House MD

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I was thinking more of a full on smack, right on the back of the head. Then after Cuddy bitch slaps whoever that person is she would go, "Have fun being my bitch!".

:lol: If I had a boss like her I'd be scared. I think even House fears her just a bit.
House does kind of fear her but she can take him on defintely. Wilson is Cuddy's and Houses bitch with bonas's (Wilsons awesome) and the ducklings are their slaves :D
Ooh part of me wants to know what'll happen but part of me wants to wait. Where did you see the preview? Anyway, I have decided to post a sexy photo of House:


Men in tuxedos are hot :devil:!
I love seeing that picture he looks so skortine :devil: If only Chase was in the pengwin suite *Sigh* a girl can dream...

And i saw it on tv it showed a close up of Cuddy :( i wonder if it's about House (I wish)
I cant get House out of my mind, there was this kid with a fro, a guy falling into water, it looked like someone was having a seizor something is wrong with Cameron, House on a hospital bed, Cuddy crying, and something is wrong with Chase, Oh and a fountin?
Great photo of them, thanks for posting

Seen the preview, all I'm going to say is that's it's damn intresting and certainly making us think, which I love
I saw the preview for S3 after I watching Sex Kills & damn, it looks intense. I really want to know why Cuddy is crying. Oh, and speaking of last's nights episode I was dying of laughter when House made that moo sound when he went to say that patient. The writers always give him the best lines.
Hugh Laurie will be on Inside the Actors Studio Monday 7-31-06. The show is broadcast on the Bravo network. Airtime is 8 eastern I think. Check the listings.

They always ask the guests what their favorite curse word is. I can't wait to hear what HL's is. :D
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