Hockey Fans

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^^ Got your message :lol: I actually read it before I saw where you told me to check it.

On the subject of Miracle, I was in the middle of reading a book today when I remembered that I actually have a book about the 1980 Olympics. I only read part of it, but I think that it gets more in-depth and personal about how the players felt and stuff like that. It seems to be pretty good.
I had to stop reading my other book and start this one up again. :)
:eek: The Rangers finally won another game!

5-4 against the Islanders with Gomez, Prucha, Rozsival, Naslund and Dawes scoring. Of course, Lundqvist was being amazing as always.
Thank you Rangers for restoring my faith in you that you guys can actually win games.
And here's to ending 2008 with a win :beer: Bring on 2009!
Henrik Lundqvist Covers Page Six Magazine

New York Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist has dashing sartorial sense and sex appeal, so he’s already caught the eyes of NYC’s fashionistas. Here’s what he had to say in the latest issue of Page Six magazine:

On doing a shirtless photo shoot if he was offered a David Beckham-esque deal of $5 million: “I don’t have a problem showing my body, but I have more respect for my girlfriend [fellow Swede, Therese Andersson] than to do that. [But if I was offered $5 million] yeah, then we could start talking. Absolutely.”

On his former teammate and notorious NHL antagonist Sean Avery: “Sean’s one of a kind. When Page Six Magazine put me on its Top 25 Best Dressed list [September 2008] with the caption “Sean who?” I gave it to my brother [fraternal twin, Joel, a center for the Dallas Stars, Sean’s former team] to put in Sean’s stall in the locker room. Sean didn’t think it was very funny.”

On his fashion sense and Dior, Hugo Boss, and Tiger of Sweden wardrobe: “[The NewYork Rangers all] wear a suit every time we travel. So it’s pretty much five days a week in a suit. There’s a lot of space in my closet dedicated to that. And I never wear T-shirts! I don’t want to wear something that’s not me.”

On his game time intensity: “Winning is everything to me, so when it comes to game day, I don’t like to talk much. I get angry easily. If I have a bad game, people stay away.”

On his plans for 2009: “I’m always looking to see what’s next. I never get satisfied. Otherwise, you stop getting better. My focus is to go all the way [to the Stanley Cup] this year.”

P6Mag is free inside The Post’s Sunday edition and online on Monday at
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So it only takes $5 million to get Henrik shirtless? We'd better start saving our pennies...:lol:

Oh Sean the fashionista, I'd almost forgotten that he was a style guru.
Brilliant idea from Henrik to put his magazing thing in Sean's stall! That's sounds like something I would do. However, I sense Sean was not amused.

Thanks for that! It made me laugh :p
SpeedyMeg25 said:
So it only takes $5 million to get Henrik shirtless? We'd better start saving our pennies...:lol:

LOL:lol:. If we gather up all the gals, and their cash, it wouldn't take that long at all. NVRM. Or better - sneak into the locker rooms......there 'll be plenty go around:devil:

SpeedyMeg25 said:
Oh Sean the fashionista, I'd almost forgotten that he was a style guru.
Brilliant idea from Henrik to put his magazing thing in Sean's stall! That's sounds like something I would do. However, I sense Sean was not amused.

Personally, I don't consider him fasionable - at all. And find it creepy that he stole his baby sitters dolls and dressed them up.Eeeew:wtf:. Hockey is a "macho" sport -no wonder he gets his a*** kicked by other hockey players for liking fashion. What would anyone think when they hear that, honestly?

Brilliant idea from Henrik to put his magazing thing in Sean's stall! That's sounds like something I would do. However, I sense Sean was not amused.

I was actually surprised, I didnt know he would do that, not that type of guy......But it is pretty fun ny I can't believe he put his brother up to it too.
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Yeah, I don't particularly consider Sean fashionable either, I just think it's funny that he does. The man knows how to put on a suit, so do most of the players in the NHL, it's part of their job.
I think Henrik's a lot more in fashion than Avery. Some article I was reading one time said Henrik dressed more like a pop star off of the ice than he did a successful hockey player. I thought it was funny :)
Hockey player dies after hitting head on Ice

Jan 02, 2009 02:02 PM

The death of a 21-year-old hockey player who died three weeks after hitting his unprotected head on the ice during a fight has renewed calls for tougher rules governing the use of helmets.

Don Sanderson, a rookie defenceman with the senior AAA Whitby Dunlops of the Ontario Hockey Association, died shortly after 1 a.m. Friday at Hamilton General Hospital.

Sanderson, a native of Port Perry, Ont., was tussling with Brantford Blast forward Corey Fulton during the third period of a Dec. 12 game at the Brantford Civic Centre when his helmet came off.

Towards the end of the fight, both players fell over, causing Sanderson to strike his bare head on the ice. He was out cold for about 30 seconds before he briefly regained consciousness. The York University student eventually fell into a coma and was on life support until his death. Dunlops president Steve Cardwell said the fight wasn't particularly vicious."It didn't look like it was as bad as obviously this has turned out to be," Cardwell said."At the time it looked like so many other fights that anybody connected with hockey would have watched over the last number of years."

Cardwell praised Sanderson as a fierce competitor and a valuable player with a big heart. While he said his main concern is helping the family cope, he believes there needs to be closer look at the broader circumstances of Sanderson's death.

"Any time a tragedy like this happens – and it could have been prevented by a number of rule changes, or the way helmets are made, or the way that they work – that debate needs to happen," he said."Because if you lose just one life and you don't learn from it, then we're all making a big mistake."

While league rules state that helmets must be worn and secured, ``each player has a personal choice how he wears it," Cardwell said.

