Heroes, A Baby and A Bride; CSI NY / NCIS crossover

At the hospital Stella and the baby were examined. After the whole ordeal the doctor in charge thought it best for Stella to have a private room. The doctor also insisted that Stella should have at least two days of bed rest. When Stella was settled Ducky picked up the little boy and handed him over to his mother.

“Here’s your little one, my dear.” Stella proudly took her son. “Now, would you like to tell Uncle Ducky the name of this little fellow?” Ducky was curious. Stella looked at Mac and cheerfully nodded to tell Ducky.

“Ducky…” Mac patted him on his shoulder. “Meet Logan Donald Taylor.” The two men beamed at the boy, who made a little sound.

“Ooohhh, I think Logan agrees to the names.” Stella hushed the baby.

“It seems to me that you are right, Stella.” Ducky checked the little fingers once more.

When the door opened it showed a grinning Gibbs. Stella anxiously motioned for him to come in. Jordan followed with the little wrapped box that Stella requested for.

“Congrats, Mac.” Jordan kissed her brother and then hugged Stella. She handed her the box and beamed at her little nephew.

“Logan, meet your brave Aunty Jordan.” Stella whispered at the boy. A tear fell from Jordan’s eye. Stella offered for her to hold him.

“He’s beautiful, Stella.” Jordan said while Stella unwrapped the box that Gibbs gave to her two months ago.

“Oh my god…” She shrieked as she held out the little blue baby shoes. She then read the little card attached to it. ‘It will be a boy!’

“You sure you’re not psychic, Jethro?” Mac lifted a brow as Stella handed him the little shoes.

“Nope. Else we’d never have been in this mess.” Gibbs walked towards Jordan. He rested his hands on her shoulders and the two of them admired the newest Taylor addition.

“We should be going, Angel.” Gibbs reminded her. “I’m sure Stella could use some rest, and so do you.”

“We’ll catch up later.” She promised Stella and handed Logan back.

“You sure you’re ok?” Stella asked as she touched Jordan’s face. Jordan nodded a yes.

“You take care of them, Mac.” Gibbs patted Mac on his shoulder.

“And you take care of her.” Mac kissed his sister goodbye. Ducky joined Gibbs and Jordan as they left, giving the new family time to get acquainted with each other.


Back at the villa Jordan went upstairs to the nursery and told Adam and Abby all about the newest member of the family. She then contacted New York to inform Danny and Lindsay about Stella and the events. Danny was blown away with what had happened to Stella and promised to take an earlier flight than planned to Mexico.

“Great going, Messer!” Lindsay’s voice moaned. “You spilled the surprise.”

“It was supposed to be a surprise?” Tony appeared on the screen.

“Lindsay.” Gibbs came up from behind Jordan and stared at the screen.

“Yes Gibbs?” Lindsay popped up between Danny and Tony.

“Head slap those two clowns for me.” Lindsay grinned and smacked the back of Danny and Tony’s at the same time. Both rubbed their heads afterwards and disappeared from the screen.

“Thanks, Linds. Have a safe flight.” Gibbs finished and motioned for Jordan to turn off the screen.

“I’m gonna check on the twins.” Jordan knew that Gibbs would not enlighten her. She got up from behind the screen and turned to leave.

“Hey!” Gibbs’ hand rested on her arm. “Ducky can do that.” Ducky grinned at Gibbs’ request.

“Yes, my dear.” Ducky patted her back. “You still need to relax.” He then strolled up the stairs.

“Let’s go for a little evening walk.” He held his hand out for her. Jordan took it and wrapped Gibbs’ arm around her waist. Together they walked down the dock towards the Kelly.


Gibbs and Jordan reached the Kelly and Gibbs helped Jordan on board. He quickly went below deck and grabbed a blanket and two beers. He handed Jordan the beers as he spread the blanket on deck. When both of the sat down, he pulled Jordan in front of him and silently they enjoyed the evening view.

“I missed you.” Gibbs said after he placed a rain of soft kisses in her neck.

“How bad?” Jordan asked knowing he was about to show her.

