Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

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Happy Birthday, Hrockz!!! :D

Is that a real pic, dogbert? Or a manip? Either way, I have to agree that it is not the best of our man DC... :rolleyes:

What's tonight epi about anyway... I don't even remember now... that's pretty bad... :confused:

Anywhoo, here's a reminder of the labcoat wearing H of yore...
...God, the man even makes a labcoat look sexy... ***drools***...:devil: :eek: :devil: :eek:

Enjoy Ladies!!! :D:devil:
well when he was talking to Ryan and then to that other girl he was very kind and caring...much like the old H. but with the Stalker i agree...it was kinda eh...
It's a manip. You can see the outline of somebody's chin on the side of his face and the contrast is all wrong.

Yay! Labcoat!!! Sissi very happy...*droools*
Sorry I disappeared for a few days. I have been busy as can be. The joy of getting the yard ready for fall. Anyway, great pictures of the handsome Horatio. DC was great in last nights episode. I am love having new episodes to enjoy.
I agree, mrsjrewing!!! :) I really liked the interactions between H and Kyle and hopefully this will bring H out of his robotic funk... :rolleyes: ... I just still want more of the old H back ... ***sighs***

I'd like some more of this please TPTB...
... pretty please... :) :) :)
i was shockingly impressed with the ep last night!!! it looks as if things are turning around!!! if H's interaction with Kyle keeps up like it has....i think we will have the old H completely back in no time!!!! and i think that some of the old H was shining through last night...especially when H told Kyle he was his father.....and when H took Kyle for a hair cut i giggled because now Kyle looks even more like "Mini-H" and i wass half expecting H to buy Kyle a pair of sunnies :lol:
^ Even the epis to was good one, still there have some parts that don`t fit at all. The line:

Kyle: Why are you doing this?
Horatio: Because I'm your father.

make me laugh so much. so not in the right place. but this is just me.

And to not talk about that H again bring back the whole Brazil thing... blah... did some one believe him ?!

Also even Kyle to play good his role, all stay little or more Star War to me. H is the master and Kyle the student. Come on, this kid is teen and have difficult childhood - so my question is where is the anger part and problems between him and his dad ?! :rolleyes:
Pusher said:
Also even Kyle to play good his role, all stay little or more Star War to me. H is the master and Kyle the student. Come on, this kid is teen and have difficult childhood - so my question is where is the anger part and problems between him and his dad ?! :rolleyes:

Maybe the kid has finally find himself a rolemodel and want to learn and be a better person. He's 16. He is getting very close to be an adult!
Kyle: Why are you doing this?
Horatio: Because I'm your father.

make me laugh so much. so not in the right place. but this is just me.
Not just you. ;) The whole Kyle storyarc feels rather manipulative to me, even if he is a cute kid/teen and the interaction was nice to see. I'm all for seeing the emotional H again, but is this to be at the expense of previous family storyarcs? What about Ray Jnr and Madison? Now we have Kyle, do the writers think the fans have such short memories? Maybe so, or maybe I will be pleasantly surprised, and we will see H's nephew and niece again.

To me, it feels like the writers are continually trying to 'refresh' the show, with no real concept of continuity. It has become a show that seems to live very much for the moment, as opposed to combining fresh new storyarcs with historically significant ones - certainly where H's backstory is concerned.
well we haven't seen much of Ray jr because Yelina isn't around as much as she used to be...much to my displeasure...i like the interaction those two have

and as for Madison i really want to know if she got better!!! we last saw her lying in a hospital bed possibly dying of lukemia!! what happened to her? did the bone marrow donated from Ray jr work? is she even alive!? what!? i mean i really like Suzie and Madison.....i want to see them again just to see how Madison is....

anyways back to our sexy DC!!!!
I really think this Kyle storyline will bring back the old H..as long as they include Madison and Ray jr into it. then it will be an amazing storyline!! and there's so much to go on!! like will Ray jr get along with Kyle, if Kyle gets parole or something?
well we haven't seen much of Ray jr because Yelina isn't around as much as she used to be
...and yet Horatio promised Raymond that he would take care of Ray Jnr (in Rio). Presumably, that would involve seeing him, lol. I would have liked to see a continuation of the H/Ray Jnr bonding, but instead we have a brand new storyarc with Kyle.

I agree that there is potential here for the future, with Ray Jnr and Kyle being cousins. I hope something comes of that connection. :)
Pusher said:

Also even Kyle to play good his role, all stay little or more Star War to me. H is the master and Kyle the student. Come on, this kid is teen and have difficult childhood - so my question is where is the anger part and problems between him and his dad ?! :rolleyes:
I'm sure the anger and problems with dad will come. When he's just had someone save his life, get him jail protection and lay the "I'm your father" line on him, he's in shock.
:devil: :devil:
My guess is some of that natural hostility will provide the basis of a future episode.
I totally agree that we need more interaction between H and Ray Jr./Yelina. And I would really like to know what happened with Madison. As much as H loves family I can't imagine that they would all disappear from his life. Even if he has a kid now.
we are only two shows into the new season so i imagine and i hope that we will get to see all of these family relations with time. Lots of changes for him happening, i am sure the writers wont leave us on our apetite.
I agree with you all. Like Luce said, Kyle will bring out the emotions in H but I hope not at the expense of Y and Ray Jr. I too hope the storylines will get connected somehow.
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