn how to tease back. Danny likes to tease and push buttons, that's just who he is.
^And that's why he needs Aiden... But that's certainly another topic all together ;)

I really hope Lindsay turns out a lot better than she's letting on. I don't enjoy disliking her or anything, so it'd be nice if she'd grow on me a bit. I might be willing to give her a few more chances XD
But it's her personality that makes me miss Aiden the most. She's much more angsty. XD

I just really loved the Danny/Aiden squabbles. And that's why I'm bitter... Just my opinion, though!
The only one who is really nice to Lindsay
is Stella.
Danny was mean, 'cause he told her to call
Mac Sir.
And Mac doesn't really believe in her

Danny wasn't being mean. Childish, immature, but not mean.

Lindsay needs to learn how to tease back. Danny likes to tease and push buttons, that's just who he is.

That's what I liked about Aiden. She could tease Danny back. (That's why I loved the idea of them together. All of that banter.) That is definitely how Danny is and maybe as the show goes on Lindsey will realize that. When she does start to tease back (and I'm positive it will happen) then I'll like her a little more. But right now her uptightness gets on my nerves.
