Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

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calleighspeedle said:
does anyone know if David's girlfriend has had her baby yet?
Still haven't heard or seen anything, but read somewhere that Mac was over a week late. OMG, Poor Liza. Hope for her sake, it's sooner rather than later.
Great pictures. Sorry I haven't been around life is in one of those crazy phases right now. I hope to post more soon.
Hey y'all!!! :D

Here's some new Horatio hotness from the last epi "Sunblock"...
...the man is just too damn sexy... :eek: :devil: :eek: :devil: :eek:

Enjoy Ladies!!! :D:devil:
Me either SpeedsDaughter... I've been pleasantly surprised by Season 6 so far... Hopefully, they will continue to tear down the walls they've built around all of the characters of late (H especially :rolleyes: ) and we might get more of the "old" H back... ***keeps fingers crossed*** :)
i've been plesantly surprised too. i mean H has actually been almost fully the "real H" i just hope now that soon we get the entire real H :D
I've been lurking but not postin here for a long time. I haven't got to see season 6 yet, we're still in season 5 here where I am.

But I caught some clips of H and Kyle in 'Inside Out' and I'm really beginning to like this storyline. I thought I would hate it but Kyle brings out the emotional and human side of H. I like it. It's pretty cool how he looks out for Kyle too even when he's in jail.
BlueCurl said:
He's even starting to trump Rory for me!
oh no not for me....i mean i love DC/H with a passion and i think he is the sexiest 51 year old i have ever seen, but for me Rory/Speed is and always will be my most fav.
Horatio is going to be a great father. I loved his scenes with Kyle last night. His little frustrated parent moment was nice to see. It shows that he knows being Kyle's father when he gets out isn't going to be easy.
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