While he's seen players occasionally forced to tighten their helmet chin straps, team captain Peter MacKellar said he doesn't think it's something that's been enforced strictly. Following the fatal incident, however, he's wondering whether the rules should be revisited.

"I got into a fight one or two games later and my helmet came off and all of a sudden you're thinking about Don and you're thinking, `Jeez this could happen right now,"' he said. "But I've seen so many helmets come off and I've seen people hit their heads on the ice before and, you know, (there were) no real complications." Sanderson had several on-ice scuffles this season; in 11 games with the Dunlops, he racked up four fighting majors.MacKellar, who called the incident "a freak accident," said the team will be dedicating the rest of the season to Sanderson."We'll just have to ... work just as hard as he did, because he really worked so hard this year and I was just so impressed with his work ethic and just his loyalty to his team," he said "If we can rally for him and play for him – play in his honour – I think that'd be a nice touch."

There was no immediate word on funeral arrangements.



Following this incident there have been a lot of debate about banning fighting in hockey


How many deaths to change the the rules?

How many must be killed or maimed in games before hockey grows up like other sports and bans fighting. The NHL has taken on a WWF reputation with at least one staged fight per game. The fights are almost 100% between goons hired for that purpose who only play very retricted minutes. This is a skill game with lots of hitting and intimidation but so is football, basketball and soccer which don't allow fighting. Please ban fighting before another player dies. Submitted by Tristed.

While others disagreed...............


Very sad event when a life is ended in sports. Fighting has always been part of the game in hockey and will probably always be a part of the game, that is just how it is. If you are worried about your children being hurt in sports the put them in gymnastics or ballet. Injuries also happen in those sports, should we work on banning those sports as well? Submitted by tell it as it is at.

My personal opinion on this issue: As much as fighting is a part of sports, there are too many times where

hockey players cross the line. I don't know If we could bann fighting completley, but the Legue should enforce

stricter rules on fights. I've watched plenty of hockey games, where there are unnecessary intentional

hits/pushes/and punches thrown. In fact I saw a game like that today.

As far as equipmet goes, there is a rule, if I am not mistaken that hockey players have to wear helmets at all

times, even during fights - however, this rule is ignored too often. Let this be a lesson.
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Oh that's terrible! Such a young age.
My thoughts go out to the family of that guy, may he rest in peace :(
But I suppose he at least died doing something he loved.

I don't think that you could ever entirely ban fighting from hockey, but I know there are things that the NHL and others could do to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

I've seen fights that go on forever, and the refs just stand there and watch. Perhaps they should intervene and stop fights sooner, which could cut down on the amount of players being injured via fighting.

Enforcing the rules is also something that definetely needs to be improved.

According to the NHL Rulebook, Rule #22 regarding "protective equipment": "All players of both Teams shall wear a helmet of design, material and construction approved by the Rules Committee at all times while participating in a game, either on the playing surface or the players' or penalty benches.
A player may continue to participate in the play without his helmet. However, if he goes to his players' bench to be substituted for, he may not return to the ice during play without a helmet."

That clearly states that a helmet must be worn at all times while participating in the game, and if said game includes fighting then that helmet had better be on the players head. If it's not then they should be penalized or sonething.
Obviously you can still get hurt while wearing a helmet, look at how many guys get knocked out and have concussions, but a helmet drastically cuts the odds of having a serious injury.
^^ Agreed. Its unfortunate how often that rule gets ignored. I saw that story twice today on sports channel - they say its a rule that should be enforced in the little legue as much in the big legue(sp) NHL.

On a lighter note : I was watching highligts in hockey games: Vancouver

Canucks against ATL. Guess who was on ??? LOL:lol: The Sedin twins! I got

flashbacks of the commertial:guffaw:. Henrik Sedin making shots on goal,

folled by an actual goal, and assists. No sight of Danny. And with Mats

Sundin joining in now they could be triplets ( If you switch letters in the

last name) I can just hear the announcer now: A goal made by Sedin, Oh,

wait, or is Sundin...:confused: ......*hits replay* :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
That commercial never gets old does it :lol:

I never noticed that the three of them had such similar names before.
If I was the announcer they would definetely be mixed up :p
:lol: That video is too funny! Thanks! "Some say he is Sweden's biggest export since ABBA" - Classic
If they really made a Lundqvist bobble head though, I'd totally buy like 50 of them.

This is one of my favorite videos with Henrik:
It never fails to make me laugh, it was even on my myspace at one point in time.

At least the Rangers didn't lose too bad tonight, 2-1. And they played much better than they did last game.
Henrik wasn't playing, but Valiquette did good. So no complaints here :)

Anything's better than the 6-1 defeat suffered by the Penguins this afternoon ;) Although they did have some pretty hilarious fights...
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SpeedyMeg25 said:
:lol: That video is too funny! Thanks! "Some say he is Sweden's biggest export since ABBA" - Classic
If they really made a Lundqvist bobble head though, I'd totally buy like 50 of them.

No prob. I was pretty surprised too. "The bump" was pretty funny too, true meaning of friendship.LOL:lol:

About last nights game: On their webpage it said he was supposed to play, then he didn't - today I've found out the reason why:

"Rangers backup goalie Steve Valiquette started because Henrik Lundqvist had the flu, Valiquette turned in a strong performance with 29 saves on Saturday."
"Nobody bumps into our goalie!" :lol:
I like the one where Henrik says "how you doin'?"

Oh no, Henrik has the flu?

Well I hope he is feeling better :D
We can't have him sick now can we?
SpeedyMeg25 said:
I like the one where Henrik says "how you doin'?"

He's got game on ice and off.LOL:lol:

Love is contagious - like the flu.:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
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