How do you feel about Lindsay?

even through i haven`t seen season 2 yet i miss Aiden already and want her back, and Lindsay out :mad:. PRONTO!
KatyvonBora is right. Lindsay would consider herself from the West, not the MidWest. Which may not seem much of a difference but if you live in the West, you know what the difference is.

I agree with a lot of what Top41 said as well. I'm having a hard time not gritting my teeth when she goes off. Kinda like a little poodle constantly yipping in your face. I think if she just settles down and the writers stop trying to force us to like her...the whole scene with Mac and Stella watching her like proud parents really got on my nerves...I might like her more. The relationship with Danny didn't surprise me a bit. I've yet to have a job where I didn't have to prove myself to someone who kinda resents having you there. They snarl, you bite back, maybe put sushi on their car in the dead of winter so it freezes and then comes the respect. Or maybe a TRO. I think I would actually like Lindsay more if she did get him back.
I like Lindsay. I can't even really explain why. I liked her from the very first time which is very unusual for me. I expected her to have to prove herself to me because I liked Aiden so much and it took forever for Ryan Wolfe to grow on me after Speed died, so I was pleasantly surprised to like Lindsay right off the bat.

I think she is trying hard to prove herself and I like that. Does she always make wise decisons? Nope.........but neither do the rest of them. Time to grow and learn.

I think all the stuff with her and Danny is just sexual tension and nothing a good romp in the hay wouldn't fix.........but that's just MHO!!
Lindsay generally makes one of two impressions on me, the first is my ideal scenario, easily forgotten and ignored, but at her worst, she grates on my nerves and is woefully obnoxious. I prefer characters that are not force-fed down my throat, rather I enjoy the slow reveal, which allows me to fall into a comfortable groove, the writers seem almost desperate in their attempt to make her likeable. Perhaps, Lindsay is a reflection of their heavy handedness, in shaping a character they hope will appeal to the masses they have forgotten to imbue her with any discernable likeable character traits, and honestly few character traits at all. Certainly, everyone at one time or another has felt the need to prove themselves, in whatever arena, but being overbearing in the effort is just unnecessary. Maybe, at one point Lindsay could have found redemption in my eyes and become a character that I don’t mind, the bridge was too burned to considering ever truly and genuinely liking her, but then she snatched and that was it. Maybe for some Lindsay’s snatching was no big deal but to me it spoke volumes and was enough to turn what was teetering between indifference and mild dislike into something deeper and visceral. There was no valid reason to snatch, there was no positive character development offered in that moment, what was the point other than rudeness. Her need to show off and constantly compete and prove herself is tiresome and in my mind a sign of abject insecurity not confidence, true confidence doesn’t need to jump up and down and say oh oh pick me, see me, hear me, look what I did.

but then she snatched and that was it. Maybe for some Lindsay’s snatching was no big deal but to me it spoke volumes and was enough to turn what was teetering between indifference and mild dislike into something deeper and visceral. There was no valid reason to snatch, there was no positive character development offered in that moment, what was the point other than rudeness.

Thank you, JDonne! I thought I was the only one that found that to be completely out of line. I didn't like her before that. But the snatching incident was truly the final nail in her coffin, as far as I am concerned. While I find her ass kissing and showing off to be annoying; her snatching was just completely uncalled for.
What did she snatch and from whom again? It was something from Hammerback wasn't it?
Oh, right--I just rewatched that episode but I must have been looking away when she did that. Did he seem annoyed?
^He seemed more shocked than annoyed. He was talking and the snatch stopped him in mid-sentence, I think.

That is rude, and unbecoming in a CSI, or anyone with manners really.
That is definitely rude when it's done by anyone, but especially by someone who is supposed to be professional.

I actually took a liking to Ryan Wolfe right away when he came in to Miami. Maybe because he wasn't shoved down my throat, or because the rest of the cast were kinda hard on him and I felt bad for him, or maybe because he flat out said that he was not trying to take Speed's place.

Interesting constrast, isn't it? Perhaps the fact that Speed died makes Ryan's situation somewhat differnt(and the aproach to his character that the writers took.) Meanwhile, Aiden got fired, and Lindsay feels she has to prove that she won't screw up the way Aiden did since she(Aiden) was a respectable CSI until she messed up.

Sorry for rambling, hope this makes sense. :(
I really like the addition of Lindsey. She fits the show and she's a believable CSI too (and should still be attractive enough to male viewers) Anna the actress who plays Lindsey was on the shows "The Handler" with CSI-NY's Dr. Hawkes and "Medical Investigations" and was great on both.
I'm definitely not a fan of her, but I understand where the character is coming from. I just wish they had stuck with the NY scene... That element that Aiden had was just ripped away and replaced with someone not quite up to par, and it made me slightly unhappy. I ranted a -lot- on my blog... XD but I was also -really- attached to Aiden, and I think that contributes a lot to my animosity towards Lindsay.

So, I'll give her a while to grow on me and I may or may not change my mind about her. But as of now, I'm definitely not hip to her groove-thang.