House MD

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so do I!!!!! i hope in season 3 she finds out she cant have a baby and she's all upset and crying and she hugs house (awwwww) but it would be real okward but god would it be cute, he feels bad for her but knowing house he MIGHT not hug her back, and then the same thing should happen with cam/chase (awwww) with no sex involved or drugs just chase has alot on his mind and mabey in the locker room he opens up to Cameron and he starts getting all emo on his so she hugs him it would be a friendship hug (or more)
:D i cant wait till september 5, for that day House comes first, then school, then my sisters b day (that lucky sob has her b day on house day im very jealous, whats happening on october 22? nothing :lol:)
I don't like that Cuddy storyline, just seem to come out of nowhere!, thought they could have come up with better one
it was kind of weird, yet not because it's probably a lot of hormones, and all that fun stuff, (or at least that's what it left me to assume), but there were some great moments to it. made me laugh.
As I've been watching re-runs I have realized how much I like Cuddy's character. She is the perfect balance for House because she has emotions but can also be witty and sarcastic right back in House's face. I hope we get to see more cuddy moments next season because she always gets great lines and moments that make you laugh unexpectedly :D
Oh yeah cuddy's the best i love how she can contol House and how comfterble she feels around a guy like him and the producers said after season 2 how we kind of lost screen time with Cuddy, Chase<3, and Wilson they gave us those storylines so they can be in season 3 more :D and Cameron and Forman has had their season they gonna keep it low key with them. Season 3 is going to be the BEST
I watched some episodes that my friend taped and I must say that Cuddy has become my favourite character. I LOVE her attitude and the way she talks to House. She practically doesn't fear anyone or anything. She reminds me slightly of Stella but Cuddy seems tougher. I'm glad she doesn't act like most females in television in movies...powerless and attached to everyone around her. She's Ms.Independent! Oh, and I adore Lisa Edelstein.
oh yeet gads :D jorja we must have wen't to the same site because i have that icon to and i sware i never took it from you :lol:

Cuddy is the best, she doges all of houses comments and whe he doesn't say anything she asks him why and plus i like how House can strip for her like in skin deep and how she lets him look down her shirt :D Chase is my favorite character though he has so much behind him that they need to realise :D well i like all the characters

omg all day i have been thinking about Chase and Chase flirting and House asking Cuddy when his date was :)
:lol: I belong to the Huddy community over at lj and that's probably where you seen the icon heh. Over there I'm greek_aphrodite...

OT: What's the history between House & Stacy because I know he had or has feelings for her. Did they have a romantic relationship in the past or am I totally wrong?
i must have :D

Stacy and House lived with each other for 2 years and when the thing happened to his leg he was put into a self induced comma and that gave stacy the consent against house and when he woke up things got a little weird between them like she wouldn't talk to him and he would resent her so they brok up and then she came back in season 2 and they we're fighting becaise house kept interfering with her marrige but after the mistake they decided they should stop fighting or they wouln't be able to work togehter and in failer to camunicate things kind of stared again because they were alon in blaltamore just the two of them and in need to know they slept together but mark (her husband) came to house and confronted him and stacy couldn't take it because she loved house and mark but she didn't want to do leave mark when he was going through rehab (he couldn't walk) so she decided to go back with him and house let her go because he wasn't going to do anything to get her to stay when he was

*whoa :lol:"

and jorja you have to watch humpty dumpty
Is it a season one or two episode 'cause it's from S1 I can rent it on DVD. Or, you could tell me what it's about heh.

Thanks, that was an awesome explanation. I'm trying to understand the relationship between all the characters so that come season three I can understand the way the treat each other and the way they commuincate.
it's the last two episodes of s1. it starts out in "Three Stories"...which i'm watching right now on USA...and ends with the season finale and carries on into s2.

i actually kind of liked the house/stacey storyline, cuz it brought out a lot of what makes house house. in a way.
no problem i love to talk about house :D

Humpty dumpty is in season 2 but it does come out on dvd on augst 22 and what happens in that episode is cuddy has someone working on her roof and he falls with pain in his hand because it's rotting away and at the end he has to have in amputated> Like always house sneeks into her house and he bets Chase and Forman that he can break into her house in less then 20 secounds and he pulls out a credit card and when they said yes he puts it away and finds he hiden key in less then 5 secounds and they want to know how he knew where it was so they think that back in college they had a "thing" between them and at the end house goes into he office and is like "why does everyone think we had sex" :D
Hugh won a Television Critics Award last night for Best Actor in a Individual Role, 2nd time he's won the award

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