Horatio & Yelina #2: Silent Thunder--Love Eternal

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Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Aww let's not bother with those who oppose our opinions. I happen to think they're missing a lot of romance in here :lol:. Ain't that true? :D

I'm grateful for H and Y everyday. They decorate my banal life!
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

True enough Casper. H and Y make TV Land a better place for sure. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Beautiful pics from 'Dispo Day'. It's very sweet when she says that she's glad he's okay, and he says, "Always", and gives her that soft, loving look. Wonderful stuff. :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Is this the soft look we were searching for?


Yeah it is quite obvious he loves her, the way he looks at her when she is not looking, and he really does pine after her.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Oh yes, that's the one. Thanks Footyliz. :D

I thought some of you might like to see the larger version of my avatar, as I think it's such a happy, smiley photo of David and Sofia on set. I know that some may have seen it in the Miami Forum, but for those who may not have been there/seen it before......

Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Hehe..let us just close one eye and pretend it's a photo they took together while on a date or something :D :D. Gotta say, Sofia's smile in that pic is stunning. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

It really is a lovely smile! I love this picture - thanks for posting it over here Swan. :D

DC looks all un-Horatio like and mischievous! ;)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

It really is a beautiful pic of both of them and I really do love it! Thanks Swan for posting it. Davy does have that mischieveous glint in his eye. :)

It is good to know that Davy and Sofia were so lose with each other off cameras as apposed to all the tension they convey on screen.
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

i have never seen that piccy before, or any other behind the scene pics with them in, thanks for posting it :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Okay, updated my own fic right here.

Trying to give Ray Jr,. a larger part as I go along. On the show he's usually kept two dimensional. Giving him some more depth. :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Really well written Sherry. I can really picture that scene. It's so obvious on the show that they have some kind of history, and you capture very nicely the kind of scenarios they would have found themselves in. :)

Sorry I haven't updated our group fic yet. Real life has intervened, but I will do it soon. If you want to skip me this time, I don't mind at all, but if you're happy to wait, that's fine too. ;)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

You're all very welcome re the picture. :)

HnM, you're very talented with your writing. I'm really enjoying both fics. :D
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Are we ready to move onto 'Double Cap' in our tribute to H/Y? I have some screencaps that I can post later (they're on another pc). :)
Re: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Sounds good to me! I love all these screencaps of their best scenes. These two are truly inspiring! :D
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