This bad.” He murmured between kisses. He then laid Jordan back on the blanket. Jordan’s breath stopped as she saw how his blue eyes turned dark.

“Jethro, we’re on top of the deck.” She teased, but her eyes betrayed her. His hands went under her top and he pushed it up her body to remove it.

“Just tell me if I hurt you.” Jordan inhaled deeply as the soft breeze and his gentle hands roamed over her skin.

“Like I said before, Probie…” He carefully tried to kiss the bruises away. “You could never hurt me.” Jordan unbuttoned his white shirt and wetted her lips. She spun Gibbs over and gently kissed his chest, working her way down till she reached his belt. Swiftly she opened it.

“You’re in a hurry.” He teased back. Before she could open his trousers he pulled her up. Jordan sat on his hips and leaned in so their faces were close.

“Well, I’ve missed you too.” She whispered next to his ear.

“How bad, Angel?” His gaze fell back to her breasts and his mouth wanted to claimed her right.

“This bad.” Jordan pulled back, Gibbs groaned as she escaped from him. She helped him out of his trousers and boxers first. “Only fair, Probie.” She teased.

“You’re still one clothing piece richer than me.” He challenged her as he touched her string tanga. Jordan lifted her hip and he slowly helped her out of it.

Time stood still for a moment and then slowly his mouth took possession of her breasts. Jordan arched her back at Gibbs’ touch. He gently flipped them over so that he was in control again. Her skin was soft and shining under the silver moon and Gibbs had the hardest time to take things slow. When they finally had melted together he raised the pace and lifted them up to the sky till the stars exploded.

At the time that both found their relieve Gibbs fell on top of her and they regained their position for a while. Then he removed his heavy body from Jordan and lay next to her. Jordan rested her head on his shoulder and both stared at the open sky.

“I love you, Jordan.” Gibbs broke the silence and pulled her in for a sensual kiss. When they were in need for air their lips parted. “Wanna go skinny dipping?” He frowned his brows with mischief.

“Last one in gets to do diaper duty tomorrow.” She dared. Gibbs flipped Jordan on her back and dived in to the water. “Hey, not fair!” Jordan got up and dived after Gibbs. When she hit the surface he pulled her close.

“Diaper duty together, D’Angelo.” He promised. “Don’t you ever leave me again.” He kissed the top of her head.

“Then don’t let anyone take me again.” Jordan kissed him softly. “I love you too much. Now let’s go for a swim.” She grinned.

Gibbs and Jordan swam for a mile and back. He then helped her back on the boat again and below deck. There they proved their love again once more and fell satisfied asleep in each other’s arms.

The next day Abby and Adam decided to do some baby shopping for Stella and Mac. First they stopped at a local store to get newborn diapers and bottles. Then they wandered over a mini market where Adam found the perfect gift for Logan. When they had everything they needed they headed over to the hospital. Adam softly knocked on the door before going in.

“Look at mummy and daddy.” He smiled when he took in the scenery in front of him.

“Hey Adam, come on in.” Stella greeted him cheerfully. Abby took out her camera and snapped some shots.

“I figured you’d like pictures of Logan’s first day.” She smiled bright. Mac and Stella were pleased by Abby’s gesture and willingly pose in front of the camera.

“You look good, Stella.” Adam complimented her after everything she had been through.

“Good doesn’t cut it, Adam Ross!” She chided.

“Ok, you look great.” He earned him a big smile from Stella. “Bought you a little something for Logan.” Adam handed the present over to Mac. He opened the gift. Stella chuckled at the present.

“Thanks Adam.” Mac smirked at the little baby sombrero Adam had bought.

“What else did you get me?” Stella eyed the plastic bags.

“Oh these…” Abby took the bags from Adam and showed her the contents. “Newborn diapers and bottles. You really need them. I mean, this little guy would drown in Ryan and Kenzy’s diapers. We have enough formula at the villa, so that won’t be a problem.” Abby rattled.

“Abby!” Adam stopped her babbling and turned a little red. Stella handed Logan over to Abby. Adam was with her instantly. Abby gave Adam a little punch which didn’t go unnoticed by Mac.

