Lab Technician
Great new icon and sig banner, Need4Speed!!!
Welcome britlarencaruso!!! ***waves hello*** Thanks for the great pics...
It's good to be back... was off sick for a few days, but am feelin' a lot better now...
I'm at work right now, so I don't have access to my stash o' pics right now, but I'll come back later tonight to post some new H hotness for y'all... :devil:
Welcome britlarencaruso!!! ***waves hello*** Thanks for the great pics...
It's good to be back... was off sick for a few days, but am feelin' a lot better now...
I thought the last scene of last night's epi, in the graveyard between H and Eric discussing Speed, was very well done... when Eric asked H if he ever saw Speed and H said "Everyday Eric...everyday" and then the shot of Speed walking off into the sunset...it just about made me cry... so good I so wish there had been a little bit more of H though (and Speed too, if I do say so myself )... can't get enough of the guy...
I'm at work right now, so I don't have access to my stash o' pics right now, but I'll come back later tonight to post some new H hotness for y'all... :devil: