House MD

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oh man...i really cant wait fer the second season of House to premiere here in Singapore...
its been more than three months that the 1st season ended...
They're showin re-runs,not that im complainin...:)
but still...
midnight_tiptoes said:
The writers really need to give Cameron some time off. And I mean, a LOT of time off. I'm getting so sick of her.

Otherwise, okay episode. I'm glad Steve is okay.

I agree (double goes for Steve), except I really loved the episodes. I will admit, though, that I thought the clinic patient was really out of place.

And I'm curious about Chase. Are they weeding him out or something?

(p.s. midnight_tiptoes: Love the signature. I miss that show.)
Oh man, what a great couple of episodes this week. Just everything was great. Especially last night, with all the stuff with Forman. Cudos to Omar Epps on a superb and outstanding acting job. Outstanding job by everyone, but especially Omar. Wow, and the ending last night was one of those WTH moments for me. The ending made absolutly no sense. I mean it wasn't much of an ending, when the release season 2 on DVD, there better be an alternate ending feature for this episode. It's almost like FOX cut off the end of the episode. I was sitting there just like What The .... is going on here, that's not an ending. But anyway, two of the best of the season, and I am guessing in the next three weeks, the episodes will only get better. Next weeks episode looks great.

I agree, the two-parter was pretty great. I'm hoping the last few episodes of the season will be just as good.
Awesome eppy once again :D

Kudos to Omar, Hugh and Jen on brill acting. Also writing was superb as well, this has Emmy written all over it :D

Loved Cameron sticking to the task in hand and just loved the scene in Cuddy's office when she had a go at Cuddy, House looked shocked as well.

Intresting scenes with Foreman and his Dad. This eppy had me on the edge of my seat even thought I knew the outcome.

Awesome :D
Yeah, I really liked them. And I agree, the ending was odd, I just figured they were leaving a cliff-hanger, but then the promo for the next epi Foreman seems fine.

But the promo, House looks pretty shocked.. and he runs..

I bet it will be a good epi.
This two-parter was great.
When Steve was in danger of getting sick and Foreman was dying, I'll be honest: I was, personally, more worried about Steve dying off then Foreman. Because Foreman was so mean to Cameron, even if I don't like Cameron that much. Although, it was cool when didn't accept his apology but then she folded and said she did before he was in a coma. Oh, Cameron. You were almost cool.
Omar was GREAT last night. So was Hugh and everyone else.
Except, not alot of Chase. That's odd and incredibly depressing. Also, not alot of Wilson. Grr.
The end was a bit of a twist. It's his like, his mind is backwards. Right and left and all that. Something like dyxlexia, maybe?
Finally I'd got my mini House marathon and watched the 2 eps.
Well,you've already point out everything.
Omar Epps has to be be happy about having had 2 parts ep to shine.
Cuddy is quite absent lately and so do Wilson,they should have more screen time.Same thing happens to Chase but honestly I don't mind,maybe it could have been better if Foreman had stuck Chase with the syringe instead of Cameron,I'm a little bit tired about that Foreman/Cameron story.
And it's me or our beloved Steve looked before as a cute mouse and now as a dirty rat?
I've noticed House taking less vicodin or not vicodin at all on the last eps.
Only 3 eps left.... :eek: :(
As usual, last night's eppy was so good. I thought it was interesting to see how much House's personality is so dependent on his doctors' personalities. And Foreman with his little sweaters ... so cute.

Poor Wilson. "Did you TiVo 'The Hours'?" I just wanted to hug him. The show's gonna have to tread lightly with the Cuddy-baby thing, though. It's dangerously close to soap opera land. And it's a little creepy that House follows her menstrual cycles.
emdash said:
And it's a little creepy that House follows her menstrual cycles.

Well he's a watcher and picks up that stuff easily. I am definetly not that way because I seem to miss alot of that kind of stuff until someone mentions it and then I see it.
I was getting as mad as House about Foreman agreeing with everything.
We'll see how they'll develop the story about Foreman's lack of memory.
I don't know what to think about the Cuddy-baby thing.
Good eppy this and shocking as well

I thought the Dad had something to do with what was happening to the Mum and baby, but I got that wrong. Also wondered if PotW was going to go for treatment

:lol: at Foreman and House, although I wanted Foreman to go back as he was before, he was just being too nice :lol:

Thought it was a bit out of left field about the Cuddy/baby thing. Not sure what to think of it. Also Chase, wondered about him, but we are still not sure whether House got it right or not
^^ things are definitly a bit confusing for me, the whole baby thing with cuddy, and foreman, and chase, house was normal though :lol:

these writers are interesting thats for sure

good ep though, funny parts, made me laugh, you know he routine

cameron is being her normal protective, nice self, but i think that house is really getting on her nerves lately, more then normal, i wonder what will happen with that, oh well there are so many unanswered questions for me witht this show, but i still love it of course!
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