“Is there something on your minds?” He finally asked the couple. Abby’s eyes begged for Adam to speak.

“Far distance relationships.” Adam answered shyly. Stella grinned at the word relationships.

“Knew it would come up one of these days.” Mac scratched the back of his head. “Adam, you know Gerard has cut our budget.” Adam nodded and Abby gave him a little encouraging punch.

“Maybe, just maybe, you could detach me to NCIS for say 2 days a week.” Adam suggested.

“Which could be Monday’s and Friday’s.” Abby helped Adam but held on to his sleeve.

“You two have figured this out already. Am I right?” Mac sat down on the bed next to Stella.

“We’ve been going over it.” Abby took over from Adam. “With Jordan only working three days a week when she gets back, I am a bit shorthanded. And with your budget problem, this way you’ll be able to keep Adam in your team.”

“Okay, but Stella is on maternity leave. And with Lindsay being pregnant again, I’m about to lose 2 good CSI’s.” Mac reasoned.

“Hey Taylor! I can be back soon enough.” Stella butted in.

“You’re not going back to work fulltime, Gorgeous. Let me work it out with Jethro.” Mac bought himself some time. “I’m sure we can figure something out. Where is he by the way?”

“Picking the gang up from the airport.” Adam enlightened them. “They’ll come over once they settled into the hotel.”

“They are already here?” Stella was shocked. “This ruins the surprise. Mac, I need to get out of hospital ASAP.” Stella lifted up the blanket to get up.

“Hold your horses, Gorgeous. You’re not going anywhere unless a doctor clears you.” Mac stopped her. A doctor… now that wouldn’t be a problem for Stella. As it happened she got real close with a certain doctor.


Gibbs and Jordan were waiting at the airport with the twins for the gang to arrive. It didn’t take long before they recognized the voices of a moaning DiNozzo and Messer. Ziva, Lindsay and Madison followed.

“I don’t get it, Zee-vah.” Tony grumbled. “We’re staying for four days. How come you got all your stuff in that tiny backpack?”

“Tony, this is Mexico.” Ziva put her sunglasses on. “I intend to work on my tan a lot.” She lifted her sunnies and wiggled her brows.

“Well…” Lindsay opened the upper button of her blouse. “I for one can’t wait to get these clothes off.”

“That makes two of us, Babe.” Danny sniggered, but then looked up at the punch Flack gave him. Flack whistled at a woman bent over a stroller. Danny took a special interest in the hot pants.

“Now here’s a hot mama!” Flack took off his sunglasses.

“Yeah… She’s hot all right!” A familiar voice stepped next to them. “And she's mine!” Gibbs took a sip of his coffee.

“Oh… ehr… Hi Gibbs…” Jordan turned and walked up with the twins.

“Wow… Someone did a real piece of work on Jordan.” Tony was pissed when he saw her face.

“That someone’s now in a morgue.” Gibbs threw away the cup.

“I’m sure the girls can fix that before the wedding, Gibbs.” Flack patted Gibbs on his shoulder.

“Hey Goofer!” Danny walked up to Jordan. Gibbs took the stroller from Jordan.

“Good to see you Goofball.” Danny pulled Jordan in for a big hug.

“You okay?” He whispered. Jordan nodded.

“I’ll be fine. I’m just happy that things ended good.” She then let go of Danny. “Hey Tony, Don…!” She greeted him. “I heard you like my outfit.” She turned her bum to him. Flack looked at Tony.

“Gibbs is rubbing off on her.” Tony shrugged and got smacked. “Sorry, Boss.”

“Hello Jordan.” Ziva and Lindsay greeted. “Look at Kenzy and Ryan.” Lindsay yelped.

“Hi.” Jordan greeted them back in a hug. “Ohhh… you brought Madison along.” Jordan reached out her hands and Lindsay handed her over. “Aunty Stella will be very pleased.” Jordan smiled at the girl.

“How is Stella?” Lindsay wanted an update.

“She’s fine.” Gibbs and Jordan led them to the cars. “We can visit the hospital after you’ve settled in to your hotel.” Gibbs tossed Ziva the keys for the second car. He then snagged the keys from Jordan and drove the gang to a nearby hotel.

When the gang had checked into the hotel, Gibbs and Jordan had directed Don, Danny and Lindsay to the hospital. Don and Danny walked in with a big cigar for Mac while Lindsay cooed over Logan. Lindsay still couldn’t believe that everything had happened so fast. She would have loved to be there for Stella, yet faith decided against it.

“So, how does it feel, daddy?” Don asked the Mac. He smirked at the mention of daddy.

“Well, pretty good, Don.” He clapped his shoulder. “You should try it someday yourself.”

“Guess you and Angell have got your work cut out for you.” Danny sniggered.

“Tell you what, Danno. If you and Linds have a boy, I might consider it.” Don goofed and joined the ladies cooing over Logan.

“Linds, I need a favour.” Stella whispered and wiggled her brows to let Lindsay know to keep her mouth shut.

“Anything I can help with?” Don chipped in. Stella and Lindsay were a little annoyed by Don’s loud reaction.

“Yes, could you get Stella a glass of water?” Lindsay said as Mac and Danny looked up. “I could do with a refreshment too.” Mac walked over to Stella’s bed.

“I’ll get some refreshments for us all, but you still don’t get out of here before a doctor gives the go ahead.” Mac smirked and gave Stella a soft kiss before he left.

“Fine. Then I’m gonna need some help.” Stella said. Danny, Lindsay and Don had gotten their orders from Stella and promised to chip in till Stella was released from the hospital. She then turned to Lindsay.

“Ok Linds, give me your cell phone.” Don picked up Logan and left the ladies to themselves. “I need to get in touch with Tony and Ducky after you guys leave and since Mac won’t lend me his…” Lindsay smiled and gave Stella her cell phone.

Meanwhile back at the villa Ziva and Jordan had placed the twins in their swings. Gibbs had altered the parasol so they wouldn’t get sunburned. Jordan had Ziva had gone upstairs to change into their bikinis, while Tony admired The Kelly from the pool.

“She looks better on the water than in your basement, Boss.” Tony shut his cell phone as Gibbs handed him a bourbon.

“She sure does.” He held up the glass. “Thanks for helping me getting her out.”

“You’re welcome, Boss.” Tony smirked. “Jordan still doesn’t know?”

“Nope… And you’re keeping it that way.” Gibbs swallowed down his bourbon and poured himself another glass.

“Keeping what that way?” Jordan snuck up from behind them.

“Jeez, Jordan!” Tony almost choked in his bourbon. “You need to do something about that stealth mode.” Jordan came closer.

“Seems to me Tony knows something about the boat, Ziva.” Jordan snatched Gibbs’ glass and took a sip.

“We all got our secrets.” Ziva smiled at Tony. Jordan was about to say something but she was stopped by Gibbs.

“Let Tony be, Angel.” Gibbs grabbed his glass back as his phone rang. “Yeah Gibbs.” He answered it and listened to the person on the other side of the line. “Thanks… We’ll be there.” He then hung up and grinned at Jordan.

“What?” She asked at his smirk. Gibbs ignored her question.

“Tony, Ziva, how about spending some time with the twins tomorrow?”

“Jethro, what is going on?” Jordan insisted.

“Sure, Boss.” Tony agreed and looked at the twins. Jordan was completely lost at Tony’s actions.

“Ok, now that you’ve solved that problem, would you kindly tell me what tomorrow is?” Jordan tried again.

“Nope.” Tony and Gibbs said in unison. Jordan shook her head at all the mystery that was going on. She dropped her pareo and dived in to the pool. Gibbs didn’t take long to follow. “You ask too many questions, Angel.” He grinned as he dived up next to her.

“Well, that’s what we do…” Jordan hung around his neck. “And this is what we do when suspects don’t answer the questions.” She set a foot behind his leg, gave him a big push and tried to make him go under water. She failed lousy.

“And this is what we do with…” he held her at her arms. “…Sassy investigators.” He lifted her up and threw her backwards in to the water. “Now no more fishing, D’Angelo.” He warned as she dived up in front of him. Jordan threw her arms around his neck.

“Yes, Boss!” She sassed him before she stole a sensual kiss. Tony and Ziva laughed at the two and silently went over to the twins so Tony could inform Ziva about the phone call he had received earlier.

Cute name for the baby. Loved Gibbs asking Linds to head slap Danny and Tony. :lol:

Adam and Abby working out a schedule to see each other, cute. :)
Thanks for you comments. :)
She's on her way now, Melly.

After the call from Stella Ducky had gone over to the hospital to check out for himself how she was doing. When he entered her room, Mac frowned at Stella, knowing perfectly that she must have pulled some strings with Lindsay.

“Give me the phone, Stell.” He held out his hand in wait of the cell phone.

“What phone, Mac?” Stella asked innocently. Mac had a teasing warning face. Stella rolled her eyes and handed it them phone. “You said if a doctor gave his ok, we could get out of here.” She whined. “Ducky is a doctor.” She reminded him.

“That would be correct, my dear.” Ducky winked his eye at Stella. “But I do agree with Mac. You’re going home in the morning as it is. How would one night make a difference, Stella?” Stella gave him her best puppy face.

“Ow please Ducky…” She countered. “It’s a world of difference. I’ll promise to go straight to bed when we get home.” She grinned at Ducky. “And I’ll even promise that I’ll only supervise tomorrow.” Mac and Ducky sighed at her persistence. “It’s the only day that Jethro and Jordan are out of the house all day.”

“Ok, what did you do to get them out of the house, Gorgeous?” Mac waved the phone in front of her letting her know that she already took actions. “Telling or staying in the hospital.” Mac gave her a choise. Stella grinned and started spilling everything she had planned for the next four days.

“All right then.” Ducky said after she was done. “I’ll give you a check-up and if the local doctor agrees with me, we can get you home.” Ducky gave in. “But you’re going straight to bed and let the youngsters do the work.”

“Promised, Ducky.” Stella beamed. After the check-up and the second opinion of the local doctor Stella was told that she could leave the hospital. Mac and Ducky took her and Logan back to the villa, where Stella took her bed rest as promised.


The evening was spent at the villa with a big barbeque. Before they could eat, the whole gang had chipped in. Danny and Tony had gone to the local store for the food while McGee and Don took care of tables and chairs. Lindsay and Ziva set the tables while Jordan and Gibbs fed and bathed the twins. Abby and Adam played with Madison and Mac and Stella were resting in their room with Logan.

“I can’t believe how tiny he is.” Mac lay on the bed with Logan in his arms. Stella smiled at father and son.

“Just wait until he’s 18.” She laid her pinkie under Logan’s little hand. “He’s gonna break many girls’ hearts.” She gave Mac a soft kiss.

“Hmmm… If he’s anything like his daddy he’s gonna start in kindergarten.” Mac smirked. Stella grinned at the thought of Mac breaking hearts at that age. Mac got up at a soft knock on the door.

“Mind if I have a word with Stella, Mac?” Jordan asked softly and smiled at mother and son. “I promise it won’t take long and Stella doesn’t have to do anything.” Mac could tell there was something on Jordan’s heart.
“Sure…” He tipped her nose. “I need to speak to Jethro anyway about a staff issue.” Jordan could only wonder what that was about.

“Talk to me.” Stella patted the bed and motioned for Jordan to take a seat. She leaned in on Logan after she sat down.

“He’s gorgeous, Stell.” Jordan smiled at her nephew. “But you knew that already.” Stella waited for Jordan to continue. “Anyway, I know you’ve been planning a lot for this wedding and I’m not even gonna ask anymore questions… but one.” Stella was intrigued.

“Ask you question.” She smiled.

“Logan and me want to know who else is coming to this wedding, don’t we pretty boy?” Jordan cooed Logan. Stella figured she could tell Jordan. Stella grinned like a Cheshire cat.

“Jordan, you really thought I’d forget about-”

“Not so loud, Stella!” Jordan grinned. “I don’t want him to know.”

“Don’t worry, he’ll be here in time.” Stella assured her. “Although it means a minor change of plans. But I’m sure Ducky won’t mind. Now let’s get up and head downstairs. I’m sure Mac and Jethro have finished their talk.” Jordan helped Stella with Logan while Stella got dressed and then the women went to the outside living.

Let wait and see, Catu :lol:

At the barbeque Mac and Gibbs took charge of the meat. Abby had chosen nice Mexican music. McGee and Adam served the wine, beer and other refreshments. Ziva and Tony had jumped in the pool for a little swim and joined the group when Mac had called out that the steaks were ready. They were all seated and enjoying the food when Tony looked at Ziva and she nodded a yes.

“I’d like to make an announcement before all dig in.” Tony got up and Gibbs gave him a glare. “Don’t worry boss, I won’t make it long.” Tony guaranteed Gibbs. “But me and Ziva-”

“OOOOOhhhhhh wedding bells!” Abby exclaimed and jumped up.

“Sit down, Abby.” Ziva pulled Abby back in her chair. “No wedding bells.” Ziva said.

“No wedding bells?” Ziva nodded a no with a big grin and motioned for Tony to continue.

“No wedding bells, Abbs.” Tony repeated. “But… Me and Ziva.” Tony tried again.

“Erm… Tony…” McGee piped in. “That’s Ziva and me…” McGee corrected.

“Whatever McCorrect… Ziva and me are having a little DiNozzo ourselves.” Gibbs sat down.

“A mini DiNozzo?! Great, Nightmare on Elmstreet, the saga continues.” Gibbs blurted.

“Wow, Boss! You really are brightening your horizon.” Tony joked at Gibbs’ comment.

“Congratulations, you guys.” The women congratulated the pair.

“Do we need to go over staff issues again?” Mac questioned Gibbs. Gibbs shrugged his shoulders.

“Ok, let’s sit down everyone.” Mac said. “This calls for a staff meeting.” All eyes were locked on Mac. Gibbs nodded for him to take the lead.

“Abby, Adam…” The couple looked up. “Jehtro and I have talked the situation through.” Adam and Abby nodded at Mac.

“Adam will be staying in New York till Stella’s goes back to work parttime.”

“Which will be in two months.” Stella piped in. “Do you think you think you can hang in there till then?” Stella asked. Adam looked at Abby. Both agreed that it wouldn’t be a problem.

“When Stella returns to the lab, she’ll be working on Monday’s and Friday’s till Lindsay goes with maternity leave. On those days Adam will be detached to NCIS. That means you can be together from Thursday evenings till Monday evenings.” Abby smiled at Mac.

“Jordan will work these two months fulltime and then goes back to three days a week from Tuesday till Thursday.” Jordan looked up at Gibbs’ silent plea and he was glad that she smiled in agreement.

“By the time that Lindsay goes with maternity leave, we can figure out how to go from there. Now can the four of you live with that?” Mac questioned Stella, Jordan, Adam and Abby. Stella and Jordan waited for Adam’s and Abby’s reaction.

“This is awesome, Gibbs!” Abby rushed over to hug him. “Well awesome and not awesome, but thank you Jordan.” Abby hugged Jordan.

“It’s ok, Abbs. I’m sure I can fill my free time with something else than NCIS.” She smiled. Abby hugged Jordan and went over to Adam.

“I’m proud of you, Angel.” Gibbs hugged his future wife.

“You owe me big time, Probie.” She grinned.

“Wanna work on that football team?” He suggested.

“Hmmm…” Jordan grinned. “Get back to me in about two months.” She teased. “Now let’s dig in.”

With the staff issues solved so far the teams enjoyed the rest of the barbeque, till Gibbs excused himself and Jordan, since they had a big day ahead of them next morning.

But Mac's dad is dead :( I forget the ep but he talked about how his dad wanted him to end his life while he had cancer, and Mac couldn't bring himself to do it.